
Managing & organizing open innovation


Over deze cursus

This course will introduce open innovation as a model of collaborative innovation that assumes that knowledge for innovation is distributed, and organizations need to rely on knowledge flows within and across their organizational boundaries. In the course, we will discuss the fundamental aspects of the open innovation at three different levels:

  • Micro: Collaborative innovation at the individual and team level which encompasses cognition and culture, team dynamics, OI leadership, and trust.
  • Meso: Collaborative innovation at the organizational and inter-organizational level which encompasses strategic decisions, business models, coopetition.
  • Macro: Collaborative innovation at the system level which encompasses innovation ecosystems, orchestrations, systemic value creation, and mission-oriented innovations.

At each level we provide an overview of the antecedents, process and impact of open innovation, as well as possible contingencies that play a role. In doing so, we will put specific emphasis on the potential role of open innovation in addressing business and societal challenges. Overall, we will try to create a bridge between collaborative innovation theory and practice by using both concepts from literature and examples from the real world, and combining them in lectures, tutorials, discussions, and assignments.

You will learn theory through self-studies facilitated by pre-recorded lectures and knowledge clips, allowing you to delve into the subject at your own pace. To enhance your understanding, you will engage in discussions during tutorials led by experts and practitioners.

To apply what you've learned, we'll have you work on group projects based on real-life cases. These projects will lead to group assignments and final report. Additionally, coaching sessions will offer feedback on your group assignments, helping you refine your project.

Additional information
Resources for self study:

General recommendation on the relvance of the topic:

  • Nidumolu, R., Prahalad, C. K., & Rangaswami, M. R. (2009). Why sustainability is now the key driver of innovation. Harvard business review, 87(9), 56-64.
  • Miranda, L. F., Cruz‐Cázares, C., & Saunila, M. (2023). Towards a comprehensive framework to analyse the benefits of openness for sustainability‐oriented innovation: A systematic literature review. Sustainable Development.

Recommendation to prepare for module on micro-level:

  • van Knippenberg, D. (2017). Team innovation. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 4, 211-233.
  • Widmann, A., Messmann, G., & Mulder, R. H. (2016). The impact of team learning behaviors on team innovative work behavior: A systematic review. Human Resource Development Review, 15(4), 429-458.
  • Thayer, A. L., Petruzzelli, A., & McClurg, C. E. (2018). Addressing the paradox of the team innovation process: A review and practical considerations. American Psychologist, 73(4), 363.

Recommendation to prepare for module on meso-level:

  • Afuah, A. (2020). Innovation management-strategies, implementation, and profits.
  • Fjeldstad, Ø. D., Snow, C. C., Miles, R. E., & Lettl, C. (2012). The architecture of collaboration. Strategic management journal, 33(6), 734-750.

Recommendation to prepare for module on macro-level:

  • Gulati, R. (2007). Managing network resources: Alliances, affiliations, and other relational assets. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Nelson, R. R., & Nelson, K. (2002). Technology, institutions, and innovation systems. Research policy, 31(2), 265-272.


As a student, you are embarking on a journey towards a more sustainable and innovative future, one that begins with an introduction to the concept of collaborative innovation and its practical application across different levels.
We will explore the realm of open innovation with a specific focus on its connection to sustainability. Through three modules, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the core topics, bridging theory with real-world practice. This course equips you with essential knowledge and collaborative skills crucial for addressing grand challenges and seizing innovative opportunities to address them.

After completing this course, you'll be able to:

  • Explain the main attributes of the open innovation model.
  • Understand the open innovation implementation across three levels of analysis.
  • Identify antecedents, processes and outcomes of open innovation in individual, organizational and system level.
  • Evaluate different collaborative innovation approaches, taking sustainability perspective into consideration.
  • Design a solution to a practical open innovation challenge.


Je moet voldoen aan één van de onderstaande verzamelingen met eisen

  • Verzameling 1
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) afgerond
  • Geen van onderstaande cursussen mag zijn behaald
  • Open innovation (1ZSUB0)
  • Verzameling 2
  • Schakelprogramma afgerond
  • Geen van onderstaande cursussen mag zijn behaald
  • Open innovation (1ZSUB0)


  • Selection of academic articles

Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 5
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    2 september 2024

    • Einddatum
      27 oktober 2024
    • Periode *
      Blok GS1
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
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