
Quantitative modeling and analysis of business processes


Over deze cursus

In this course students learn

  • How to construct a descriptive model (input variables, output variables)
  • How to create a prescriptive model (objective function, decision variables, restrictions) from a descriptive model
  • How to decide which model(s) from literature can be applied or adjusted in specific situations in practice
  • How to identify assumptions under which a model yields a correct solution to the problem
  • How (empirical) input data for a model can be collected, cleaned, and analyzed and, if applicable, compared with a theoretical distribution function which can be applied in a decision support model
  • How to interpret the results obtained with a model (worst case or best case)
  • How to statistically test the model assumptions
  • How to verify and validate a model
  • How to perform a sensitivity analysis


The goal of this course is to teach students how to use quantitative modeling and statistical techniques when analyzing the performance of a company. If they have passed this course, students should be able to:

  • Convert subjective statements of complex Industrial Engineering problems into claims on the operational characteristics and performance

  • Support the conversion by conducting quantitative analyses learnt in prerequisite courses

  • Identify the applicability of models learnt in prerequisite courses to an Industrial Engineering problem

  • Indicate suitable models/methods learnt from prerequisite courses to answer an Industrial Engineering problem

  • Identify the right distribution functions based on the provided information about an Industrial Engineering problem

  • Calculate parameter values of a selected distribution function based on a statistical analysis learnt in the prerequisite courses

  • Recall how to implement mathematical models learnt in prerequisite courses in Python

  • Interpret the solution of a mathematical model to generate managerial insight on an Industrial Engineering problem


Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen

  • Ingeschreven voor een andere opleiding dan
  • HBO-TOP Applied Physics, Schakelprogramma


  • Additional handouts and publications

Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 5
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    21 april 2025

    • Einddatum
      22 juni 2025
    • Periode *
      Blok 4
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
    • Inschrijven tussen
      15 nov, 00:00 - 23 mrt 2025
    De inschrijving begint over 68 dagen
Dit aanbod is voor studenten van Wageningen University