
Planetary Health


Over deze cursus

NB: De cursus GHEHCC is ook toegankelijk voor externe studenten, voor aanmelding ga naar GNBAP21021

Global Health is the area of study, research, and practice that aims to improve health and wellbeing worldwide. As is becoming increasingly visible, the environment and climate change are a major threat to health worldwide, and will likely increase health inequities between countries if we do not act.
In this course we will discuss, together with experts and guest lecturers in the field, the impacts and challenges of environmental health and climate change from a global perspective.
Because health has many determinants and these exceed the ‘biomedical’ domain, an interdisciplinary approach is required to tackle these global challenges. As such, we will discuss a diversity of topics including environmental contributors to health (e.g. air pollution), infectious disease, climate change, disaster management, gender, and human rights and global health governance. Because of this, this course will be open for students from any background with an interest in these topics.

Interactive lectures
Case study discussions
Documentary viewing
Mock debate
Journal club
Group work


Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen
Ingeschreven voor een opleiding van de faculteit Faculteit Geneeskunde
Ingeschreven voor één van de volgende opleidingen
Biomedische wetenschappen
Pedagogische Wetenschappen


Cursus doelen

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Explain major concepts in Global Health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Understand the major concepts in environmental health and commonly used terms.
  • Understand basic concepts related to infectious diseases and infection models.
  • Understand and discuss the anticipated impacts of climate change on health, food insecurity and water insecurity.
  • Understand the principles of disaster management and the consequences of climate change.
  • Appreciate a (human) rights and gender-based approach to environmental health.
  • Appreciate major themes in environmental ethics, such as who bears responsibility in terms of causes and consequences.
  • Know key actors in global and environmental health governance.
  • Develop academic skills for research, critical evaluation of evidence, academic English for reading, writing,and international and interprofessional collaboration.


Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen

  • Ingeschreven voor één van de volgende opleidingen
  • Biologie
  • Biomedische wetenschappen
  • Diergeneeskunde
  • Farmacie
  • Geneeskunde
  • Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Psychologie
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid


Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 7.5
  • Niveau
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