Introduction to Programming using Matlab


Over deze cursus

Period (from - till): 25 November - 11 December 2024 (BMS_P2_A).

Mariana P. Branco, UMCU Brain Center , Department Neurosurgery and Neurology

Course aim
This course introduces computer programming to students with little or no programming experience. In this course the basics of programming philosophy, pseudocoding, programming algebra, indexing, programming syntax, logic and loops are given. Students will learn to program using MATLAB software.
Students must have a laptop with an installation of MATLAB 2024a or later before the start of the course. MATLAB with a student’s license can be obtained from

Literature/study material used :
Lecture slides and assignments will be provided by the docent. No book required.
All course related information including slides, exercises and assignments will be made available in MSTeams.

Course Design:
This is a full-time course. There are eight sessions in total from 10.00 till 13.00. Each session comprises of a lecture 10h-12h (mandatory presence ) and a tutorial hour 12h-13h (not mandatory) . Self-study is expected from 14h-17h. For latest info about place of the session please check MSTeams.
Session Date Time
(lecture + tutorial hour) Place 1 25-11-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 4.43 2 27-11-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 2.41 3 29-11-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 2.71 4 2-12-204 10h-13h HVDB - 4.52 5 4-12-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 3.71 6 6-12-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 3.71 7 9-12-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 2.41 8 11-12-2024 10h-13h HVDB - 2.71****
Course content
Session 1 Introduction to computer science
Session 2 Introduction toMATLABenvironment
Session 3 Arrays, matrices and indexing (part 1)
Session 4 Arrays, matrices and indexing (part 2)
Session 5 Logic and conditions
Session 6 Conditions and loops
Session 7 Good code practice and recap
Session 8 Hands-on

Assessment (3 EC)
Students are expected to attend lectures, do self-study and solve home-assignments every day after each session. The deadline to submit home-assignments is the same day at midnight. To pass the course the student must complete and submit 7 home-assignments distributed in the end of session 1 to 7. Submission of the home-assignments in MSTeams is mandatory but these will not the graded. Assessment consists of the submission of the 7 home-assignments and the submission of one individual final assignment that will be graded.

Deadline for Final Assignment
16th December 2024 at 9:00 am

Credits-hours calculator
3 ECTS = 84 hours

Lectures 2 hours x 8 = 16 hours
Self-study and assignments = 68 hours

In case of questions feel free to reach us at:

Registration :
You can register for this course via here on the Students' site. Maximum 45 participnats.
Any questions can be asked to Mariana Branco (

Mandatory for students in Master’s programme :

Registration open for students from other programme's:

Prerequisite knowledge


During the course students:

  1. Learn what programming and programming philosophy are;
  2. Learn how to write and read pseudocode;
  3. Learn the basics of programming logic and workflow using MATLAB;
  4. Learn the basics of algebra and indexing, slicing and dicing in MATLAB;

Cursus inschrijving

Je wordt ingeschreven voor deze cursus door de administratie van de opleiding van de cursus.


Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 3
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    11 november 2024

    • Einddatum
      31 januari 2025
    • Periode *
      Blok 2
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
    Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten
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