Applied Information Technology


Over deze cursus

Information and communication systems nowadays play a vital role in our society. The course elaborates on designing and managing these information systems, a major challenge for the managers of an organization.


After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
a) create a new business model that relies on the application of smart information technology, smart use of data, smart business processes and business cases
b) in the context of such a business model:

  • interpret, analyse and adapt data models and process models
  • understand the process of business intelligence analysis
  • apply information system architecture, characterize targeted customers, distinguish functionalities, plan realisation and implementation of IS
  • design and realize a simple e-commerce application as a showcase of the above
  • evaluate risk, ethical, and security issues related to IS

c) collaborate in all aspects of the above and perform peer evaluation


Assumed Knowledge:
BMO24306 and basic PC and Windows skills.


Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 6
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    12 mei 2025

    • Einddatum
      4 juli 2025
    • Periode *
      Period 6
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
    Inschrijving open
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