
Geo-resources for the Future (GEO - 15EC)


About this minor

This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and/or Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations.

The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who cannot do the full 30 EC minor due to limitations in their BSc program (mainly EUR students). All other students should register for the full 30EC (Q1+Q2) minor.

Geo-resources are used everywhere in our daily life, it’s not just the petrol that drives our cars and busses and the gas that warms our houses. Geo-resources are also needed to make sustainable energy sources. Rare earth metals are for instance used for solar cells, wind turbines, electric motors, and last but not least in our mobile phones.

We are facing challenges: Increasing CO2 emissions are causing climate change and call for an energy transition towards renewable energy sources. In addition, the supplies of fossil fuels and minerals are limited and their availability and prices strongly depend on global politics. In order to tackle this complex societal challenge, various viewpoints have to be considered. In this Minor, you will learn about the various disciplines that are involved in a responsible exploitation and trading of geo-resources and practice their integration. You will work on economic, environmental and social aspects that are needed to achieve a ‘licence to operate’. How is it done today and what do we need to change tomorrow? We need your active participation in group work and interactive work forms (e.g. debates, games, workshops).

Learning outcomes

After this minor the student will:

  • Get a taste of all disciplines involved in responsible exploitation of geo-resources. Geo-resources are not to be let to the geologists – they are an issue of social scientists, economists, politicians, and environmentalists.
  • Know the complex nature of extracting and trading geo-resources and what is actually needed to do this responsibly.
  • Know how the topic of circular economy links to geo-resources.
  • Know the technological, institutional and economical value chain per geo-resource, including historical knowledge.
  • know the impact of climate policies, consequences for fossil fuels and subsidies
  • Hear stories from the real world and discuss with experts in the field.

Good to know

Make sure to register to the correct variant of this joint-minor. After the registration is closed you cannot change this anymore. The 15EC (Q1) variant is mainly for EUR students. Students are encouraged to register for the full 30EC (Q1+Q2) minor.

Registration for this thematic minor is on a first-come, first-served basis and available places. (No lottery draw).

Student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam?
Check the eligibility matrix to see if your bachelor’s degree programme offers access to this and other minors at

Student at another educational institution?
External students cannot register via EduXchange. Interested in this minor, read the whole registration procedure at

For information about the courses, visit the TU Delft study guide.
For additional information on this minor, visit the TU Delft minor page.

This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. This means education can take place in multiple locations. Want to know more about joint minors? Visit

Teaching method and examination

Education methods:

  • Hear stories from the real world and discuss with experts in the field.

  • Excursions

  • Build a Wiki

  • Write an essay on a pressing problem (with prior essay writing workshop)

  • Participate in debates

  • Group project

Minor Assessment: Exact details will be announced by the responsible teacher during the first lecture and on Brightspace.

Check the detailed overview of courses, learning activities and study load at


Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 15
  • Level
  • Selection minor
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of TU Delft.


  • Start date

    2 September 2024

    • Ends
      9 February 2025
    • Term *
      Block MIN N S1
    • Location
      Delft, Leiden & Rotterdam
    • Instruction language
    Minor is currently running
These offerings are valid for students of Erasmus University