Biomedical research in practice

Health care

About this minor

Do you think of a career in research? Would you like to work in a biomedical research laboratory with renowned Erasmus MC researchers? Would you like to participate in one of the Research Master programs? Then this is the minor for you.

Do you think of a career in research? Would you like to work in a biomedical research laboratory with renowned Erasmus MC researchers? Would you like to participate in one of the Research Master programs? Then this is the minor for you.
You will participate in theoretical and practical modules, that form the basis for carrying out biomedical research.

The goal of this minor is to introduce students to biomedical research (fundamental research with a possible translation to the clinic). Various research methods will be discussed and carried out in practice or in demonstration. Subjects will include molecular cell biology, immunology and stem cell research, with an emphasis on designing and carrying out experiments in a laboratory setting. Creativity and problem solving capacity will be more important than acquiring new knowledge per se.
During this 10-week minor, you will also write a research proposal (in duos and under supervision of an experienced researcher), and do a 4-week laboratory internship that will allow you to concentrate on the field of biomedical research that you are most interested in. The internship can be done in an Erasmus MC laboratory or in one of several foreign countries. In the event that the internship cannot take place due to (travel) restrictions, a suitable research project will be developed.
Attendance is mandatory for all educational elements of the minor. Absence during especially the practical lessons or the internship can lead to removal from the minor.

The student should take into account that:
This minor is a ‘deepening minor’ and will therefore only be accessible to medical students that are interested in biomedical research from Erasmus MC or LUMC, EUC students that follow the life science track or Bachelor students Nanobiology and Clinical Technology. This minor is strongly advised if you would like to enter the MSc Molecular Medicine, and provides very relevant background for MSc Infection and Immunity and MSc Neuroscience. This minor has a relatively large number of contact hours.

Learning outcomes

After following this minor students are able to:

  • Apply knowledge of research methods to plan, conduct and analyze biomedical experiments.
  • Develop a research proposal and report research outcomes in written and oral form.

Good to know

  • The minor is open to students Medicine from Erasmus MC, Clinical technology, Nanobiology, and EUC.
  • Good command of the English language is required, as all teaching is in English.
  • Attendance is mandatory for all educational elements of the minor. Absence during especially the practical lessons or the internship can lead to removal from the minor.
  • This minor has a maximum of 18 participants. You will be asked to fill out an online form to facilitate division of candidates among the (international) internship places.
  • During the internship (weeks 6-9) you are expected in the lab at least between 9 am and 5 pm.
  • Please be aware that during your internship abroad, you cannot have exam resits (week 6 – week 9).

Teaching method and examination

Teaching methods

  • Lectures on biomedical subjects (molecular cell biology, genetics, immunology, development)
  • Lab course and laboratory internship, including presentation in oral and written form
  • Supervised research proposal writing

Teaching materials
Teaching material consists of “Essential Cell Biology”, lecture slides, as well as articles or other additional reading provided by the lecturers.

Method of examination
The minor exam will be composed of essay questions (approximately 80%) and multiple choice questions (approximately 20%).

Composition final grade
The final grade of this minor will be determined as follows:

  • Exam: 30%

  • Research proposal: 40%

  • Lab report: 10%

  • Internship + Presentation: 20%

Each of these elements needs to be passed with a grade of 5.5 or higher. In the event of Covid-19 restrictions preventing the lab internship and/or lab class, the contribution of individual assessment methods will be adjusted.

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 15
  • Level
  • Selection minor
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