Economics of Well-Being


About this minor

This interdisciplinary minor connects economics and other social sciences with its ultimate purpose: understanding and improving human well-being.

In this minor, we explore the science of well-being. Core questions that will be covered in this minor include: What makes whom happy? Do people make optimal choices to achieve their well-being goals? If not, how can people be supported in optimizing their well-being? How to create thriving organizations and societies with flourishing employees and citizens? And, how do happier and healthier citizens and employees stimulate better societal outcomes and organizational performance?

To answer these and other questions, this minor will use contemporary scientific evidence and offer multidisciplinary perspectives. The focus will be on topics related to economic behavior and phenomena. The course material combines insights from applied economics (happiness economics, health economics, behavioral economics, and labor economics), business economics, psychology (positive psychology and organizational psychology), and sociology. Both objective and subjective measures of well-being will be discussed, with a focus on subjective well-being (happiness and life satisfaction).

The graded assessments focus on (1) developing ideas and interventions to improve well-being, (2) developing new insights on well-being using empirical data, and (3) critically reflecting on existing ideas about well-being. This minor helps you to develop some core skills, including the ability to work with and critically reflect on scientific literature, conduct data analysis, and develop interventions. This course provides future economists, policy-makers, business leaders, HR specialists, psychologists, and related professions with fundamental expertise in a world where well-being has become a primary theme in organizational and public policies. The course material is also relevant on a more personal level, as personal well-being is important in its own right and instrumental in reaching other goals in life such as a successful career.


  1. Well-being: An introduction
  2. Empirical analyses of well-being
  3. Work and well-being
  4. Health and well-being
  5. Society and well-being

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various conceptualizations and measures of well-being using appropriate arguments.
  • illustrate how people’s well-being influences their behaviour and achievements by applying appropriate empirical evidence and theories.
  • critically reflect on lay beliefs, contemporary theories, and empirical analyses on well-being using appropriate arguments.
  • develop strategies and policies that improve well-being by applying appropriate empirical evidence and theories.
  • conduct empirical analyses on well-being using basic statistical techniques in Stata.

Good to know

Students from all educational backgrounds are admissible for this minor.
We encourage both students with an economic and non-economic background to participate in this minor. This minor is a 15 ECTS course for non-ESE students (5 modules; 10 weeks) and a 12 ECTS course for ESE students (4 modules; 8 weeks), but ESE students can optionally do the fifth module and earn 15 ECTS points.

Students are expected to have a genuine interest in economic, psychological, sociological, and epidemiological approaches to well-being. Yet, students are NOT expected to have already been introduced to these fields. Active class particicipation in the interactive lectures is expected.

As this minor is delivered in English, a sufficient command of the English language in speech and writing is needed. Students are expected to have an understanding of basic statistics, such as correlations and the basics of regression analysis. No textbooks or other course material has to be purchased for this course. The reading material will be provided by the lecturers after the start of the course.

Teaching method and examination

All lectures and tutorials for this course will take place in person. Some interactive lectures require pre-readings, and some lectures and tutorials enable students to develop their own high-quality ideas, interventions, and analyses in the assignments. In Module 3, students will help a real-world business with their business case.

Week 1-2: Meetings Module 1
Week 3: Meetings Module 2
Week 5: Meetings Module 3
Week 7: Meetings Module 4
*Week 9-10:*Meetings Module 5

Teaching material
To learn about well-being, we will read scientific articles and watch videos from top researchers. In addition, students will conduct empirical analyses to explore the topic of well-being. The case studies help students develop their own ideas about improving well-being.
The reading material will be provided by the lecturers after the start of the course.

Module 1 “Well-being: An introduction”
Multiple-choice exam

Module 2 “Empirical analyses of Well-being”
Individual assignment. In this assignment, students conduct empirical analyses on well-being related research questions and describe their findings in a research report.
Module 3 “Work and Well-being”
Pitch (oral presentation). In this group assignment, students work on a business case related to employee well-being.
Module 4 “Health and Well-being”
Written Exam (multiple choice and open questions)
Module 5 “Society and Well-being”
Individual Assignment (3 in-class case studies)

Assessment planning:
*End of week 2:*Multiple-Choice exam Module 1
*End of week 4:*Deadline individual assignment Module 2
*End of week 6:*Oral presentations Module 3
Week 8: Written exam Module 4
*Week 9-10:*In-class assignments Module 5

General feedback or personalized feedback upon request will be provided for all assessments. Students can always make an appointment with the lecturers for extra feedback.

Composition final grade
The final grade of the minor is the weighted average of the four or five modules. An average grade of 5.5 is sufficient to pass the minor. 75-80% of the course grade is based on individual assessments, and an individual adjustment based on peer evaluations is applied in the group assessment.

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 15
  • Level
  • Selection minor
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  • Start date

    1 September 2025

    • Ends
      7 November 2025
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    • Register between
      15 May, 13:00 - 30 Jun
    Enrolment starts in 47 days
These offerings are valid for students of Leiden University