Business Innovation for Engineers


About this minor

The world is changing rapidly. Major technological, environmental, and societal transformations are increasing the demand for broader and more advanced expertise to tackle complex challenges. These changes also present new challenges for educational and research institutions striving to generate the knowledge necessary to design and implement innovative solutions. Addressing these issues requires a blend of technical expertise and business insight—especially for engineers, who play a crucial role in shaping the future through innovation. In this context, the integration of engineering and management principles has become increasingly important in developing the future generations of engineers.

The Business Innovation for Engineers minor bridges the gap between engineering and business principles and highlights the role of innovation in business contexts, as well as its significance for companies and society. Innovation extends beyond technological development. It also involves understanding strategic management perspectives, market dynamics, financial sustainability, as well as, ethical and safety considerations. By participating in this program, engineering students will learn how to evaluate and implement sustainable, technologically sound, and commercially viable solutions, through an interdisciplinary approach. The end goal of this program is to train comprehensive engineers, namely students with competencies that are essential for every stage of innovation and move beyond technical knowledge, including business acumen, collaboration, leadership, and problem-solving. With this comprehensive skill-set, students will be prepared to address real-world challenges using a balanced approach that combines technical excellence with business relevance. They will engage with scientific theories, analyse case studies, and tackle real-world business problems, enabling them to apply their learning in practical settings. Additionally, they will collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds to develop the management and leadership skills necessary for driving innovation initiatives.

Learning outcomes

You will learn the essential aspects of the innovation process in established companies through an interdisciplinary approach. You will study and gain insight into how innovation management, marketing, financial, safety, and ethical considerations impact innovation and how they are intertwined.

After completing the minor, you will:
LO1: Understand the notion of comprehensive engineering and the multifaceted process of innovation.
LO2: Apply fundamental concepts of innovation management, finance, marketing, ethics, and risk and safety to real-world scenarios.
LO3: Integrate innovation management, financial, marketing, ethical, and risk management perspectives in the different stages of the innovation process.
LO4: Collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to develop and communicate comprehensive engineering solutions.

Good to know

Registration for this thematic minor is on a first-come, first-served basis and available places. (No lottery draw).

Our vision is to enable you to responsibly apply your engineering skills in innovation processes in established companies based on a thorough understanding of innovation processes. Innovation processes in established companies differ in important ways from innovation in start-ups. For example, the relevant financial and strategic considerations differ. Established companies have a significant impact on society through their innovation process. This minor focuses on innovation in established companies.

Student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam?
Check the eligibility matrix to see if your bachelor’s degree programme offers access to this and other minors at

Student at another educational institution?
External students cannot register via EduXchange. Interested in this minor, read the whole registration procedure at

For information about the courses, visit the TU Delftstudy guide.
For additional information on this minor, visit the TU Delftminor page.

Teaching method and examination

Lectures, conventional and flipped classroom, work groups, and applying theory to practice in a concrete case.
Check the detailed overview of courses, learning activities and study load at

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 30
  • Level
  • Selection minor
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of TU Delft.


  • Start date

    1 September 2025

    • Ends
      8 February 2026
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    • Register between
      15 May, 13:00 - 30 Jun
    Enrolment starts in 47 days
These offerings are valid for students of Leiden University