International Entrepreneurship and Development


About this minor

This minor program allows students to work abroad to develop technical solutions for complex challenges contributing to socioeconomic development.

During the minor, you will work in multi-disciplinary teams to solve a challenge assigned to you by a project provider. Most of these challenges are located within developing and emerging markets and focus on pro-poor growth.

With your team, you will learn how to manage and work on a technology-related project in a different cultural and institutional setting.

The minor program is structured as follows:

  • In the first two months, students will complete a set of three courses to help prepare them for their time abroad. These courses will help students adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and prepare them to work effectively in different cultural contexts. Students will also learn how to conduct research and learn about their challenge's local ecosystem and stakeholders. Finally, they will prepare a project plan for their time abroad.
  • In the second phase of the minor, students will travel abroad. During their time abroad, students must adopt an entrepreneurial mindset as they research, develop and execute a solution to a challenge. Challenge providers include startups, NGOs (non-governmental organisations(, (social) enterprises, universities or governmental organisations.

At the end of the minor, students will assess their solutions' impact and feasibility and reflect on the competencies they have developed as a team and as individuals.

Learning outcomes

Key learning goals:​

  • Develop existing and new entrepreneurial competencies​
  • Ability to engage with project stakeholders within new cultural contexts​
  • Understand the relationship between development (aid-to-trade), sustainability and impact​
  • Develop research and project planning skills

Good to know

As this minor involves intensive project work in a foreign country in the second quarter, only highly motivated students should apply.

Full-time availability and commitment to the program are expected (so ensure that NO re-sits are planned for the minor's duration). Enrolled students are not permitted to be enrolled in other university courses unrelated to the minor.

Register for this minor and submit a motivational video before the registration deadline. You can find more information on how to do
so at

Student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam?
Check the eligibility matrix to see if your bachelor's degree programme offers access to this and other minors at

Student at another educational institution?
External students cannot register via EduXchange. Interested in this minor? Read the whole registration procedure at

For information about the courses, visit the TU Delftstudy guide.
For additional information on this minor, visit the TU Delftminor page.

Teaching method and examination

This minor comprises four courses in total:

  1. Q1 Entrepreneurial Thinking (4 EC)
  2. Q1 Preparations for Intercultural Research Project (7 EC)
  3. Q1 Decolonizing Sustainability & Impact (4 EC)
  4. Q2 Intercultural Integration Project (15 EC)

Every minor course will be assessed separately. It is impossible to re-sit this minor as it involves group work and long-distance travel.

The minor's teaching method involves lectures, workshops and a challenge-based learning project abroad.

Check the detailed overview of courses, learning activities and study load at

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 30
  • Level
  • Selection minor
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of TU Delft.


  • Start date

    1 September 2025

    • Ends
      8 February 2026
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    • Register between
      1 Apr, 00:00 - 10 Apr
    Enrolment starts in 3 days
These offerings are valid for students of Leiden University