American Studies

Language and culture

About this minor

North American Studies at Leiden University takes a multidisciplinary approach to the region, with particular emphasis on examining key aspects of North American history, culture, and media from a historical perspective and within an international context. The two required courses in the first semester offer a strong background in the cultural, political, and literary history of what is now the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada, from the pre-colonial period to the present. The courses in the second semester aim to deepen and broaden the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired in the first semester: you can choose to specialize in American history (track 1) or American literature and culture (track 2). Upon completion of this minor, you will have acquired basic knowledge of and research skills in U.S. history, culture and literature. Students who have successfully completed the minor in American Studies (30 EC) are admissible to the MA programme in North American Studies in Leiden, provided that they meet all other conditions for admission.

Maximum number of students: 30 Prospectus number: 5000MAMN Language: English Registration: via EduXchange see More Info 15 May (13:00hrs) until 30 June 2025

Good to know

For more information about the courses and options for following 15 EC use the below link.

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 30
  • Level
  • Selection minor
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  • Start date

    1 September 2025

    • Ends
      5 July 2026
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    • Register between
      15 May, 13:00 - 30 Jun
    Enrolment starts in 47 days
These offerings are valid for students of Leiden University