New Economic Thinking & Social Entrepreneurship


About this minor

What if you could transform the economy into a force for good, solving the world's greatest challenges instead of causing them? Join this inspiring minor to engage with impact-driven entrepreneurs, learn cutting-edge theories, and collaborate on real-world projects that shape a sustainable, inclusive future for people and the planet.

What if the economy became the solution to global challenges rather than their cause? What if businesses could go beyond generating profit to drive the transition toward an economy that serves both people and the planet? This minor explores the future of the economy by examining academic debates around economic transitions and how businesses can have an impact and offers you the opportunity to bring this into practice through a “consultancy-style” group assignment for impact-driven enterprises.

The global economic system faces immense pressure, from unsustainable resource exploitation and pollution to interconnected crises like climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing social inequalities. How can we transition toward an economy that is sustainable, circular, inclusive, and resilient? While businesses and governments increasingly aim to address these challenges, they often struggle to create effective responses. Visionary pioneers, however, are forging new paths, creating solutions through circular economies, solidarity-based entrepreneurship, impact investments, and purpose-driven innovation.

This minor dives into these transformative dynamics on three levels: understanding systemic transitions (macro), exploring the dynamics of impact management and measurement (meso), and analyzing and advising impact-driven enterprises (micro). You’ll combine theory with hands-on experience, collaborating directly with social entrepreneurs to create meaningful change. Are you ready to challenge the status quo and drive the transition toward a more sustainable economic future?

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the complex nature of social, economic, and environmental challenges of our society and explore the role of societal transitions and businesses;
  • Characterize theoretical concepts, frameworks and methods on sustainability transitions, new economic thinking, and business models;
  • Explain the (potential) role of business as a transformative force using theories of new economic models, value propositions and societal transitions;
  • Assess debates around new economic thinking using transition and impact thinking;
  • Identify the ways a social entrepreneur can contribute to a new economy based on theories about new business models, value propositions and societal transitions;
  • Improve presentation, debate and teamwork skills;
  • Jointly formulate advice to a social enterprise based on the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the course; jointly deliver a presentation suitable for your social enterprise client.

Good to know

  • We expect you to be open-minded, curious and – at times – provocative and interested in solving the grand challenges society is facing. You will engage in interactive session and be able to reflect critically upon the materials.

  • Group work with students with different (study) backgrounds and collaborative approaches are part of this course.

  • We strongly encourage students from diverse disciplines to apply.

  • This minor is delivered in English.

  • Class attendance is mandatory. If students cannot attend a particular class, they are expected to send an email before the start of the class.

  • Several research centers contribute to this minor as well as the economic students association:

  • Impact Centre Erasmus


  • EFR

Teaching method and examination

Teaching methods
We offer multidisciplinary perspectives, applied research and problem-oriented learning approaches in the course. You will receive lectures/ seminars, interactive group sessions and exercises (e.g. application of tools), site visit, individual and group assignments, debates, group mentoring and individual mentoring on research paper preparation.

Teaching materials
Reader: the scholarly articles + videos can be downloaded through the university library, internet or will be handed out in class.Guidelines for assignment, mentoring.

Method of examination
The grade will be based on:

  • Several individual assignments (written and presentations) over the course of 7 weeks (500 points);
  • Group project: a team of max. 6 students will consult a social enterprise on an actual business challenge related to societal transitions and social impact. The team will develop new ideas, approaches, or methods for the social enterprise to help them overcome their challenge(s). The group project consists of a midterm assignment (100 points), a written advisory report (250 points) and a presentation (150 points);
  • Points can be deducted for lack of participation in the minor;
  • Students who miss more than 25% of classes need to do an additional assignment in order to pass.
  • (Optional): individual research paper about a topic of choice that counts for 250 points (3 ECTS).

In sum, this course includes 1000 points for 12 ECTS or 1250 for 15 ECTS.

Composition final grade:
The final grade of the minor is the weighted average of the different individual and group assignments. Specific grading per assignment will be specified to students in the course manual.
An average grade of 5.5 is sufficient to pass the minor.

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 15
  • Level
  • Selection minor
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