Collaborative Science for Biomedical Breakthroughs: Learn transdisciplinary skills, Do research, Explore new fields (CSBB - 15EC)


About this minor

This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education will take place at TU Delft and Erasmus MC.

The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who cannot do the full 30 EC minor due to limitations in their BSc program (mainly EUR students). All other students should register for the full 30EC (Q1+Q2) minor.

Do you want to explore a current biomedical research topic with peers from diverse academic backgrounds? Do you want to learn what scientific research really consists of? Then this minor might be right for you.

This Minor has two intertwined themes: develop useful skills in areas of communication, collaboration, research and reflection, do scientific research on a current biomedical challenge!

You will work in small transdisciplinary teams supervised by a research scientist and a PhD student. The teams collaborate with the other teams in the minor. Each week includes workshops on skill development, independent/group study and a knowledge integration symposium. The previous years’ topics were based on twoIndividualised Cellular Models of Disease Diversity in the Population. Student projects have included: computational modelling depression treatment options in the Dutch healthcare system, acoustic imaging of brain inflammation, increasing responsiveness to Vitamin D to reduce MS susceptibility, effects of BPA on cell aging, assessing risk of thrombosis for oral contraception users!

During the first quarter, you explore research questions from the chosen Flagship. You and your group decide on an area that interests you. Together your team will develop in-depth understanding of the question and how you might answer it. You decide in which direction you want to go. While working on your project you’ll have workshops relevant to your project and phase of research to support you in developing the necessary skills. You will learn how to write a research proposal, about funding, how to make and present a poster at a scientific meeting and think critically about your scientific ideas.

In the second quarter you will use what you learned during the first quarter to develop answers. You may work in a research lab to test your ideas, or develop a tool to further develop knowledge about your topic, or analyse previously published datasets, etc. This is up to you! While working on your answers, you’ll have workshops to learn about crucial elements of scientific research including research integrity, budgeting, drug development, structures in the lab environment, etc., You will learn how to do research, how to present your data in public, write a final scientific paper, and give a scientific talk. You will basically learn the whole cycle of Science by doing it.

You will learn how to collaborate, communicate and reflect within groups of people from different disciplines. The skills that you will develop and practice in this minor will not only help you to become a truly collaborative research scientist but will also be very useful in any other type of collaborative setting. These skills are relevant for any future career where working in a team is critical!

On our website you can read student experiences from previous years:Collaborative Science for Biomedical Breakthroughs (LDE).

Learning outcomes

At the end of the minor students are able to:

  • Communicate research clearly to different audiences and in different settings, both oral, written and visual.
  • Communicate clearly about research, collaboration and their reflections.
  • Collaborate with peers, other groups, stakeholders from different disciplines and backgrounds to address a challenging question.
  • Collaborate in developing communication, in research teams and to reflect as a group.
  • Research and develop strategies for understanding a problem and designing inquiries.
  • Perform research integrating knowledge from collaborations, scientific communications and critical reflections.
  • Reflect on what they know, don't know, and is unknown. As well as provide and utilize feedback.
  • Reflect on role of research in the world, on how we communicate knowledge and effects of collaboration

Good to know

Make sure to register to the correct variant of this joint-minor. After the registration is closed you cannot change this anymore. The 15EC (Q1) variant is mainly for EUR students, although the second 15ECs (Q2) could be done as Elective credits. Students are highly encouraged to register for the full 30EC (Q1+Q2) minor to fully develop their skills and bring about their project.

An interest in science, research and professional skill development is required.

You can meet people from the minor and ask questions at the TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus MC minor markets. We will be also present at the EUR online minor market although we encourage you to come physically to the TU Delft and Erasmus MC minor markets. There will be better interaction with the team and previous minor students.

Student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam?
Check the eligibility matrix to see if your bachelor’s degree programme offers access to this and other minors at

Student at another educational institution?
External students cannot register via EduXchange. Interested in this minor, read the whole registration procedure at

For information about the courses, visit the TU Delftstudy guide.
For additional information on this minor, visit the TU Delftminor page.

This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. This means education can take place in multiple locations. Want to know more about joint minors? Visit*.

Teaching method and examination

The minor is composed of workshops, group work, projects and knowledge integration symposiums.

There will be a non-graded midterm formative assessment at week 1.5 and 2.5 where students meet with their supervisors and assess their last five-week path. Students will be provided with additional formative assessment and feedback throughout the minor.

Final assessment at week 1.10 and 2.10 will be based on presentations, writing, peer evaluations and a critical thinking portfolio. The programme teaching team will evaluate materials (presentations, writing, critical thinking portfolio, peer evaluations) produced by students. These evaluations and assessments from supervisors will be used to determine the final grade per student.

Although attendance to the sessions is not obligatory, it is highly recommended to come to all sessions to be able to fully develop your skills.

Check the detailed overview of courses, learning activities and study load at

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 15
  • Level
  • Selection minor
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