The full range of minors offered by the LDE institutions for the academic year 2025-2026 will be published on eduXchange at the beginning of March.

Management of human behavior in organizations (Non IE)


About this course

General: This course is about the human factor in all types of organizations. The focus is on phenomena which are the result of psychological processes in organizations. This is of practical relevance since adequate decision making of both managers and technical specialists are important factors to success.

Topics: Leadership, communication, conflicts, negotiation, work motivation, attitudes, personality, individual and group decision-making, power, teams, stress and health, organizational structure and task design, organizational culture, human resource management, and organizational change.

Learning outcomes

After having followed this course, students should be able to …

  1. describe and criticize the most important theoretical perspectives within the field of organizational psychology.
  2. describe how factors at the individual, group, and organizational level relate to job performance and job satisfaction.
  3. apply theoretical knowledge from organizational psychology onto a relevant personal experience or a current topic in the media.
  4. organize and lead a workshop in which group members actively participate.
  5. relate the behavior of group members to theoretical perspectives in organizational psychology and critically reflect upon this.

Prior knowledge

You must meet the following requirements

  • Registered for a degree programme other than
  • HBO-TOP Applied Physics, Pre-Master
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Completed none of the course modules listed below
  • Fundamentals of wop (1JV00)


  • Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A., & Campbell, T.T. (2017). Organizational Behavior, 2nd European edition, Pearson (ISBN 978-12-920-1655-9)

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
  • Selection course
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