Advanced MR Physics 2


About this course

Period (from – till ): 3 February 2025 - 11 April 2025 (BMS_P3_A)

Course coordinator: Dr. J.J.M. Zwanenburg (
Jeroen Siero (Course coordinator)
Renée Allebrandi, MA (course contact person)
Course description
This advanced MRI course builds on the course Advanced MR Physics 1. It focusses on MR imaging methods and applications. The mathematical and physical framework laid down in AMRP 1 is used to focus on MR imaging methods and applications: fast spin- and gradient-echo imaging, spectroscopy, MR angiography, perfusion, diffusion and susceptibility weighted imaging and quantification, scan acceleration techniques.

For the lectures (morning sessions) attendance is highly recommended; the tutorial sessions in the afternoon are mandatory.
Literature/study material used
• ** Please note** : bring your laptop (with matlab installed) to all practical sessions
• Hand-outs and additional reading material provided by the lecturers
• Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences; Bernstein, Matt A.; Elsevier Academic Press
Please note that the book is available as an PDF
• Magnetic resonance imaging: Physical principles and sequence design; Robert W. Brown, et al.; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd Edition
Please note that the book is available as an PDF
• In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Techniques, de Graaf et al, 3rd Edition.
Please note that the book is available as an PDF
YYou can register for this course via here on the Students' site.
Students from outside the UU or TU/E partnership can register for this course by sending an email to or via EduXchnage. Please include your name, student number, Master’s programme and the course code.

Optional for students in other GSLS Master’s programme:
Yes, provided they have passed the course Advanced MR Physics 1.

Prerequisite knowledge:
Advanced MR Physics 1

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student:

  • understands the physical origin of the treated topics in terms of the underlying NMR signal
  • understands and can mathematically describe the methods used for spin excitation, spatial encoding and related image reconstruction of the treated topics
  • understands and can mathematically describe the methods for generating the contrast weighting of the treated topics;
  • can derive optimal scan parameter settings in terms of signal-to-noise-ratio, contrast weighting, scan duration, etc.
  • understands the quantification methods of various physiological quantities and processes covered in the treated topics

Enrolment details

You will be enrolled for this course by administration of the programme of this course.

Prior knowledge

Advanced MR Physics 1


Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of Utrecht University.


  • Start date

    3 February 2025

    • Ends
      17 April 2025
    • Term *
      Period 3
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    Enrolment starts in 17 days
For guests registration, this course is handled by Utrecht University