205 Resultaten
- (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture (RIPC - 15EC)Designing is imagining the future. In a time of climate change and multiple transitions, a ‘designerly’ attitude is needed more than ever. Understanding past practices, institution...
- (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture (RIPC - 30EC)Designing is imagining the future. In a time of climate change and multiple transitions, a ‘designerly’ attitude is needed more than ever. Understanding past practices, institution...
- Aangeboren hartafwijkingenHet ontstaan, de diagnostiek en behandeling, psychosociale aspecten en wetenschappelijk onderzoek van aangeboren hartafwijkingen: een absolute aanrader voor studenten met specifiek...
- Accounting skillsWant to become a successful registered accountant, financial analyst, or entrepreneur? Invest in developing strong bookkeeping skills and important accounting techniques. This...
- Action Education for Social Change & SustainabilityWant to contribute to a just & sustainable world by building a better education system for the future? Then this Minor is for you! You’ll learn the tools to build resilient educati...
- Advanced Computer Science (Deepening)Turning data into knowledge using advanced computer science. Have you ever wondered how one can use computers to process data for business analytics? Do you want to perform advance...
- Advanced PrototypingHoe zou je een fietshelm met persoonlijke pasvorm ontwerpen en er een prototype van maken? En hoe kun je extended reality-technologie (bijv. VR) gebruiken om het gevoel van interac...
- African DynamicsThis joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University, Erasmus University and TU Delft. Education will take place at all three institutions. Through an unique collab...
- Airport DevelopmentThe minor Airport Development is jointly organised by the faculties of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), Technology, Policy and Manageme...
- Alternative investmentsFor creating a well-diversified portfolio that could sustain financial turmoil, it is important to have knowledge not only about investments in traditional markets (stocks and bond...
- American StudiesThe interdisciplinary minor American Studies (30 EC) offers a survey of U.S. history from the establishment of the first colonies on the North American continent from the establish...
- Analysing and changing unhealthy behaviourDo you know how we can change behaviour and improve health and wellbeing? Learn about the key concepts from behavioural and health economics! In this minor we apply psychology, beh...
- Anesthesiologie en intensive careHow to keep your patient alive?! In deze minor leer je hoe je een patiënt in leven kunt houden die acuut ziek is of onder anesthesie. Bekijk [de video](https://eur03.safelinks...
- Archineering Q1You will learn about Circular Building Industry, where harvesting demolition waste provides the main resource for new buildings, and Bio-Based Materials which can be harvested in a...
- Archineering Q2You will learn about Circular Building Industry, where harvesting demolition waste provides the main resource for new buildings, and Bio-Based Materials which can be harvested in a...
- Architectural Presentation: Visions ReviewedDuring this minor, students will develop understanding of various types of visual representations to depict actual places and imagined architectural designs. Through a sequence of...
- ArtificiaI Intelligence and societal impactAre you ready to be coached in the discovery of unfamiliar perspectives, the challenges and opportunities of AI for society? Artificial Intelligence is seen as potentially both b...
- Artificial Intelligence and SocietyThe development of smart cars, video games that adapt to your gaming behavior, law enforcement assigning your neighborhood a risk score, insurance rates determined by your behavior...
- Artificial Intelligence, Business & InnovationIn the minor Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation you develop insights and skills on the intersection of the fields of artificial intelligence, management, and entreprene...
- Authenticity and Art CrimeThis joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations. This course offers student...
- BedrijfswetenschappenDe minor Bedrijfswetenschappen leert je bedrijfswetenschappelijke vaardigheden aan die van belang zijn voor je toekomstige carrière. In veel bedrijven is behoefte aan mensen die ke...
- Behavioural FinanceA combination of finance and the psychology behind human decision making. This minor provides an overview of systematic mistakes (biases) in the decision-making process of individu...
- Beleid en Management in de publieke sectorDeze minor is een inleiding in de bestuurskunde en geeft naast een inleiding bestuurskunde (‘module inleiding’) dieper inzicht in de twee belangrijkste onderdelen van deze discipli...
- Bend and BreakIn this intensive minor you work on typic sub-structures used in civil engineering on a laboratory scale. You will learn about the materials and constructive properties of new and...
- Bestuurskunde: Openbaar Bestuur, Beleid en Management*Let op: de minorvakken zijn alleen toegankelijk voor studenten met een officiële minorinschrijving! Heb je geen inschrijving? Dan kan je de minorvakken helaas niet als keuzevakken...
- BiodiversityBiodiversity refers to the variety of life. Most people recognise biodiversity by species. The number of species is currently estimated at 7-12 million. However, biodiversity is mo...
- Biomedical EngineeringHeb je je ooit afgevraagd hoe technologie de gezondheidszorg kan verbeteren? De minor legt de nadruk op de relatie tussen geneeskunde en techniek. Colleges en oefeningen zullen de...
- Biomedical research in practiceDo you think of a career in research? Would you like to work in a biomedical research laboratory with renowned Erasmus MC researchers? Would you like to participate in one of the R...
- Boek, boekhandel en uitgeverijSinds de opkomst van het Web wordt geroepen dat het boek zijn langste tijd gehad heeft, maar gelukkig is deze voorspelling nog altijd niet uitgekomen. Integendeel, ieder jaar worde...
- Brain and Cognition (interdisciplinaire minor)This interdisciplinary minor emphasizes the diversity and complementarity of various cognitive neuroscience approaches to understanding the human brain. * Aspects of (bio-)medical...
- Business AdministrationThe Minor in Business Administration teaches business knowledge and skills that are important for your future career. In many companies there is a need for people who link knowledg...
- Business ManagementThis is a full-time (42h/week) and fully online minor designed for students with no prior knowledge in management. The minor consists of specialized modules in which students learn...
- Chinese Economy and SocietyDe stormachtige ontwikkelingen in China van de laatste jaren hebben geleid tot een grote belangstelling voor China. Er is vrijwel geen land, regio, sector of specialisatie waar Chi...
- Climate Change, Adaptation and MitigationClimate change is arguably the most severe challenge that our planet is facing the 21st century. Human interference is perturbing the climate system through emissions of greenhouse...
- Co-creating a healthy society**Let op:** Aangezien we veel met maatschappelijke partners en inwoners werken, is de voertaal van de minor hoofdzakelijk Nederlands. Wel zullen een aantal materialen en een beperk...
- Collaborative Science for Biomedical Breakthroughs: Learn transdisciplinary skills, Do research, Explore new fields (CSBB - 15EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who...
- Collaborative Science for Biomedical Breakthroughs: Learn transdisciplinary skills, Do research, Explore new fields (CSBB - 30EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who...
- Companies and Value Sensitive InnovationInnovation drives technological, economic, and societal progress. Individual companies need to innovate to stay competitive. At the same time, the societal impact of innovation mea...
- Computational Approaches to Disease, Signaling and Drug TargetsThe Minor Computational Approaches to Disease, Signaling and Drug Targets (CADSDT) is focused on fundamental scientific research required for discovery of new drug targets and deve...
- Computational Science and EngineeringCSE is a multidisciplinary application-driven field that deals with the development and application of computational models and simulations. Intricate, e.g., multiscale and multiph...
- Computer ScienceIn the minor Computer Science, you get an introduction on two of the hottest topics in the field: modern software development and data science. You will deepen your Python programm...
- Computer Science (Broadening)Turning data into knowledge using computer science. Have you ever wondered how one can use computers to process data for business analytics? Do you want to perform advanced computa...
- Connected CreativityIf there is a constant in the world, it is that it is constantly changing. We are living in a revolutionary period, where technological, cultural, social and political forces conti...
- Creative EconomyLearn about the societal impact of arts and culture, and how to improve decision-making in the sector by using state of the art economics. The main objective of this minor is for...
- Creative Strategies for a Society in ChangeThe minor *Creative Strategies for a Society in Change* (CSSC) makes a connection between gaining insight into creative processes and exploring social issues that characterize our...
- CriminologieCriminologie is het vakgebied waarin studie wordt verricht naar de omvang en oorzaken van criminaliteit en naar de manieren waarop wordt ingegrepen om criminaliteit te voorkomen en...
- CriminologyAn introduction to criminology with regard for developments in crime and justice research in the context of sustainability and inequality. Crime might seem like an easy concep...
- Cross-Cultural PsychologyNavigating Cultural Dynamics: Fundamentals of Behavior in a Cosmopolitan Context As globalization continues to expand, our interactions with diverse cultures are on the rise....
- Cultural Memory of War and ConflictFrom Apartheid in South-Africa to 9/11 in the United States: there is not a single culture that is not shaped by the memory of war or conflict. This minor focuses on how such memor...
- Culture and Society in MoroccoDuring the Fall semester, NIMAR offers a multidisciplinary minor programme (30 EC) with a specific emphasis on humanities and social sciences. The programme provides up-to-date cou...
- Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologieCultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is a social science. Anthropologists investigate the ways in which people give meaning to different aspects of their life and the wa...
- Cyber Security Governance EssentialsCyberspace has become one of the backbones of our global economy and of modern-day societies. Almost everything we do in our everyday lives, ranging from communication and media co...
- Cybersecurity & Cybercrime###### Inhoud en leerdoelen Digitale netwerktechnologie is de motor van onze samenleving en economie geworden: bijna alle activiteiten die we dagelijks ondernemen, van werk tot vr...
- Data Science & Artificial IntelligenceDe minor Data Science & Artificial Intelligence geeft een toegankelijke introductie tot de theorie en praktijk van data science en kunstmatige intelligentie. Studenten leren de bas...
- De (on)rechtvaardige samenlevingDe interdisciplinaire minor De (on)rechtvaardige samenleving geeft een verdiepende en toegepaste kijk op sociale rechtvaardigheid in Nederland. Dat doen we door het thema vanuit ve...
- De Middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijdIn de middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd (ca. 500-1700) voltrok zich een aantal fundamentele veranderingen in de Europese cultuur: verstedelijking en staatsvorming, renaissances in...
- De Sociologische BlikLeer kijken naar de wisselwerking tussen mens en maatschappij en bestudeer de hoofdvragen van de sociologie via actuele vraagstukken. De opleiding Sociologie is gericht op de...
- De werking van de hersenenDeze minor geeft je een goed inzicht in de organisatie en werking van de hersenen. Je begint daarvoor bij de basis: de hersencel (het neuron). Hierna bekijk je hoe informatie de we...
- Delta Expert: Water for the FutureAs a “Delta Expert”, you’ll know about what is going on in the field of water studies across the globe. You’ll not only learn about the Dutch delta, but also about other deltas in...
- Designing Sustainability TransitionsWhat would a sustainable future look like? How do we get there? And how can we design for it? Developing your own answers to these three questions will be the core of this minor....
- Digital Humanities and Artificial IntelligenceThe Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence minor teaches BA students new ways to analyse and study cultures and languages and provides insight into how digital methods and...
- Disinformation and Strategic Communication in Global MediaFrom fake news to COVID-19 conspiracies, debates about truth claims have become more prominent during the past decade. Taking a global, comparative perspective, this minor focuses...
- Doing Philosophy of ScienceShould we ‘believe in science’? When did science come into existence and how did it evolve? Learn how to put creative reasoning into practice. This minor is a thorough introducti...
- Dood en Letsel: voorkomen, vergoeden en vergeldenOntdek tijdens deze minor de complexe wereld van dood en letsel; een verbredende discussie ingegeven door de praktijk vanuit de perspectieven Vergoeden, Vergelden, Voorkomen....
- Duitse taal, cultuur en geschiedenisDuits is met 100 miljoen moedertaalsprekers de meest gesproken taal in de Europese Unie. Kennis over het Duitse taal- en cultuurgebied is daarom onmisbaar om het huidige Europa en...
- Dynamiek van groepen en besluitvormingDeze minor richt zich op de vraag hoe onze gedachten, emoties en gedrag worden beïnvloed door anderen, en hoe wij anderen beïnvloeden. * Hoe komen mensen individueel of gezamenlij...
- Ecology, Migration and Tolerance: Limits to cooperation?Many of the most acute problems we face today are global: they transcend national boundaries, they put the future of society and even humanity at peril, and they can only be addres...
- Economics of Well-BeingThis interdisciplinary minor connects economics and other social sciences with its ultimate purpose: understanding and improving human well-being. In this minor, we explore th...
- Economie en transities: ongelijkheid, klimaat en globaliseringAnalyse van maatschappelijke vraagstukken vanuit een economisch perspectief. De minor Economie en transities: ongelijkheid, klimaat en globalisering leert je om economische theori...
- EducatieDe selectieminor Educatie is bestemd voor alle bachelorstudenten die les willen geven, hun talenten en enthousiasme voor de bètavakken op school willen inzetten en zich serieus wil...
- Educatieve Minor GeschiedenisLijkt het je een leuke uitdaging om voor de klas te staan, dan biedt de Educatieve minor je de kans! Haal een beperkte tweedegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid voor het vak Geschiedenis i...
- Educatieve Minor: EconomieLijkt het je een leuke uitdaging om voor de klas te staan, dan biedt de Educatieve minor je de kans! Haal een beperkte tweedegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid voor het vak Economie in he...
- Educatieve Minor: FilosofieEducatieve Minor: Filosofie
- Educatieve Minor: WiskundeLijkt het je een leuke uitdaging om voor de klas te staan, dan biedt de Educatieve minor je de kans! Haal een beperkte tweedegraads onderwijsbevoegdheid voor docent Wiskunde in het...
- Educatieve minor***Deze pagina is in bewerking, kleine wijzigingen in de beschrijvingen van de studieonderdelen kunnen nog doorgevoerd worden.*** Let op: de aanmeldprocedure verloopt **niet** via...
- Electronics for RoboticsThis minor offers you a wide range of courses and an integrating project, enabling you to build up insight and develop knowledge and skills in the main fields of Electrical Enginee...
- Engineering With AIIt is highly likely you will encounter AI techniques in your job after your studies. In this minor you will learn how to use AI techniques such as neural networks. At the end of th...
- Engineering for Large-Scale Energy Conversion and StorageThe aim of the minor is to equip bachelor engineering students with selected knowledge and skills concerning energy conversion and storage systems and component technologies that a...
- Entrepreneurial Firms and GovernanceHow to run a company well - Governance for Start-up Companies. Learn about governance and corporate governance frameworks and how these relate to SMEs, start-ups, and larger busine...
- EntrepreneurshipStart up your own business! Many people dream about starting up their own company but few dare to do it. Chase your dream and experiment with entrepreneurship. Guided by exper...
- Environmental Engineering and Sustainable DesignOn the one hand this minor focuses on techniques and systems that prevent environmental impact, such as a plant for water or flue gas cleaning, recycling, or biomass processing. On...
- Ethiek, politiek en cultuur: filosofie van het menselijk handelenWat is een rechtvaardige samenleving? Welke principes spelen daarbij een doorslaggevende rol? Waarom zouden we ons wat gelegen laten liggen aan de antwoorden op deze vragen? Wat is...
- European Union StudiesThe European Union acts as one of the most powerful economic actors in the global economy, presents itself as the most successful integration project in recent history, and deploys...
- Fashion IndustryDelve into the business, historical, cultural economic and media dimensions of the fashion industry. In particular, this minor pays attention to the transition to a more sustainabl...
- FinanceThe profound impact of the financial sector on our daily lives has become increasingly evident, especially considering the significant developments of the last fifteen years. This...
- Finance for non-FinancialsMoney makes the world go round and many professional decisions have financial consequences. Get prepared for understanding the finance aspects of almost any future job. This c...
- Fiscaal ondernemingsrecht: heb jij de taxfactor?Wil jij inzicht in het Nederlandse belastingrecht zoals relevant voor ondernemingen? Meld je aan! De minor beoogt zodanige fiscale kennis bij te brengen dat ondernemingsbeslissinge...
- Frans en de Franstalige WereldFrankrijk neemt (zeker sinds de Brexit) een centrale politieke positie in binnen Europa en is een belangrijke handelspartner voor Nederland. Maar het Frans is ook een echte wereldt...
- Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global DevelopmentThis joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University, Erasmus University and TU Delft. Education will take place at all three locations During the past decade, frug...
- Future Challenges Lab: Co-creating sustainable practices in and beyond the Indonesian CityIndonesia, a nation that has rapidly evolved from its colonial roots into the world's third-largest democracy, a significant player in the Muslim world, and one of the globe's most...
- Future Mobility DesignHuman mobility has become a complex and multi domain challenge, balancing between individual wants and collective needs, which cannot be addressed in the narrow scope of a single i...
- Game Studies**How do games work? How do you make them? And how do games make us and our societies and cultures?** This minor will provide you with both the perspective and practice to give yo...
- Gender and Sexuality in Society and CultureWhy do some scientists argue that there are five sexes? Why is it important to study sexuality outside the reproductive framework? To what extent do historical assumptions of gende...
- Geneeskunde voor technische studentenTechnische kennis voor medische vraagstukken? Ontdek de geneeskunde en leer hoe jij kunt bijdragen aan diagnostiek en behandelmethoden. De minor richt zich op studenten met in...
- Genetics in societyWe aim to teach students how to implement genetics where it can benefit people, and how to gather issues from society that can benefit from genetics. We will teach you about the in...
- Geo-resources for the Future (GEO - 15EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and/or Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant...
- Geo-resources for the Future (GEO - 30EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and/or Erasmus University Rotterdam. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant...
- Global AffairsThe minor Global Affairs is built on two pillars of International Relations: International Security and International Political Economy. This minor aims to provide students with th...
- Global Poverty, Local SolutionsGlobal poverty remains the most pressing social problem. This minor provides students with tools to develop their concern for global poverty by introducing concepts, theories, tren...
- Global health (ESHPM/EUC)Experience health and healthcare on a different continent, in a different country, in a different setting & in a different culture. Change the World, or Stay Home! **Please no...
- Global health (GNK)Experience health and healthcare on a different continent, in a different country, in a different setting & in a different culture. Change the World, or Stay Home! **Please no...
- Heritage & DesignIn this minor, you will learn to develop concepts for the transformation of urban areas, landscapes, public spaces and buildings. The basis for these interventions is a historical...
- Hoofdzaken van het hoofd-halsgebiedKlinische, diagnostische en chirurgische aspecten van het hoofd-hals gebied. Deze minor is geschikt voor jou indien je interesse hebt in de traumatologie, oncologie, aangeboren afw...
- Hoogtepunten uit de PsychologieAltijd al beter willen begrijpen waarom mensen doen wat ze doen? Maak kennis met de psychologie! In deze minor maak je kennnis met de psychologie: een wetenschappelijke discip...
- How art worksDo you want to get a ‘behind the scenes’ and look into the arts? From classic art museums to major music labels, many organizations and groups of people working together make sure...
- Human EvolutionThis multidisciplinary minor addresses the fascinating question how we, modern humans, got to be the way we are. Who were our ancestors? How does our morphology, genetic makeup, br...
- Influencing peopleWhich social media posts stick to your mind? What commercial makes you buy a product? How can you finish your project on time? How can you sell your bike at the best price? Ta...
- Innovation and MarketingInterested in innovation, new markets and entrepreneurship? Than this is a must-take minor for you! Innovation is the engine for growth in most modern firms. However, many organi...
- Integrated Infrastructure DesignThis minor offers students a comprehensive and interrelated set of courses focusing on the integrated design of transport and water infrastructures such as bridges, fly-overs, unde...
- Intelligence StudiesSince the Second World War, intelligence and security services have played an important role in policy and decision making, particularly with regards to a state’s national security...
- Interactive EnvironmentThe earth has become a giant network of “smart” objects and people. At this very moment about 5 billion people and 21 billion digital objects are connected to the internet, and the...
- Internationaal en intercultureel managementDenk je wel eens na over een internationale carrière? De minor Internationaal en Intercultureel Management biedt je een startpunt. Deze minor verbindt kennis van taal en cultuur aa...
- International Entrepreneurship and DevelopmentThis minor program allows students to work abroad to develop technical solutions for complex challenges contributing to socioeconomic development. During the minor, you will w...
- Interne geneeskunde: van symptoom naar diagnoseInterne geneeskunde is de hoeksteen van de geneeskunde. Gedegen kennis hiervan is voor iedere arts essentieel. De interne geneeskunde zal zich in deze minor in de volle breedte pre...
- InternetrechtHet Internet biedt snel en gemakkelijk toegang tot talrijke producten en diensten zoals online winkelen, sociale media, muziek en video’s, internetbankieren en online gaming. Bijna...
- Introduction to Fraud and Forensic AccountingWant to learn who commits fraud and why? What organizations can do to prevent and detect fraud? How affected organizations deal with crises caused by fraud, and how the legal syste...
- Islam: Religion and SocietyIslam is a religion as well as a cultural practice that takes on a diversity of forms, some of them contradictory. This has always been the case, and it is becoming increasingly ap...
- Journalism and New MediaJournalism is a means to help the coherence of civil society and lubricate democratic processes. In a world fraught with conflict and fake news, the journalistic watchdog, in its e...
- Journalistiek en nieuwe mediaSchrijven, fotograferen, twitteren, interviewen, filmen, researchen, vloggen, factchecken – als moderne journalist moet je het allemaal kunnen. En in de minor Journalistiek en Nieu...
- Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrieDe brug tussen kindergeneeskunde, kinderneurologie, psychologie en psychiatrie. Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie: geneeskunde op het kruispunt van kinderneurologie en kindergeneeskunde...
- Kindermishandeling en verwaarlozingIn Nederland worden jaarlijks naar schatting tussen de 90.000 en 127.000 kinderen mishandeld en/of verwaarloosd, oftewel 26 tot 37 per 1000 kinderen. Bij bijna de helft van de mish...
- Know Thyself - mindfulness for professionalsAlthough academic knowledge and skills form the core of graduate programs, an explicit focus on self-awareness and self-care as part of training is also critical, especially in hea...
- Kwantitatief inzicht voor juristenAls jurist word je regelmatig met kwantitatieve data geconfronteerd, zeker in het bedrijfsleven en bij de overheid. Het juist interpreteren van deze data is voor juridische analyse...
- Latijns-Amerikastudies (Spaans/Portugees)This multidisciplinary minor within the department of Latin American Studies offers the opportunity to combine language acquisition courses in Spanish or Portuguese with modules in...
- Law in ActionGet introduced to different empirical methods as used in law, from small interviews to large-scale behavioral studies. No prior knowledge is required. Take a look at [the vi...
- Law, Culture and DevelopmentLaw is of major importance for socio-economic development. Ideally, law organizes human interaction in a way that promotes justice and legal certainty and protects vulnerable group...
- Leading people, teams, and organisations for excellenceOrganizations are complex social entities that can achieve success only when the individuals within them thrive and perform to their full potential. In this comprehensive course, w...
- Learning by doing: consulting social entrepreneursInstead of working with fictitious cases, you will be working with **real, existing organizations** . Work as consultants to social entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations. Work...
- Learning from big dataEvery day, millions of consumers voice their opinions in product-review websites, blogs and chat rooms. They produce massive amounts of user-generated content (UGC), most of which...
- Legal TechnologyIn deze minor ga je kennismaken met de manier waarop technologie (legal tech) bezig is het juridische beroep en jouw toekomstige werkveld te veranderen. We kijken vooral naar versc...
- Living Education LabThis LDE Minor combines the domains of design thinking and technology-enhanced learning and teaching with interdisciplinary group work. You are guided through your individual learn...
- MUSICDo you want to explore both classic and cutting-edge research on the economy and sociology of popular music, while simultaneously gaining practical insights into the popular music...
- Med-Tech Based EntrepreneurshipThe minor MedTech-Based Entrepreneurship (MTBE) minor provides insights into the process of technology-based new venture creation, from both a theoretical and practical point of vi...
- Media, Culture and SocietyEver thought about the profound influence that media have on our lives? Satisfy your curiosity about what the media do to us and what we do with the media. Media and communication...
- Medische psychologieHoe komt het dat sommige patiënten in het ziekenhuis somber of angstig worden, terwijl de meesten het prima lijken te doen? Waarom gebruiken sommige patiënten hun medicijnen niet z...
- Migratie en DiversiteitNederland en de meeste andere landen in Europa en Noord-Amerika zijn door doorgaande processen van internationale migratie in toenemende mate etnisch en cultureel diverse samenlevi...
- Mind and brainDeze minor richt zich op de cognitieve processen die invloed hebben op de wisselwerking tussen brein en bewustzijn. Het gaat om processen op het gebied van aandacht, cognitie, emot...
- Mobiliteit & TransportHoe kom je zonder transport ’s ochtends op tijd op de TU Delft? Dagelijks verplaatsen miljoenen mensen zich naar hun werk, de winkel, bezoek, het sportcentrum of cafe. En nog veel...
- Modern Drug DiscoveryHow are new drugs developed? This question is central to the Minor Modern Drug Discovery (MDD), which covers the entire trajectory from disease to drug molecule and vice versa. The...
- Modern PhysicsDo you have a talent for Physics and Mathematics? Do you want to learn more about Quantum Mechanics, Entropy on a microscopic scale, Einstein’s special relativity, and quantum comp...
- Modes of Existence: Architecture and Philosophy (Modes of Existence - 15 EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and TU Delft. Education may take place at several locations. **If you follow the 15 EC version, the minor ends...
- Modes of Existence: Architecture and Philosophy (Modes of Existence - 30 EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University and TU Delft. Education may take place at several locations. **If you follow the 15 EC version, the minor ends...
- Molecular BiotechnologyThe global biotechnology industry enjoys more success and influence than ever before. Their innovations continue to improve the lives of people worldwide. The biotechnology industr...
- Monetary Policy, Banks, and Financial MarketsLearn about the key concepts of how the financial system, the banking system, the money supply process and monetary policy work. The minor covers questions around money, interest...
- Museums, Heritage and CollectionsMuseums are powerful and influential institutions in their ability to shape knowledge and contribute to our identity. What we preserve and how we present our collections and herita...
- Music StudiesThe minor Music Studies offers you a different way of thinking about music. Music is more than just a form of art, more than just entertainment. What roles does music play within...
- NeuroAI: The Computing BrainNeural network models of brain and cognition: how the biological brain gives rise to intelligence? Our current understanding of brain function combines biology, theory and mod...
- Neuroeconomics: how the brain decides (RSM)Learn how the brain decides. Follow a crash-course on the anatomy and functions of the brain, as well as an introduction to neuroscience methods. Investigate the balance between ra...
- Neurorevalidatie: diagnostiek en behandelingFocus op dwarslaesie, CVA, traumatisch hersenletsel en kinderen met Cerebrale Parese.In de eerste 2 weken wordt aandacht besteed aan basiskennis over het centrale zenuwstelsel. Ook...
- New Economic Thinking & Social EntrepreneurshipEnlarge your positive impact on the world through new economic approaches and transformative theories and methods. Many of today’s most pressing challenges require transformative...
- Offshore Wind EnergyWind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. The sector is currently expanding fast offshore, through the installation of large offshore wind farms. The deman...
- Ondernemen en BelastingenVraag jij je wel eens af hoe het Nederlandse belastingstelsel werkt als er weer een blauwe envelop op de deurmat valt? Ben je benieuwd hoe economie en belastingen in elkaar grijpen...
- Ontwerpen van onderwijsIn deze minor maak je kennis met het vakgebied onderwijskundig ontwerpen, dat zich bezighoudt met de manier waarop mensen leren en hoe je ze daar het best toe kan uitnodigen en in...
- OpvoedvraagstukkenBinnen de minor *Opvoedvraagstukken* bestuderen we opgroeien en opvoeden. Je leert over actuele pedagogische vraagstukken, met specifieke aandacht voor de diverse en grootstedelijk...
- Orgaantransplantatie: pushing the limitsBen je geïnteresseerd in innovatieve zorg en technieken die buiten de gebaande paden gaan? Deze minor brengt alle disciplines samen in de wereldwijde ontwikkelingen en uitdagingen...
- Orthopedie en SportgeneeskundeSporten is gezond, maar de keerzijde is het ontstaan van blessures. De preventie en behandeling van sportblessures staan centraal in deze minor. Tijdens deze minor krijg je een ind...
- PoliticologiePolitiek is de organisatie en werking van samenlevingen, waarbij de verdeling en uitoefening van macht centraal staan. Politiek omvat belangenbehartiging, besluitvorming, en de imp...
- Port Management and Maritime LogisticsRotterdam is Europe’s largest port, which is transitioning into a zero emissions port. Learn about maritime economics, port management and container logistics. In this minor you wi...
- Positive Organizational PsychologyTo stay productive and competitive, organisations need to consider the needs and experiences of their workers. Indeed, having a good people & culture strategy is essential to attra...
- Principles of negotiationIn business as in life, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. Take a look at the[ video](https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%...
- Projectmanagement: van Nano tot MegaIt is often said that today's society has become 'projectified'. We want to create ever-more-complicated products on an ever-larger scale, yet we still want them to be unique. Proj...
- Psychologie van gezondheid en ziekteDeze minor richt zich op de relaties tussen gedrag, gezondheid en ziekte. Het gaat daarbij niet alleen over afwijkend gedrag en psychopathologie (klinische kenmerken van psychische...
- Psychology: a comprehensive introductionThis minor provides a representative and coherent overview of the entire discipline. It is representative because it constitutes a first acquaintance with the main currents and the...
- Public Administration: Multi-Level GovernanceThis minor targets third year Bachelor level students who have a broad interest in the functioning and improvement of the public sector in all its facets. This necessitates attenti...
- Public HealthPublic Health is een multidisciplinair vakgebied dat zich richt op het behouden en verbeteren van de gezondheid van (brede groepen binnen) de bevolking door middel van collectieve...
- Public Risk and DisasterWhen global pandemics, earthquakes, and tsunamis strike, they leave a lasting impact on societies around the world. Next to these natural hazards, man-made risks can result in majo...
- Quantitative BiologyBiology is developing rapidly from a mere descriptive science to a predictive science, like physics and chemistry. In this transition a quantitative approach is adopted in which ma...
- Quantum Science and Quantum InformationThe minor programme begins with covering the fundamental knowledge you will need from mathematics, quantum mechanics and computer science. After this, you dive into learning about...
- Questions of Justice in Law, Literature and the ArtsQuestions of justice are not only the concern of legal professionals, politicians and activists, they also permeate culture at large. Literature, Cinema, Music and Artworks often r...
- Recht en gezondheidszorgGeïnteresseerd in de beginselen van het gezondheidsrecht en actuele juridische vraagstukken in de zorg? Bekijk [de video](https://youtu.be/In8B7aq-538) en leer meer over deze...
- RechtspsychologieDe strafrechter bepaalt of de verdachte schuldig is, maar vergist zich soms. Leer alles over bewijskracht, cijfermatig uitgedrukt. Jaarlijks worden er in Nederland ongeveer 100.0...
- Reconstruction from head to hands: A multidisciplinary viewEen hand die niet meer functioneert na een ongeval of een gezicht dat ernstig verminkt is door een tumor of een aangeboren afwijking. Hoe kun jij helpen? Duik in de multidisciplina...
- Religion in a Changing WorldReligion is everywhere. Knowledge of religion is essential for anyone who wants to understand the world. If you are fascinated by the diversity of religions, their development thro...
- Responsible InnovationThe minor Responsible Innovation is a unique collaboration between Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam and is one of the oldest LDE m...
- RetoricaRetorica is overal. In de Tweede Kamer, in de rechtbank, en in de collegezaal; maar ook op de markt, op Twitter, en op Facebook. Van de oudheid tot de 21e eeuw, van Griekenland en...
- RoboticsAlways wanted to create a robot from scratch? In this minor you will work in a multidisciplinary team and design and build a functional robotic prototype for a customer. You and yo...
- SDG-based entrepreneurship in organizations (SDG - 15EC)The SDG-based entrepreneurship minor is a challenged-based program designed in collaboration between the Delft Center for Entrepreneurship (Delft Technological University), Rotterd...
- SDG-based entrepreneurship in organizations (SDG - 30EC)The SDG-based entrepreneurship minor is a challenged-based program designed in collaboration between the Delft Center for Entrepreneurship (Delft Technological University), Rotterd...
- Smarter Choices for Better Health**Please note: this minor ends 20 December!** Healthcare expenditures are increasing rapidly. This minor uses insights from behavioural and health economics to study how these...
- Space Missions (SM - 15EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who cannot do...
- Space Missions (SM - 30EC)This joint minor is offered in collaboration with Leiden University. Education may take place at several locations. *The 15EC (Q1) variant is only for students who cannot do...
- Spaces of Display: Retail and Exhibition DesignDuring this interiors minor, students design a (small) exhibition space with a fully detailed fragment of the building or interior. The minor consists of two quarters, each divided...
- Spatial Computing for Digital TwinningThe new generation of actors involved in spatial developments, such as architects, geo-information specialists, and decision-makers, will be expected to improve and monitor the liv...
- Spatial Computing in Architectural DesignSpatial Computing for Architectural Design is focused on formulating and solving complex design problems in architecture. It involves developing computational procedures and models...
- Sports and SocietyThis minor uses insights from economics, philosophy, history, and media studies to critically assess the position of sport in our society. This minor introduces students to th...
- Strategy consultingLearn to think and act as a top strategy consultant. Learn to quickly and effectively analyze how an organization operates, and where its weak points lie. You will learn the proven...
- Sustainability, Climate Change, and FoodAchieving greater levels of sustainability is a goal facing many fields of public policy, especially in the context of an increasing climate crisis. This creates particularly acute...
- Sustainable Chemistry and BiotechnologyThe minor Sustainable Chemistry and Biotechnology aims to make students aware of the major sustainability issues that must be addressed in the next generation. The activity of huma...
- Sustainable Urbanism: The Green-Blue CityDutch cities have to deal with urgent environmental problems. Climate change has become a visible problem in the urban environment of the Netherlands. Cities cope with heavy rainfa...
- Sustainable developmentThis interdisciplinary minor addresses sustainability challenges from a systems perspective, and investigates ways to sustain society within planetary boundaries. The minor provide...
- Tax and Society: Building a Sustainable and Fair Tax SystemTaxation is crucial to addressing many of the most pressing societal challenges today. Adapting to climate change, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, controlling incom...
- Technology-Based EntrepreneurshipThe minor Technology-Based Entrepreneurship provides a basis for students who would like to supplement their technical knowledge and skills with entrepreneurship knowledge and skil...
- The Art of ChoosingMaking Choices that Maximize Happiness. Choices are an essential part of our life. Being able to choose facilitates human flourishing. Yet, how to make choices that make us happy o...
- The Evolution of International OrderHow to understand the global crisis of the 21st century, from America’s War on Terror to the rise of ISIS, and from the climate crisis to the challenges posed to the West by the re...
- The Healthy Inclusive City: Addressing Socio-Spatial InequalitiesThe world's urban population has increased drastically during the last century. At the turn of the 20th century, approximately 10% of people lived in cities. By 1950, the world's...
- The Impact SpaceWelcome to the Impact Space Minor: **“Building a Fair Rotterdam: Living, Working and Governing in the Vital and Resilient Metropolitan Area”** – where education meets real-world i...
- The Political Economy of European IntegrationThis course examines theoretical and practical issues of the European Integration and touches upon economic and legal implications of the EU. Take a look at [the video](https:...
- The sooner, the better - optimalisatie van de start van het levenEen goede start van het leven, met name in de eerste 1000 dagen is het resultaat van intrinsieke biologische factoren, de peri-conceptionele gezondheid, de socio-economische situat...
- Theater en FilmBij deze minor verwerf je kennis van de geschiedenis, conventies en vertelstrategieën van de belangrijkste Westerse dramatische media, met name film en theater. Je krijgt een cultu...
- Timeless Typologies - “Remodelling Architecture”The minor Timeless Typologies will focus on studying and modelling historical architectural precedents, covering a known oeuvre or style. The chosen theme will be represented by a...
- ToxicEen zelf samengestelde reis in de wereld van geneesmiddelontwikkeling, bijwerkingen en toxicologie: van de ontwikkeling van een geneesmiddel, beoordeling van de veiligheid, op de m...
- TweedetaalverwervingDe minor tweedetaalverwerving kent twee tracks: * Onderzoeksvariant * Taalvaardigheidsvariant (te kiezen uit Duits, Frans, Italiaans, Spaans en Turks) De eerste track is bestemd...
- Vertalen Engels-NederlandsA language degree does not prepare you for a job as a translator, a fact unknown to graduates and their clients. Perhaps just as well, because many language graduates do become tra...
- Violence StudiesUrban riots, violent responses by police, drug-related assassinations, child abuse, bar fights: Violence is a core theme in today’s modern society. The study of violence is relevan...
- Ziekten van Lever, Alvleesklier en Galwegen door chirurg en maag-, darm- en leverartsEen verdiepende minor op het snijvlak van Maag-, Darm- en Leverziekten (MDL) en Chirurgie waarbij je door het volgen van patiënten het hele scala aan ziektebeelden, diagnostiek, be...