
Amsterdam Regenerative Impact Challenge


Over deze cursus

The Amsterdam Metropolitan Region intends to move towards what Kate Raworth calls a Doughnut Economy, tackling fundamental societal challenges while staying within planetary and social boundaries that ensure the conditions for all life in the bioregion to thrive. This requires a fundamental re-imagining of human impact on Earth, a regenerative approach to solutions, and developing personal agency to make meaningful change.

By engaging with key stakeholders in the transition and learning from pioneers in the field of the commons, circularity, regenerative design, and urban transition, we explore how we can regenerate the capacity of the bioregion to restore itself.

The program provides a living systems-framework to regenerative impact. You will learn a grounded approach to action research that allows you to integrate multiple perspectives and we use reflective practices, Socratic dialogue, and a strong community to address the root causes of our ecological, economic, and social crises and design experimental interventions to change the tide.

During the Regenerative Impact Week, practitioners from key initiatives and students come together to learn, strengthen relationships, slow down, and speed up the transition to a more regenerative city.

Every initiative that is working in the transition to a regenerative city is faced with the challenges of bridging worlds, of clashing worldviews, and the limits of the systems we inherited. Building local capacity for renewal and vitality goes hand in hand with the need to navigate the increasing pressures of the Anthropocene, global capitalism, and social inequality.


Students will work in a multi-disciplinary student team on a real-life challenge for which finding a solution requires the creative co-creation of new knowledge across the boundaries of existing practices. The challenge is closed with an event during which the product is exhibited.

The challenge is taking place in Amsterdam and students are called to work on the field for 7 days full time. Within these 7 days students will be co-existing and collaborating closely with stakeholders involved, coaches helping them on the process and their teachers.

The challenge will start with a kick-off on the 10th of July 2022 , followed by meetings and events during the whole week until the final event on Saturday the 16th of July 2022 .

*This challenge has limited spots available. This means that when you register for this challenge, you’ll be placed on a waiting list . A month prior to the challenge we’ll let you know if you can join the challenge (latest by the 1st of June). Don’t be shy, give it a try!

Goed om te weten

Voor het inschrijven van dit vak gelden de specifieke procedures vanuit het honoursprogramma. Bekijk onze website voor meer informatie:

Veronderstelde voorkennis

Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen

  • In Blok SUMMER moet je deel uitmaken van één van de volgende doelgroepen
  • 3de jaars BA, MA en PhD

Link naar meer informatie

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    ECTS 1.5
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  • Email contactpersoon
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