Het volledige minoraanbod van de LDE-instellingen voor collegejaar 2025-2026 wordt begin maart gepubliceerd op eduXchange.

Design of operations planning and control systems


Over deze cursus

  • positioning of decoupling points in the process flow
  • the specification of production units, operational characteristics of production units that.
  • control of capacity (regular capacity, contingent capacity, outsourcing) as of function of costs, lead times and demand information
  • the control of materials acquisition and processing activities as a function of costs, lead times and demand information,
  • the operational coordination of the decision functions in the control structure
  • the structural coordination of the decision functions in the control structure

Additional information assumed previous knowledge
This course is open to all students (except Exchange students) of the Master of Science Program in Operations Management & Logistics. It is required for students of the capital goods and consumer goods tracks. Graduate students of other programs can also take part in the course, provided that they have sufficient prior knowledge of production and inventory control and the related formal models. These include topics such as queuing theory, forecasting, inventory control theory, MRP, due date assignment and workload control systems, deterministic and stochastic sequencing and scheduling in flow shops, job shops, and projects. As a reference for this knowledge we refer to the joint topics covered by: E. Silver, D. Pyke, R. Peterson. Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling S. Nahmias. Production and operations analysis W. Hopp and M. Spearman, Factory Physics, Chapter 1 to 10. or the topics covered by J.W.M. Bertrand, J.C. Wortmann, J. Wijngaard, Productiebeheersing en Materials Management (in Dutch)


Building on the model-based-knowledge obtained in the courses on Production Control an Inventory Control, this course trains the students to develop control structures for the control of complex production systems, taking into account the technological, economical and organizational constraints that a design has to satisfy. The students learn to evaluate the designs and select one that best satisfies the design requirements in terms of performance and costs.


Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen

  • Ingeschreven voor één van de volgende opleidingen
  • Manufacturing Systems Engineering in Industrial Engineering
  • Manufacturing Systems Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Operations Management and Logistics
  • In Blok GS4 mag je geen deel uitmaken van één van de volgende doelgroepen
  • Uitgesloten studentgroepen Je moet ook voldoen aan één van de onderstaande verzamelingen met eisen
  • Verzameling 1
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) afgerond
  • Verzameling 2
  • Schakelprogramma afgerond


  • Case material (required, will be distributed via Canvas)
  • Lecture notes (required; available via Canvas)
  • Reader with scientific papers (required, available via Canvas)
  • Web lectures, available via Canvas and/or

Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 5
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    21 april 2025

    • Einddatum
      22 juni 2025
    • Periode *
      Blok GS4
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
    • Inschrijven voor
      23 mrt, 23:59
    • Tijd info
      Option 1: Monday 15:30 - 17:30, Wednesday 10:45 - 12:45. Option 2: Thursday 17:30 - 19:30
    Nog 10 dagen om in te schrijven
Dit aanbod is voor studenten van Utrecht University