Design for a Sustainable Future: specializing USER


Over deze cursus

Students attend a lecture series that combines Social Theory and Design Methodologies for user-centered design.The lectures will be in English.
The following lecture topics will be covered.

Social theory:

  • Social science paradigms, normative definitions of the user, practice based approaches, sustainable consumption
  • Urban paradigms, smartness and smart citizenship, urban commons and commoner identities
  • The sharing economy, digitalization and user practices

Design Methodologies

  • User centered design
  • Value sensitive design
  • Participatory design

In addition to the lecture series, the students will work on a situationals project implementing user centered design methodologies to a particular urban user problem.


The general objectives of the USE-curriculum are:

  1. To gain knowledge about the ways that the social-, and management- sciences as well as the humanities work and think.
  2. To apply the acquired knowledge within at least one casus to embed relevant fields of technology in order to explore technologies relationship to society.
  3. To synthesize and evaluate the work (analyse, explain, model, design, critically reflect, evaluate) with a broad definition of technology (as a socio - technical system) within at least one of the USE-perspectives.

Objectives specific to the course Design for a Sustainable Future:

  1. To gain knowledge about the ways that the social-, and management- sciences as well as the humanities work and think.
  2. To apply the acquired knowledge within at least one casus to embed relevant fields of technology in order to explore technologies relationship to society.
  3. To synthesize and evaluate the work (analyse, explain, model, design, critically reflect, evaluate) with a broad definition of technology (as a socio - technical system) within at least one of the USE-perspectives.

Specific learning outcomes:

After successfully completing this course (7XSUA0) the student is able to:

  1. To gain knowledge about the ways that the social-, and management- sciences as well as the humanities work and think.
  2. To apply the acquired knowledge within at least one casus to embed relevant fields of technology in order to explore technologies relationship to society.
  3. To synthesize and evaluate the work (analyse, explain, model, design, critically reflect, evaluate) with a broad definition of technology (as a socio - technical system) within at least one of the USE-perspectives.


Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen

  • Alle onderstaande cursussen zijn behaald
  • Design for a Sustainable Future (7XEUA0)


Aanvullende informatie

  • Studiepunten
    ECTS 5
  • Niveau
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  • Startdatum

    3 februari 2025

    • Einddatum
      6 april 2025
    • Periode *
      Blok 3
    • Locatie
    • Voertaal
    Inschrijvings datums nog niet bekend
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