Over deze cursus
Theory of Consumer Choice
- budget constraint
- preferences
- utility
- choice
- demand
- price and income changes
Firm behaviour
- cost of production
- cost curves
- firm supply
Supply and demand
- market demand
- industry supply
- equilibrium in competitive market
- elasticity
- effect of government policies
- consumer surplus
- producer surplus
Organisation of industry
- monopoly
- oligopoly
Remaining topics:
- general equilibrium
- pure exchange of goods
Students are expected to acquire knowledge and gain insight into economic theory and underlying methods. They will be able to derive optimal consumer and producer choices, to identify the impact of parameter changes, as well as to discuss the impact of underlying assumptions. Additionally, they will be able to analyze supply and demand on both individual and market level, to analyze different organizations of industry, as well as to analyze an exchange model.
Je moet voldoen aan de volgende eisen
- Ingeschreven voor een andere opleiding dan
- HBO-TOP Applied Physics, Schakelprogramma
- Intermediate Microeconomics, Hal R. Varian, 9th edition, Norton
- Extra literature
Aanvullende informatie
- Meer infoCursuspagina op de website van Eindhoven University of Technology
- Neem contact op met een coordinator
- StudiepuntenECTS 5
- Niveaubachelor
- Selectie courseNee
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