
Bio-Tech-Med Interdisciplinary Team Training


About this course

Period (from – till): 11 February - 27 March 2025 (BMS_P3_A)Faculty
drs. R.R. de Jonge, course coordinator.
S. ter Meulen-de Jong, UMCU and GSLS.
B. Arets, SUMMA,
A. Berendts, Nutrition and health, WUR
Course description
Challenged based learning! In this course you create solutions to a disease-related problem. Together with Master's students from the Graduate School of Life Sciences, Medicine Master ‘SUMMA’, Health and Nutrition, WUR, and Bio-engineering, Technical University Eindhoven, you obtain the skills to work in an interdisciplinary team and work towards a solution for a current health problem.
The overarching aim is, that future doctors, health scientists, bio-engineers, and biomedical scientists will collaborate and obtain interdisciplinary skills.
You will work in small interdisciplinary groups guided by experts in the fields of biomed/tech/nutrition. The course consists of four plenary meeting days (22 February, 29 February, 14 March, and 4 April) at one of the participating institutes. In between these plenary meeting days, you will continue working together at a distance to keep the project going. Several Q&A and tutor sessions or pitch training will support you.
Within this elective course you will learn among others about interdisciplinary collaborative skills, design thinking, brainstorming, pitching potential solutions, entrepreneurship, and patient perspectives. Literature/study material used:
Primary literature

Participate in interdisciplinary (boundary crossing) teamwork.
Attend three plenary days (lectures, interactive sessions, workshops).
Pitch your final solution by using a poster.
Work on your boundary crossing learning objective and write a reflection paper on this.

During the entire course you will perform group work alongside self-study for about 40 hours.

Attendance and Active Participation (P/F)
Interdisciplinary competences (P/F)
Reflection report (P/F)
Communication/team work skills (P/F)
Poster 40%
Team pitch 60%

Contact email address

You can register for this course via here on the Students' site.
Additionally, you are required to send an e-mail to the course coordinator, specifying the course code, the Master's programme you participate in and your background (biomedical/medical/technical).

Mandatory for students in own Master’s programme

Optional for students in other GSLS Master’s programmes
Yes, for all GSLS students

Prerequisite knowledge

Other remarks
This 3 EC course can be extended to 5 EC. The extension consists of an individual assignment that focuses on the inclusion of additional disciplines in the proposed solution.
Be aware that in that case you should register for the 5 EC variant of this course with course code BMB539019.

Learning outcomes

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:

  • Translate a real-life disease-related problem into a well-formulated problem definition;
  • Reflect on his/her personal interdisciplinary collaboration experience, and on the added value of an interdisciplinary approach to solve a disease-related challenge;
  • Acquire efficient communication skills to engage the challenge stakeholders;
  • Engage all stakeholders’ perspectives in the formulation of the solution to the disease-related challenge;
  • Contribute actively in the interdisciplinary collaboration and to enhance group dynamics;
  • Collaborate effectively while working in geographically distant settings and within a limited time frame;
  • Formulate, pitch, and defend a proposal that is scientifically sound, feasible, innovative, and interdisciplinary, which answers the problem definition.

Enrolment details

You will be enrolled for this course by administration of the programme of this course.


Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 3
  • Level
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of Utrecht University.


  • Start date

    3 February 2025

    • Ends
      17 April 2025
    • Term *
      Period 3
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    Currently no more seats available
These offerings are valid for students of TU Eindhoven