
Living on the Edge


About this course

NOTE: Registration deadline 10 April

Museon-Omniversum needs your help to design a new exhibition (100 m2) on geology. The exhibition must be interesting for both school visits and regular family audience. Museon-Omniversum wants to address the effects of plate tectonics, specifically earthquakes and volcanoes.

In 2022, popular science museum Museon and giant dome film theater Omniversum merged. One Planet is the name of our programming and reflects our mission: to inspire new generations to commit to a livable Earth for all. Museon-Omniversum is a fun and educational day out for young and old. There is plenty to do: exhibitions, films, themed rooms, labs and activities.

We need fresh ideas for a new exhibition on the effects of plate tectonics. How does this align with our focus, the sustainable development goals? We as humans do not affect plate tectonics. We do affect the number of casualties and amount of damage. There are almost no places in the world where you can live without the threat of a natural disaster. Earthquakes, volcanoes, drought, floods ... there are risks everywhere. Everyone deserves a safe and future-proof place to live, and that is the link to the sustainable development goals.

Unfortunately, earthquakes (as well as other natural disasters) discriminate between rich and poor. If you have no money or live in a country with few resources, your chances of surviving an earthquake or keeping your home without damage, decrease. If you have a lot of money and access to the right knowledge, you can afford to move or live in a building more resistant to earthquakes. Earthquake-resistant construction is in fact quite possible, but how does it work? And why doesn’t everybody live in buildings like that? All the knowledge is available! We can’t predict earthquakes, but we do know where the biggest risks are and how to prepare for them.

And what about volcanic eruptions? From the past, we know that large eruptions affect the climate, both locally and globally. Climate change also affects volcanic eruptions. Processes such as rainfall and seasons have quite an impact on volcanic eruptions and climate change causes more extreme weather. Many people live around volcanoes, can we predict these eruptions?

Please note

  • This course is open to Bachelor students (register for GEO3-2012) and Master students and PhD (register for GEO4-2012)

  • Total amount of participating students for this project is 24 (all institutions, BA and MA)

  • Study load 70 hrs (including preparation, a 5-day design sprint and a reflection report)

  • The design sprint will be completely in person

      				**Maandag 17 april** 			**Dinsdag** 			**Woensdag** 			**Donderdag** 			**Vrijdag** 					  
      	10.00 Kick Off Day 1 & Briefing			  
      	10.00 Kick Off Day 2  
      	& Talk			  
      	10.00 Kick Off Day 2 & Talk			  
      	10.00 Kick Off Day 3 & Talk			  
      	10.00 Kick Off Day 4					11.00 Gathering Data  
      	11.00 Sensemaking, problem framing & define design criteria			11.00 Idea testing			11.00 Prototyping			11.00 Adapt prototype					**12.30 Lunch** 			**12.30 Lunch** 			**12.30 Lunch** 			**12.30 Lunch** 			**12.30 Lunch** 					13.30 Gathering Data  
      	13.30 Generate Ideas			13.30 Storyboarding			13.30 Prototype & Experiment			13.30 Prep Pitch					15.00 Identify insights  
      	15.00 Rapid Prototyping			15.00 Prototyping Strategy			15.00 Prototype & Experiment			15.00 Pitch					16.00 Check-out			16.00 Check-out			16.00 Check-out			16.00 Check-out			16.00 Check-out

Learning outcomes

Enrolment details

Do you study at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) or Wageningen University and Research (WUR)? You can enrol via

Prior knowledge

You must meet the following requirements

  • Enrolled for a degree programme of faculty Faculty of Geosciences


Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 2.5
  • Level
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