
Programming for Medical Imaging


About this course

Period (from – till ): 11 September - 10 November 2023 (BMS_P1_A)
Course coordinator : Dr. K.L. Vincken
Dr. K.L. Vincken, UMC Utrecht/Imaging Division, lecturer
Renée Allebrandi, MA (course contact person)
Course description
In the area of medical imaging, it is necessary to create computer programs to process and analyse image data. This course deals with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working with (large) image datasets.

Students will learn how to write source code and create a computer program to process medical images efficiently. This includes debugging and problem solving.

Course includes algorithms and data structures used in medical image analysis. Modern programming techniques are used, paying attention to efficient computer instructions and memory usage.


  • Written exam: 60%
  • Two computer assignments: 40%

The weights indicated above are applied to calculate the final mark. To pass the course the grade for each component must be a 5.0 or higher and the final mark must be an unrounded 5.5 or higher (Anglo-Saxon grade mark D). In case of an insufficient grade, you are allowed to do a make-up assignment or re-exam.
Literature/study material used MANDATORY, book will be actively used during the course: Programming Principles and Practice Using C++”, Bjarne Stroustrup, ISBN: 9780321992789 MANDATORY will be used throughout the entire course

Microsoft Visual Studio (free community edition)

ITK Software Guide (via:

Medical Imaging students are registered automatically for this course upon entering the Masterprogramme.
Other UU and TU/e partnership students can register for this course via here on the Students' site.
Students from outside the UU or TU/E partnership can register for this course by sending an email to Please include your name, student number, Master’s programme and the course code.Mandatory
Yes, for MIMG students.

Optional for students in other GSLS Master’s programme:

Prerequisite knowledge:
Basic computer skills

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student:

  1. is able to create a computer program using C++, and ITK
  2. can debug source code and fix issues
  3. has understanding on how source code affects computer execution and memory
  4. has knowledge on algorithms and data structures for medical image processing.

Enrolment details

You will be enrolled for this course by administration of the programme of this course.


Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of Utrecht University.


  • Start date

    2 September 2024

    • Ends
      8 November 2024
    • Term *
      Period 1
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    Course is currently running
These offerings are valid for students of TU Eindhoven