Business analysis for information technology systems


About this course

The engineering history has taught us well that it is essential to have a clear understanding of the problem and the requirements of the solution system in order to successfully design and implement the right solution. This course focuses on the methods and practices that are used to identify the needs and to define IT system solutions that will maximize the value delivered by an organization to its stakeholders. It provides an understanding of the organizational and managerial issues related to the elicitation, analysis, specification, verification, validation and management of IT system requirements. It discusses methods and practices that are applied not only for the development of innovative commercial software systems but also for the implementation of enterprise information systems. These systems support functions and business processes in various domains, including healthcare, logistics, financial services, and other industries particularly in the service environment.
The student groups will develop and verify requirements of a IT system or a specific part of it. This will significantly help in reinforcing the theoretical concepts and methods discussed during the lectures and in understanding the business analysis problems that can be encountered in business environment.

Learning outcomes

Business analysis for information technology (IT) systems involves defining needs and designing/describing IT solutions for business problems. These solutions can range from novel commercial software products to large-scale business/enterprise information systems.
Upon completing the course successfully, students will be able to:

  • explain the function of business analysis in developing business solutions enabled by IT,
  • explain the key concepts and techniques for eliciting IT requirements,
  • recognise business analysis practices within the different lifecycle approaches to IT systems development
  • explain the key concepts and techniques for analysing and modeling IT requirements
  • specify high-quality IT system requirements.

Prior knowledge

You must meet all the following collections of requirements

  • Collection 1
  • Completed Final examination Bsc program
  • Collection 2
  • Completed Pre-Master


  • Suggested books (will be announced in the Studyguide)
  • Lecture handouts and related material (papers, book chapters)
  • Video lectures for all course modules (available online)

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
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