416 Results
- ABC: About Building CellsAs laymen, and as scientists, we have always pondered upon the questions, “What is life? Can we create life-like systems?”. Recent years have seen a tremendous interest from divers...
- Academic Skills for BiologistsStudents become further familiar with information resources (library, internet sites and portals) in the field of biology, with specific emphasis on university library network reso...
- Advanced (Bio)analytical ChemistryAnalytical chemistry plays a key role in numerous areas of life sciences, including the assessment of food safety, studies of food metabolism or agricultural production, but also i...
- Advanced BioresourcesThe Advanced Bioresources course builds on the basis knowledge taught in the Bioresources course and aims to develop new systems that are better adapted to a Circular and Biobased...
- Advanced Inorganic ChemistryThis course deals with inorganic chemistry, discussing the presence and role of inorganic elements in biological systems and in novel nanomaterials. Focus is on d-block elements in...
- Advanced Management and MarketingThe focus of Advanced Management and Marketing (AMM) is on strategic management and marketing. During your career you will deal with strategy and marketing plans; be it in a privat...
- Advanced Optical Imaging & Single-Molecule BiophysicsIn this intensive course, students will learn and apply the working principles and concepts behind various advanced imaging and single-molecule techniques that have revolutionized...
- Advanced Python ProgrammingIn this course, the student is taught how to build interactive applications. Building interactive applications in Python is widespread in industry, research and education. For this...
- Advanced Qualitative Research Design and Data Collection MethodsThe course’s educational activities comprise workshops with both lecturing and interactive learning, pre- and post-session exercises to practice and reflect on specific methods and...
- Advanced Rural Sociology: Alternatives in food provisioning and place makingThe course aims to provide a theoretical, empirical, and methodological understanding of agricultural-, food-, and place-making practices in urbanizing societies, where alternative...
- Advanced StatisticsThis course covers several more advanced statistical models and associated designs, and techniques for statistical inference, as relevant to life science studies. The main topics a...
- Advanced Systems BiologyAre you curious to understand how a biological system operates? Are you interested in knowing which elements of the system are responsible for certain characteristics that are expe...
- Advanced cognitionThe course consists of 10 lectures. The lectures cover core topics in cognition (representations, attention, memory, language, categorization, cognition and emotion, and reasoni...
- Advanced cognitive engineeringCognitive engineering is a multidisciplinary endeavour concerned with the analysis, design, and evaluation of complex systems of people and technology. It combines knowledge and ex...
- Advanced data analysisSolid execution of one's professional duties as an HTI engineer requires in-depth knowledge of and experience with the statistical processing of data. Besides assisting the student...
- Advanced omics: from single-cell to meta-omics approachesOmics technologies have revolutionized our ways of looking at the relationship between genotype and phenotype of living organisms. Those technologies are nowadays widely applied to...
- Advanced perceptionThis course covers advanced knowledge about perceptual processes in interaction with modern technologies. The course will discuss quantitative modeling and present basic human reco...
- Advanced planning and scheduling systemsImproving supply chain planning and scheduling often involves the use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems. The design and implementation of such systems requires an APS spe...
- Advanced research methods and research ethics**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot D (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q4, Timeslot A (Cohort 2023)** The course covers factor analysis, logistic regression ana...
- Advanced social psychology and consumer behaviorThis course aims at a better understanding of people's social nature based on the theories and explanations that represent the state-of-the-art social psychology knowledge. Student...
- Agent-Based ModellingThis course presents the fundamental principles of agent-based modeling, empowering students to construct simulations that mirror the behaviors and interactions of individual agent...
- Agricultural Water Management: Water,- Society and Technology InteractionsWorldwide, a variety of processes puts increasing pressure on water resources. Global climate change causes temperatures to rise and precipitation and rainfall patterns change. An...
- Algorithmic programming for operations management- variables and types - operators and expressions - conditional statements, loops and functions - Object Oriented concepts - Data structures - Data preparation and reporting - Inte...
- Analysing Sustainability of Farming SystemsThe sustainability of our agricultural systems is hotly debated. Real and/or perceived crises are everywhere (nitrogen, climate change, biodiversity, soil degradation, and so forth...
- Animal BehaviourThis course introduces students to the field of Animal Behaviour, considering the four questions of Tinbergen, i.e. causation, development, function, and evolution of behaviour. St...
- Animal Behaviour in ConservationThis is a 100% online course. All activities and learning materials are online. Students go through 5 modules, which include knowledge clips, case studies, assignments and recap qu...
- Animal EcologyThe course provides a deeper understanding of animal-animal, animal-food and animal-environment interactions at various integration levels. At the lowest integration level we will...
- Applied BiocatalysisThe purpose of this course is to get insight in the possibilities and the problems concerning the application of biocatalysts for the preparation or conversion of chemicals and (bi...
- Applied Data SkillsThis course provides an overview of applied data skills. Students will learn the basic skills required to import data into statistical software to create graphical representations...
- Applied Information TechnologyInformation and communication systems nowadays play a vital role in our society. The course elaborates on designing and managing these information systems, a major challenge for th...
- Architecture and philosophyDesign facilitates activity, modifies climate and thinks about the making. In all this it delights the user in whichever way he or she uses the building. The big challenge of desig...
- Argumentation for Biosystems EngineeringThe course offers students the possibility to practice the skills that are necessary to deliver an oral argumentation in the right context and for the right purpose. It gives theor...
- Artificial IntelligenceAn increasing number of businesses will adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their decision-making processes. No doubt, AI will have further transformative, far-reaching i...
- Artificial Intelligence for Food and HealthAn increasing number of businesses will adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their decision-making processes. No doubt, AI will have further transformative, far-reaching i...
- Artificial intelligence for logistics and its interfacesIn this challenge-based course, you will learn how and when to use machine-learning techniques to support operational decisions in application areas such as transportation, invento...
- Atmospheric Composition and Air QualityThe objective of this course is to show how simple principles of physics and chemistry can be applied to describe a complex system as the atmosphere, and how one can reduce the com...
- Automated Learning and Testing with Synthetic BiologyThe Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycle is an efficient workflow in engineering studies. For example, DBTL is commonly followed in biotechnology to improve bioprocesses, under ind...
- Automated ReasoningMany problems, such as planning logistics, optimising production processes, verification of computer systems, and also all kinds of puzzles, can be expressed as proving that a form...
- Automation in Food ManufacturingAutomation in factory-based food production and processing focuses on food quality and safety quantization and automatic process control. Sensors have been installed to automatical...
- Automotive societal factorsAutomotive Societal Factors addresses the relation between a car or other vehicle, its human driver, and its dynamic environment. We are especially concerned with technological, so...
- Basic Cell Factory DesignRapid advances in biology allow us to design and construct cell factories, i.e. cells which are tailored to our process. The complexity of the biochemical reaction network in a cel...
- Basics in Food SafetyEveryday reports of food scandals and recalls are published. One day reports mention scary bacteria in meat, and another day dangerous pesticides in fruits. According to some, meat...
- Basics of ImmunotechnologyThis course overlaps with CBI20803. Therefore, combining this course with CBI20803 is not allowed. This course is aimed at students with an interest in the immune system. Each or...
- Basics of Infectious DiseasesEmerging infectious diseases of humans and animals make it into the headlines of the news on a daily basis (e.g. malaria, TBC, norovirus). This multidisciplinary course approaches...
- Bayesian Data AnalysisClassical statistics offers a powerful toolbox for data analysis. This toolbox, however, may not always be sufficiently flexible for modern data situations. For example, some situa...
- Becoming a Teacher 1Becoming a Teacher 1 integrates theory on teachers' professional development with practical teacher training. Students continually reflect upon their experiences and the developmen...
- Becoming a Teacher 2Becoming a Teacher 2 focuses on integration of theory on learning and instruction and practical teacher training. Theory on learning and instruction will be applied and tested in c...
- Becoming a Teacher 3Becoming a Teacher 3 is a follow-up course for students who already successfully finished all the courses of the minor education and want to professionalize themselves as a teacher...
- Becoming a Teacher BasicsThis course is part of the Minor/Module Education and is integrated with an internship at a school. The course focuses on basic teaching and communication skills that prepare stude...
- Behavioral and Experimental EconomicsThis course is not offered in this academic year anymore. It is however possible to take resits for this course when you attended this course in a previous year.For the description...
- Behavioral operations managementThis course provides students with an in depth understanding of how human behavior impacts the performance of various operational processes. It is made up of a series of weekly lec...
- Behavioral research methods 1: designing researchThis course teaches how to design behavioral research. The course provides an introduction to the complete cycle of empirical psychological research. The cycle starts with a resear...
- Behavioral research methods 2: dealing with dataThe course covers the basics of dealing with quantitative research data, including the statistical knowledge that is necessary to be able to do this. Using a hands-on approach, stu...
- Behavioural EcologyThe course Behavioural Ecology provides insight into how evolution through natural selection shapes behaviour of animals (domestic or wild, vertebrate or invertebrate). The course...
- Behavioural EndocrinologyBehavioral endocrinology refers to genetic, molecular, cellular, psychological, and social influences on behaviour. This course reviews the current state of knowledge at the interf...
- Big DataBig Data usually refers to data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, curate, manage, and process within a tolerable elapsed time. With the...
- Big Data for Business DecisionsThe digital world is nowadays generating an unimaginable amount of data. With this so called Big Data, companies have more exact measurements for parameters that could not be measu...
- Big data for urban & transportation analysis /projectTo find good solutions one needs to have a good understanding of the problem. This holds true also for the problems and challenges urban planners are facing in areas such as mobili...
- Biobased & Circular BusinessThe aim of this course is familiarize the student with the principles, practices and potential of realizing (small or large)-scale biobased and circular business; How do firms fil...
- Biobased Materials ScienceIntroduction with incentive/context Biobased materials play a crucial role in the transition towards phasing out fossil resources. These materials can be made from many different...
- Biological Processes for Resource RecoveryThe subject of this course is the exploration of microbiological opportunities to recover resources within Environmental Technology, thereby closing material cycles with minimal lo...
- BiomaterialsInteractions between (synthetic) biomaterials and tissues play a key role when a part of the body is replaced by an implant. At the surface of these implants (e.g. stents, sutures,...
- BiomimeticsIn biomimetics, the structure and function of biological systems are studied to inspire the design of materials, surfaces, instruments, buildings, processes etc. This course addres...
- BioresourcesThis course deals with recent developments in the agronomy of biomass production, methods for classical and marker-assisted plant breeding, and metabolic engineering of biosyntheti...
- Bone structure and functionBone has a load-carrying function in the body, and an associated (micro)structure, which makes it light, as well as stiff and strong. Owing to a stress-controlled biological regu...
- Brain, Hormones and MetabolismDuring the course Brain Hormones and Metabolism different aspects of brain function will be discussed, with specific emphasis on the physiological aspects. The course is subdivided...
- Brain, body & behaviourThese are exciting times for studying the brain. Scientific understanding of the brain, and its relation to human behaviour, continues to grow at an exponential pace. In no small m...
- Built environment and smart mobilityWherever urban development takes place, people will want to come and go. And wherever people come, go, or pass through, opportunities for urban development arise. There is a contin...
- Business analysis for information technology systemsThe engineering history has taught us well that it is essential to have a clear understanding of the problem and the requirements of the solution system in order to successfully de...
- Business process managementBusiness Process Management (BPM) is a radical shift from traditional management thinking. Instead of taking an organization's functional decomposition as a starting point to manag...
- Capita Selecta Plant Production SystemsCapita Selecta in Plant Production Systems will deal with current research questions of the Group, lectures and seminars of guest workers may form part of the Capita Selecta.
- Capita Selecta Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group (WEC)Capita Selecta Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group (WEC)
- Capita Selecta: Making sense of "degrowth"This Capita Selecta introduces students to the concept and theoretical underpinnings of "degrowth". What is degrowth? Is degrowth the solution for an environmentally and socially...
- Catalysis and Sustainable Bio-organic SynthesisCatalysis as a phenomenon is in the core of metabolism, evolution and life itself. As a synthetic tool, catalysis was utilized starting from the XIX century, and nowadays it is imp...
- Cell mechanobiology and engineering- Introduction to mechanobiology - Mechanosensing and mechanotransduction - Cell and matrix mechanics - Cellular and mammalian gene engineering approaches - Biophysical manipulatio...
- Circular EconomyThe transition towards a circular economy is one of the biggest challenges to realize a more sustainable (biobased) society. This transition requires an interdisciplinary approach,...
- Circularity in the built environmentThis course introduces first of all circularity as the problem of planetary (resource) management, with a central role for rates and planetary boundaries. Energy, materials, waste...
- Climate change: understanding the causes and solutions**Part 1: The science base of climate change: facts and figures** In the first two weeks the course will focus on establishing a firm knowledge base on climate science, greenhou...
- Clinical chemistryFirst the principles of medical decision making with concepts as test specificity and sensitivity and predictive value of laboratory data in relation to prevalence of the disease a...
- Clouds in Present and Changing ClimateClouds are a key component of weather and climate. The formation and decay of clouds depends on the synoptic conditions, surface fluxes and cloud microphysics. The aim of this cour...
- Co-creating Sustainable CitiesAround the world, major challenges of our time such as population growth and climate change are being addressed in cities. Here, citizens play an important role amidst governments,...
- Colonialism and Slavery in World HistoryCalls for ‘decolonization’ have grown louder and more pervasive in recent years. Demands for the recognition of past involvement in historical slavery have equally gained traction....
- Commensal and Pathogen Host-Microbe Interactions in the IntestineThe course aims to teach students the concepts involved in research on host microbe interactions rather than a detailed technological training in the field, which may be taught in...
- Comparative Biology and SystematicsMany questions in biology need an evolutionary or phylogenetic perspective, for instance to distinguish convergent evolution from independent, divergent, evolution. This course foc...
- Comparative Health Problems and PoliciesThis course offers a critical perspective on public health issues and the policies meant to address those issues. With the analytical tools of a constructionist social problems fra...
- Complexity in Ecological SystemsThe course offers a modern view on the complexity in ecology. Complex systems may respond in a non-linear way to a changing environment due to feedback mechanisms. This may lead to...
- Computational BiologyThe availability of large amounts of high throughput omics data gives us new insights and a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of life. This course revolves around tw...
- Consumer LawThe Consumer Law course guides you through the intricate world of consumer rights and business responsibilities in light of current and proposed EU legislation. The course uniquely...
- Conversions in Biobased SciencesTo keep our planet inhabitable for future generations we should use its resources in a sustainable manner. We also want to keep (or increase) our standard of living. Therefore we n...
- CooperativesThis course addresses key issues of evolution, strategy, finance, member relations, and governance of cooperatives. Cooperatives are hybrid organisations, as they combine several o...
- Course DevelopmentThis course covers the processes of structurally planning, developing and evaluating courses in a lesson series and a multidisciplinary project in secondary education or vocational...
- Creative programming- Introduction to programming and software engineering. - Variables and control flows. - 2D graphics and animations. - Arrays and other data structures. - Functions. - Al...
- Creativity and aesthetics of data & AIThe course is structured along three lines. The first two lines can run in parallel, with the following activities: - lectures and individual readings on different learning m...
- Data Analysis and VisualizationMuch data is quantitative, and there is a wide range of methods available for the analysis of such data. After a brief introduction to data types and normalisation, a number of vis...
- Data Analysis for Plant and Animal BreedingData analysis is central to both plant and animal breeding, and the size and complexity of phenotypic and genomic data sets continue to increase. Thus, the ability to analyze and i...
- Data Driven Discovery in the Life Sciences: Hypothesis Generation from Omics DataAcross the life sciences, scientists utilize omics data to study biological phenomena in humans, plants, animals and microbes. This results in large and heterogeneous data sets tha...
- Data Driven Supply Chain ManagementResearch and education in the field of Operations Research (OR) and supply chain management (SCM) is spurred by the growing availability of data in supply chains and interest on ho...
- Data ManagementThis course covers database design and the use of databases in applications, with a focus on applications in the life sciences. Topics include the relational model, database design...
- Data Management for Data AnalyticsAfter this course, students will be able to - understand the basics of conceptual data modeling in the Entity Relationship model, and translating a natural language specification o...
- Data Science Applications for Food and Consumer ScienceData on food and consumer behavior are complex in nature due to an interplay between product characteristics (e.g., nutritional properties, food quality attributes, labeling, packa...
- Data Science ConceptsThe amount and variety of data in the domains of living environment, food, health, society and natural resources increases very rapidly. Data thus plays an ever more central role i...
- Data Science EthicsInformation technology has been the core of the third industrial revolution. With big data, artificial intelligence, and automated systems – combined with other technologies roboti...
- Data Science for EcologyAdvancements in technology and information processing are rapidly changing many fields of plant sciences, animal sciences and ecology, including research, agriculture and conservat...
- Data-driven artificial intelligenceIn the modern business landscape, the ability to extract valuable insights from vast volumes of data, whether structured or unstructured, is crucial for informed decision-making an...
- Data-driven methods for managing manufacturing processesDuring the course, the students will analyze and redesign a manufacturing operation, based on data from practice. The students will learn about methods that are available to guide...
- Decision making in Global One HealthThis course focuses on socio-economic aspects of the decision-making process in the field of Global One Health. The overall aim of the course is to appraise the wider impact of dec...
- Decision making with artificial intelligenceIn modern businesses, the extraction of information from the data in the information systems has become a competitive advantage. The availability of large amounts of data of differ...
- Decolonizing Science and TechnologyWhat is decolonization? How and why decolonization relate to history of colonialism? And how history of colonialism is not about distant past but how it shapes the present? This...
- Design for behavioral changeThis course aims to equip Master students with the knowledge and skills that pertain to the design of technologies that can help people change behaviours without coercion, manipula...
- Design for social innovationThis elective invites students from diverse backgrounds (e.g., Industrial Design, Built Environment, Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences) to explore design’s potential in...
- Design for transport and logistics**This course will only be scheduled in timeslot B2.** The case can be based on the following topics: - Design of freight-based Logistics Networks o Network Optimization mo...
- Design of AI-driven business operationDuring the course, the students will analyze and redesign a business operation, based on data from practice. The students will learn about methods that are available to guide the r...
- Design of operations planning and control systems- positioning of decoupling points in the process flow - the specification of production units, operational characteristics of production units that. - control of capacity (regular...
- Design of service operationsOrganizations can gain a competitive advantage by improving and innovating their processes through a holistic process-oriented view. Business Process Management (BPM) discipline pr...
- Designing business processesThis elective is about the design of business processes from an industrial-engineering point of view. This course focuses on business processes before the product launch (inno...
- Designing effective performance management systemsPerformance management is a comprehensive systematic approach aimed at aligning the performance of groups and individuals with organizational goals and strategy and at achieving co...
- Designing with advanced artificial intelligenceThe course DBM180 explores the cutting-edge capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence for designing innovative systems and experiences. Students will gain a deep...
- Developmental Biology of AnimalsThis course prepares you for being a researcher in the field of developmental biology of animals. Drawing from a range of vertebrate and invertebrate model species, it covers a bro...
- Digital Food MarketingThe fast-changing digital landscape offers new ways to approach and engage consumers. We need to understand the consumer behaviour in the digital environment (e.g., digital buying,...
- Digitalization and enterprise systems- Strategic importance of enterprise systems (and IT) as a resource in the era of digitalization: The strategic importance of the effective use of enterprise systems for digital tr...
- Disease EcologyThe overarching aim of the course is to offer a current and comprehensive view of the causes and consequences of infectious disease at the levels of individuals, populations, commu...
- Drainage of Agricultural LandsIn this course, the role of drainage in agricultural water management will be treated. Worldwide, about the same percentages of agricultural lands are irrigated (17%) and drained (...
- Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) MissionWe are all getting familiar with the image of a drone in the sky. Although flying a drone is fun, drones are not toys. More and more UAVs or drones are used by governments and comp...
- Dutch Dairy Student ChallengeIn this specific course we are posing the following question: How can dairy farms still exist in the future, in a healthy, sustainable and economically feasible way, from the per...
- E-businessThe E-Business course addresses the business structure for electrionic business, as well as the related technology support of e-business. The focus is on inter-organizational busin...
- Eating, Customs and HealthHealth is related to (good) food. However, not everyone agrees on what good food is. Moreover, not everyone has an equal access to good food. In this course we study identities aro...
- Ecological Aspects of Bio-interactionsThe course focuses on biological interactions between invertebrates (arthropods, nematodes), micro-organisms and plants, and between beneficial organisms and pathogens and their ho...
- Ecological MethodsStudents learn how to analyse hypothesis-centred ecological field research projects on plants, animals, and their environment, with emphasis on the appropriate choice and applicati...
- Economic policyIn the introductory part of the course, students gain knowledge about the basics of the formal micro economic theory, with special emphasis on the rationale for policy intervention...
- Economic policy in practice: social cost benefit analysis**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot C (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q3, Timeslot C (Cohort 2023)** This course provides students with practical insights into...
- Economics of innovation: IPR and competition law institutions**From academic year 2025-2026 this course is scheduled in Quartile 1, Timeslot D** The introduction course in the Economics of Innovation (0SV30) introduced the Innovation S...
- Economics of innovation: introductionThis course is an introduction to the economic understanding of innovation. It takes the perspective of the firm and deals with the economic incentives and economic consequences of...
- Economy and Management in BiotechnologyThe biotechnology companies needs people who take decisions on when and how to make a business of a scientific novelty developed in the lab. This course teaches you how to make suc...
- EcophysiologyIn their struggle for survival, organisms have to adapt continuously to changes in their abiotic and biotic environment. This course focuses on the molecular mechanisms and consequ...
- Educational Design and Teaching for SustainabilityThis course enables students to understand, design, facilitate and experience sustainability-oriented teaching, learning and capacity-building processes. It is targeted towards stu...
- Empowerment for SustainabilityThis course aims to foster a multifaceted understanding of empowerment for sustainability, and to equip you to walk your talk of sustainability. Firstly, it engages you to explore...
- Energy, economy and societyA reliable, affordable and clean energy supply is of major importance for society, economy and the environment – and will prove to be crucial in the 21st century. You, as future en...
- Engaging and modelling with stakeholders to solve environmental problemsEnvironmental systems are complex involving many actors with a wide range of interests and perceptions. This course aims to enhance students’ understanding and practical abilities...
- Engineering knowledge-intensive business processesThe course introduces students to Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiPs), which are business processes performed by knowledge workers who need to perform interconnected decision-maki...
- Entrepreneurial marketingHow do you sell an innovative product to a market that does not yet exist? Entrepreneurial businesses often create products and services based on radically new technology that have...
- Entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibilityThe course is divided into two parts. In the first part we clarify the hazard to which business ethics is a response and to identify the idea of conscience in relation to corporate...
- Environmental Assets for HealthIn this course we take a multi-disciplinary approach to environmental determinants of health. Health promotion, disease prevention, urban planning and decision-making come together...
- Environmental Data Collection and AnalysisEnvironmental scientists work on complex problems where data from different temporal and spatial scales have to be collected and linked to each other. It is the aim of this course...
- Environmental Education and Learning for SustainabilityEducation and learning, citizen participation and whole system innovations are considered important tools in developing people's environmental and sustainability interests, concern...
- Environmental Management and IndustryCentral in this course are the main trends with regard to environmental management in the industry. The most important tools and concepts in environmental management, such as pollu...
- Environmental PsychologyEnvironmental psychology studies the interactions between humans and the environment from a psychological point of view, that is, taking the individual mind as the primary unit of...
- Environmental ToxicologyThis course gives an overview of different aspects playing a role in the challenging field of environmental toxicology. Toxicology itself already is very interdisciplinary, but env...
- Environmental psychologyEnvironmental psychologists study the role of the environment in explaining human behavior and experience, investigating, for example, the effects of environmental characteristics...
- Essential Law for the Living EnvironmentThis course provides students without legal background with the essential legal concepts that allow them to understand the role of law in our living environment. The course lays th...
- Ethics and the risk societyWe live in a world where we increasingly control and know about the risks imposed on ourselves and others, in technological development, global health, the economy and the environm...
- Ethics of technologyThe goal of this course is to develop competence in analyzing ethical questions related to the design and use of technology. Students will learn some established Western frameworks...
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the societal challenges we face, you will co-create solutions towards a sustainable future. The Col...
- Experimental Design and Data Analysis of Breeding TrialsNote 1: This course can not be combined in an individual programme with ABG-30806 Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences (MSLS) Note 2: The period mentioned below is the period...
- Exploring Regenerative Cultures for SustainabilityThis course provides a space for students to explore perspectives and practices for regenerative cultures in the context of major societal and environmental challenges of our time....
- Exposure Assessment in Nutrition and Health ResearchThis course will address methodological aspects of exposure assessment in nutrition research. Focus is on: - dietary assessment methods and in particular food frequency question...
- Fieldwork SafetyAt WUR we value your safety. Going into the field for an excursion or for observations/ measurements exposes you to specific risks some of which you'd take for granted while visiti...
- Financial decision making in and around technology venturesNew technology ventures and early-stage tech investors are faced with financial decision-making processes that are fundamentally different from those of conventional, established f...
- Fisheries EcologyThe course Fisheries Ecology (AFI30806) deals with the ecology of fishes and other aquatic organisms in relation to the exploitation of aquatic resources. Direct and indirect effec...
- Food Components and HealthThis is a general nutrition course that addresses the relation between nutrition and human health, and is primarily aimed at food technology students. The course will address the f...
- Food HazardsNote: This course can not be combined in an individual programme with TOX20303 General Toxicology. This course is compulsory for students in the second year of the BSc Food Te...
- Food LawFood Law (LAW22806) is an introduction to the technical food laws in the EU, knowledge which is certainly essential in order to work in or with the EU food sector. The course teach...
- Food Security and Sustainability: Food AccessWhat does it take to provide access to safe and nutritious food every day? In this course, you'll explore how key actors at the household, local, national and international levels...
- Food Structuring - Structuring by deformation, properties of interfacial systemsThis course aims at presenting ways to structure foods by processes involving deformation, e.g., emulsification or extrusion. Students will learn about the existing deformation-bas...
- Food Structuring - Structuring by temperature, designing edible barriersThis course aims at presenting ways to structure foods by processes involving temperature-dependent transitions, i.e., crystallization and glass transition. Students will learn abo...
- Food, Nutrition and Human RightsWorldwide 1 billion people are chronically malnourished, including some 37 million people in developed countries. The human right to adequate food was formally recognized in 1966,...
- Food, Philosophy and CultureFood is more than a collection of nutrients. It connects people to each other and to nature. Having a meal together presupposes all kind of choices about land use, animal welfare,...
- Foodscapes, Urban Lifestyles and TransitionToday, landscape architects and planners are confronted with new challenges. One of these challenges is the shaping of foodscapes. Foodscapes are places and spaces where food is pr...
- Forest Ecology and Forest ManagementThe main objectives of this course are 1) to provide an overview of the state of the art in the fields of forest ecology and forest management, and 2) how we can integrate the two...
- From Molecule to Designer MaterialThe use and availability of materials has shaped our society for centuries. From the bronze and iron ages of the past, to the silicon age of the present, material science has drive...
- From industrial ecology to a circular economy: mass flow based conceptsIn this course we will focus on mass flows: natural mass flows (nutrient cycles, including the carbon cycle); flows through the industrial system (materials, processes, products) a...
- Frontiers In Molecular Life SciencesUnderstanding and interpreting scientific literature is essential but often requires extensive prior, common knowledge. For MLS students prior knowledge can be quite diverse. To ex...
- Frontiers in Animal HealthConsidering the fast growth of the aquaculture sector as well as the worldwide intensive livestock farming, it is important to guarantee the health and welfare of these farmed anim...
- Frontiers in BiologyThis course deals with the latest developments in Biology and covers a wide range of themes, including molecular, organismal and ecological subjects. Highlights in modern biology w...
- Functional ZoologyThis course addresses basic skills required for research in functional zoology and related fields. The student is introduced to a range of important experimental and modelling tech...
- Fundamental Aspects of Plant ResilienceSessile plants have developed various adaptation mechanisms to cope with environmental challenges. Such (a)biotic challenges can be constitutive present or have seasonal or sudden...
- Fundamentals of LandscapesFor thoughtful, sustainable and suitable landscape planning and design, it is essential to have a good understanding of the landscape itself. How is the landscape formed and what t...
- Fundamentals of Product Innovation for Premasters**Please note that if you need to follow this course as a homologation course, you can also follow 1ZP50H in Q4.** The course ‘Fundamentals of Product Innovation for premaste...
- Fundamentals of algorithmic programming for Operations Management- variables and types - operators and expressions - conditional statements, loops and functions - Data preparation and reporting - Integration with tools and libraries - Basic algo...
- Fundamentals of business information systemsModern organisations need business information systems to support their internal operations and their interactions with external parties (suppliers, customers, competitors, governm...
- Fundamentals of financial and management accountingThe following topics will be covered in the course: - Financial Accounting topics:Double entry bookkeepingBalance sheet and Income statementAccounting conventions. - Management Acc...
- Fundamentals of product innovationThe course ‘Fundamentals of Product Innovation’ is built around lectures and assignments. The lectures start by explaining the overall purpose and objectives of product innovation...
- Game theory with applications to operations managementDecision making by various entities can result in conflict or cooperation between these entities. Game theory deals with the mathematical modelling of these situations of conflict...
- General ToxicologyIntroductory course on basic principles in toxicology, organ-specific toxic effects and risk assessment.
- Genetic Analysis Trends and ConceptsThis advanced course explains the most important genetic concepts to unravel and understand complex biological phenomena. We in detail explain the genetic processes underlying vari...
- GeoscriptingSolve geographical and any spatial applied problems through scripting. Professionals in private companies and research institutes are increasingly using scripting languages for...
- Global MigrationMigration is a highly charged subject that incites both hope and fear among those who move, their families and communities and similarly affects receiving societies. Why do people...
- Global sustainability and InnovationThe course Global Sustainability and Innovation deepens critical debates on sustainable development introduced in 0SV00. The course takes a global perspective, invenstigating...
- Globalization and Sustainability of Food Production and ConsumptionThis course allows students to acquire in-depth understanding of recent changes in food provision, their consequences and possible responses. Introduced concepts include globalizat...
- Health EconomicsHealth economics is a special form of economics. Just as in any economic analysis, attention is paid to benefits, costs, efficiency and equity of actions of economic agents (i.e.,...
- Health Policy and ActionThe field of health is dynamic and complex. Health is influenced by a diversity of interconnected factors, and different sectors and actors are involved. As a consequence, the deve...
- Health PsychologyStudents will get acquainted with theories and research methods common in the field of health psychology. Topics that are addressed centre around three themes: - predicting and c...
- Health information systems**As from 2023-2024 scheduled in Quartile 2 timeslot D** The course provides an introduction to major information technology and information management functions within ou...
- Health, Welfare and ManagementThe environment of animals is continuously changing in many aspects (e.g. feed availability, temperature, presence of pathogens, social contacts). The animal itself is also continu...
- Healthcare management and modelingIn controlling processes in healthcare we have to find a balance between patient demand en care supply. In this course we develop a framework for the planning of patient logistics,...
- Host-Parasite InteractionsThis course focuses on different aspects of the interactions between protozoan and metazoan parasites and their host organisms. The course content is tailor made to the specific in...
- Housing and the City80% of our built environment consists of housing; its quality has a major influence on the quality of the city. Furthermore, housing is one of the important lenses at the disposal...
- Human GeographyNote 1: This course can not be combined in an individual programme with GEO-20406 Human Geography: Theory and Practices. The course provides an overview of the reciprocal rela...
- Human Geography: Theory and PracticeNote: This course can not be combined in an individual programme with GEO10306 Human Geography. In this foundational course students learn to combine theoretical and conceptual t...
- Human Infectious DiseasesThis course focuses on human infectious diseases that are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The infection process of selected viral, bacterial and parasitic path...
- Human MicrobiomeOur intestinal tract is colonized since birth by microbes that outnumber our body cells in number and genes. Apart from the processing of our food, these microbes also affect our h...
- Human Microbiome MOOCLearn how you can impact your health by balancing your gut health; how your microbiome together with your diet can improve normal gut function. More course information and instru...
- Human and Animal PhysiologyHuman and Animal Physiology is a 6 credits course that is closely related to the course Zoology (EZO10306 for BBI students and EZO10806 for BAS students) and continues on the funct...
- Human factorsIn this course, we will study how to design technological artifacts, systems, and environments in such a way that they support and enable the human brain to do what it does best. S...
- Human-AI InteractionArtificial intelligence (AI) has been introduced to many realms of human activity. AI already profoundly impacts our society, and will only increase in importance in the future. On...
- Human-robot interactionRobots interact with people in ever more profound ways as they are being used in domestic and public environments. These environments are typically unknown, dynamically changing an...
- Humanitarian Aid and ReconstructionThe course concerns principles, policies and practices of humanitarian aid and reconstruction during and after conflict or natural disaster. The central ideas and models that guide...
- ID Green – design perspectives on sustainability
- ITEC-Ethics of technology and engineering**For this course, you must select a challenge. The description of the challenges can be found here:** [ITEC Quarter 4 – Choose your innovation](https://www.tue.nl/en/research/res...
- Impact Assessment of Policies and ProgrammesGovernments, NGOs and the private sector implement numerous projects and programmes to promote development (ie to combat poverty, increase production, maintain natural resources, e...
- Innovation and entrepreneurship studyKey aspects during this course are: - Interaction with a company: your goal is to tackle a company business challenge, make recommendation, and do your best to have an impact! This...
- Innovation camp: bootcamp for transformative approaches to energy, mobility and smart citiesCities around the world face numerous challenges. In particular, urban energy and mobility systems are under pressure due to the increasing resource depletion and climate change. T...
- Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processesThis course aims develop competences of future engineers by identifying solutions thanks to challenge-based entrepreneurship applied in a set of interdisciplinary student teams, wo...
- Innovation space project: innovation through art & designThis course will focus on the intersection between art & technology, and enables Challenge-Based Learning. You can choose from a variety of challenges brought in by professional...
- Insects as Food and FeedEdible insects constitute high quality food for humans and feed for pigs, poultry, pet animals and fish in terms of nutrient composition. Producing insects as animal protein source...
- Integrated Fire ManagementThis course submerges students from different disciplines in the field of Pyrogreography. Recent years were only a glimpse of what to expect in the future: deadly mega-fires in Med...
- Integrated financial and operations managementThis course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge needed for comprehension of management models that integrate financial and operational decisions. Students will unde...
- Intellectual Property RightsThis course is about the operation of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and their roles in research and innovation, notably in the fields of genetics, food and agriculture. Intel...
- Intellectual property rights for new venturesThis course is an introduction to intellectual property rights, e.g. patent law and, to a lesser extent, to copyright law and design rights law as legal areas of prime importance t...
- InterUniversity Sustainability ChallengeIn this course, BSc students from several study programmes at Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Eindhoven University will collaborate, each with their own expertise, to...
- International Development & TourismThis course explores the potential for tourism to function as a mechanism for social, political and economic development. While both development and tourism have long independent h...
- International Food LawInternational Food Law (LAW-31806) addresses major aspects of food regulation and policy, looking at food safety, quality and sustainability in a global context. The course analyse...
- International and EU Environmental LawThis course offers an overview of how international and EU law responds to today’s most pressing environmental problems. It shows which unique solutions, and problems, the legal sy...
- International development and sustainability (Master level)*(Please note that this course exists as a master level and bachelor level course. This is the description of the master level course. For the bachelor level course, please go to c...
- Intrapreneurship: Impacting existing organizationsIntrapreneurship is about the development and implementation of innovations in existing organizations. In short, intrapreneurship is entrepreneurship in the context of organization...
- Introduction Descriptive Epidemiology and Public HealthThe course teaches you the basic concepts, measures and study designs of descriptive epidemiology and public health. All course concepts are embedded and illustrated within a nutri...
- Introduction Geo-information ScienceThe course introduces Geo-Information Science and its scientific and societal interests. The starting point of the introduction is the geo-information cycle. This cycle frames geo...
- Introduction psychology and technologyThe focus in this course is on the potential relevance for applications in the field of human-technology interaction and the psychology of technical innovation. The lectures in the...
- Introduction to Animal behaviourIntroduction to Animal Behaviour - will introduce you to the fundamental topics involved in Animal Behaviour research. You will learn not only what animals do, but also how scienti...
- Introduction to BioinformaticsNote: Please address all e-mail questions to bif20306@wur.nl. We cannot guarantee that e-mails sent to individual contact persons will be dealt with adequately and/orin time. Not...
- Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms for HealthThis course will introduce students to basic concepts of computing and problem solving. The course will start with introducing concepts like computer, programming language, softwar...
- Introduction to Epidemiology and Public HealthThe course teaches the basic concepts, measures and study designs used in epidemiology and public health. It contains lectures on study design and methodological issues, lectures b...
- Introduction to Global Nutrition and HealthIn this course we will discuss nutrition in a global nutrition context focusing on assessment of malnutrition, understanding the different levels of causality and the interactions...
- Introduction to Global One HealthThe core idea of Global One Health is that health of people, animals, plants and their environments are closely connected, and that the causes for environmental problems and human/...
- Introduction to Human ImmunologyThe immune system refers to a collection of cells and proteins that function to protect the skin, respiratory tract, intestinal tract and other areas from foreign antigens, such as...
- Introduction to Law for the Life and Social SciencesWhat are the goals of the law and why is it not always easy to achieve them? How can the law affect land and marine ecosystems? What is the correlation between environment and trad...
- Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations and Data AssimilationRandomness and uncertainty are inherent aspects of many processes in the environmental and life sciences. Examples are plentiful and exist at all scales, including the spreading of...
- Introduction to Systems and Synthetic BiologyThe course provides an introduction to Systems and Synthetic Biology. Participants will learn how modelling and effective experimentation intertwine to understand interactions betw...
- Introduction to Tourism and SocietyTourism is one of the world’s largest industries and experiencing incredible growth. Travel and tourism directly contribute $1.4 trillion (U.S.) to the global economy. One in ten o...
- Introduction to personal sustainability science – Using research for personal development and a striving planetResearch related to sustainability usually focuses on external (especially biophysical) manifestations of unsustainability, and it overemphasizes solutions through socio-economic s...
- Intuitive Intelligence'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift'. (Albert Einstein)....
- Key Concepts in Developmental BiologyThis course elaborates on the basic mechanisms of development that were introduced in ‘Mechanisms of development’ (MOB20803). Although plants and animals have developed separately...
- Laboratory SafetyAt WUR we value your safety. Working in a laboratory environment exposes you to specific risks: you work with (very) harmfull substances that can cause serious injury or even death...
- Landau theory and the statics and dynamics of phase transitionsThis course is part of the elective programme of the Applied Physics Masters Programme in the Graduate School (and is provided by the department of Applied Physics). The Land...
- Large-scale optimization for transport & mobilityThe lectures cover an overview of (meta-)heuristic solution techniques for solving large-scale optimization problems arising in transport and mobility. The course discusses constru...
- Law of Marine Environments and ResourcesOceans are essential for maintaining life on earth, their resources are increasingly important to the world economy and 90% of all international trade is seaborne. Creating an effe...
- Leadership development and self-management in organizationsMajor topics covered: - Historical perspectives on leadership - Contemporary leadership frameworks - Leadership development strategies - Developing personal development plans - Str...
- Leadership of innovation and changeIn this course, students will develop a thorough understanding of how leadership and management practices impact human functioning and change processes in complex, fast-paced, and...
- Learn the Scientific Method in a changing climateMany societal and scientific challenges relate to systems that are too complex to understand by simple reasoning. The unique path to unravel these systems is to apply the scientifi...
- Learning about ourselves when learning about meat consumption - Introducing epistemic recontextualismThe terms "post-truth" and "post-factual" mark a shift in public discussions. These shifts are characterized by the fact that it is not so much the scientific validity of statement...
- Learning and Instruction TheoryThis course offers students a theoretical background in the domain of learning and instruction at an introductory (BSc) level. The course specifically focuses on learning and instr...
- Legal Transformation and Regulation of Food SystemsThis course offers a comprehensive overview of EU agri-food policies and the crucial role EU institutions play in shaping them. On the basis of a systematic analysis from ‘farm to...
- Let's make humans better: enhancement, technology & transhumanismDaedalus famously designed wings so his son Icarus could fly, but Icarus ignored his father's warnings, flew to close to the sun, and fell to his death. Humans have long desired...
- Life Science Economics and PoliciesLife Science Economics and Policies will be discussed in this course. This includes the whole value chain from R&D, over application, processing, retailing and final demand and how...
- Linked DataThe term “Linked Data” refers to a set of best practices for publishing, interlinking and managing structured data on the Web. Semantic Web is an extension of the World Wide Web th...
- Literature Reviews for Health and SocietyQuestions related to health and society are often complex questions. Conducting literature reviews can help to answer these complex questions. A literature review is a critical an...
- MOOC DevelopmentThis course is part of a student challenge (design contest) aimed at designing and developing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) or comparable online course in a multidisciplinary...
- Machine LearningMachine Learning deals with algorithms that predict certain outputs (such as crop yields or traits) given previously unseen input data from cameras, other sensors, maps, molecular...
- Maintenance and service logisticsWe start with a brief overview of what is needed for managing the availability of advanced technical systems, and we discuss the perspectives of manufacturers and users of such sys...
- Management of human behavior in organizations (Non IE)General: This course is about the human factor in all types of organizations. The focus is on phenomena which are the result of psychological processes in organizations. This is of...
- Managing & organizing open innovationThis course will introduce open innovation as a model of collaborative innovation that assumes that knowledge for innovation is distributed, and organizations need to rely on knowl...
- Managing innovation processes: Agile, SCRUM, and other innovation toolsThe course *Management of Product Development* focuses on the challenges faced and decisions to be made when managing new product development processes as a member of a product dev...
- Managing sustainable technologyDrawing on insights from the field of sustainability transitions, innovation sciences and STS (Science and Technology) studies, Managing Sustainable Technology course introduces st...
- Managing sustainable technology challenges in practiceDuring this course, groups of students learn to practically operationalize insights and tools from the fields of Science and Technology Studies and Sustainability Transitions and a...
- Managing team dynamics and team performanceIn this course students will obtain deeper understanding of the relationship between team processes and team performance and how management can contribute to the optimalization of...
- Manufacturing technologyThis course is designed to equip students with an overview of a wide variety of manufacturing processes and systems. The fundamental principles of manufacturing processes will be d...
- Marine Animal EcologyThis course aims at providing knowledge and understanding on the functioning and resilience of marine animals in a changing environment. In this course we will focus on the mechani...
- Marketing and innovationIn the course, an NPD framework is used, highlighting customers' roles at different stages of the process. A blended learning approach (video lectures, oral lectures, videos, and c...
- Massively Parallel AlgorithmsIn this course students will learn parallel (more specific, MapReduce) algorithms for analyzing massive networks. MapReduce algorithms distribute the node and connection data of the...
- Mechanisms of DevelopmentThis course deals with the processes that coordinate the development of a single cell into a complex multi-cellular organism. In general, all cells of an organism originate from a...
- Metal Complex Coordination Chemistry & CharacterizationThe importance of metal ions in chemistry and life is often underestimated. It is only in relatively recent years that the pivotal role of metal ions has become recognized, with br...
- Methods in Behavioural BiologyIn this course, we will practice and discuss essential components of the behavioural research process, mostly in chronological order, as they would come up during your own thesis p...
- Methods in Plant EcophysiologyThis course aims at strengthening and deepening the knowledge and skills of students on measuring methods and protocols in the plant sciences. It is specifically intended for stude...
- Microbial PhysiologyThe Microbial Physiology course is an advanced course that addresses various aspects of microbial physiology. The following subjects are dealt with in the lectures: 1. Bioenergetic...
- Microbiomes and HealthThis course is aimed at teaching students the fundamentals of microbiome function, emphasising the major contributions of the collective of commensal bacteria (the microbiota) to h...
- MicroeconomicsTheory of Consumer Choice - budget constraint - preferences - utility - choice - demand - price and income changes Firm behaviour - cost of production - cost curves - firm supply...
- Microscale modeling of heat storage materialsFor designing heat storage materials and devices, a good physical understanding of the phenomena is needed and proper (numerical) models are required. On the nano- and microscales...
- Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systemsIn this course, we treat quantitative models to design, control and optimize discrete manufacturing systems. In particular, we focus on analytical models and approximations to eval...
- Modelling Biological SystemsBiological systems are arguably the most complex systems science tries to understand. We make observations, and try to obtain useful insight in the systems. This requires hypothese...
- Modelling Infectious Diseases in Animal PopulationsThis course is focused on the prevention and control of infectious diseases and how mathematical models can help inform these efforts. The spread of infectious diseases in animal p...
- Modelling in Systems BiologyThe main goal of Systems Biology is to obtain a deeper understanding of biological systems and their behaviour. This is achieved by combining mathematical modelling, scientific pro...
- Molecular Aspects of Bio-interactionsThe course focuses on the molecular basis of interactions within or between plants or arthropods, including interactions with attackers (viruses, micro-organisms, nematodes, insect...
- Molecular Systems BiologyNowadays increasing numbers of complete genomic sequences are available and methods have been developed to study system wide gene expression, protein interaction and metabolite for...
- Molecular and Evolutionary EcologyHave you ever wondered how you can: - determine the origin of wolves crossing the Dutch border? - find out what bears eat, even if you only have access to their poo? - determine th...
- Multi-echelon inventory management1. Basics of inventory management: Quantitative analysis of single item, single echelon models 2. Basics of supply chain management 3. Analysis of serial supply chains 4. Analysis...
- Multivariate statisticsAn important characteristic of business processes (think: marketing, sales, service, human resources, new product development, procurement) is that a single outcome is usually infl...
- National Food Laws in Comparative PerspectiveThe objective of this course is to understand how core issues in the agri-food chain are regulated in different jurisdictions and to develop skills to carry out comparative legal r...
- Natural Hazards and DisastersDisasters related to earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, floods, droughts, (wild)fires, pandemics and famines seriously affect human societies. This interdisciplinary course introduc...
- Natural Resource Economics and ManagementThis course deals with the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources. The key question is how intensely a resource should be exploited, considering the typical properties...
- Network societyThis is a MSc level course on social network theory and analysis. Network analysis focuses on relationships between or among social entities (which can be individuals and/or organi...
- New product marketingMarketing environment, consumer behavior, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, product, price, promotion, place.
- Non-equilibrium Soft MatterThe diverse field of soft matter that comprises of many phenomena that we observe in nature and our daily life are inherently non-equilibrium processes. Further, these processes ar...
- Nutrition and Cardiometabolic DiseasesThis course will discuss the newest insights on the role of diet, lifestyle and body composition in the aetiology, treatment and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes m...
- Nutrition and Health Part 1: Macronutrients and OvernutritionThis course is not offered in this academic year anymore. It is however possible to take resits for this course when you attended this course in a previous year.For the description...
- Nutrition and Health Part 2: Micronutrients and UndernutritionThis course is not offered in this academic year anymore. It is however possible to take resits for this course when you attended this course in a previous year.For the description...
- Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients, Energy and HealthThis is a general nutrition course that addresses the relation between nutrition and human health with a focus on overnutrition. The course will get you introduced into the chemist...
- Nutrition and the Ageing BodyThe world is facing an unprecedented increase in population ageing. In the Netherlands, the rate of greying will even double in the next decades (CBS), whereby the pressure on heal...
- Nutritional PhysiologyThis course is focused on the physiological utilisation of dietary macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) and discusses their flow from oral intake to their utilisation a...
- OGO qualitative methods for observation, analysis and reportingFocus is on qualitative data as can be obtained from observation of behaviour in naturalistic and laboratory settings. After some theory introduction, students in small groups will...
- Organisational behaviour for industrial engineering**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot B (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q2, Timeslot E (Cohort 2023)** Major topics covered: - Top-down and bottom up job design - W...
- Orientation on Teaching and Training PracticeIn this course, students will apply their educational skills in a real-life situation (small internship/practical). These practical experiences can be obtained in a secondary schoo...
- Performance enhancementMore than ever, companies rely on excellent performance to survive and thrive in their industries. Hence, what do high performing individuals, teams, and organizations do different...
- Personal Motivation AssessmentThis short but clarifying course offers students an opportunity to increase their self-awareness. Who doesn’t want to study or work in a place that offers fulfillment and satisfact...
- Perspectives on medical technologyMedical technologies are pervasive in healthcare. Both inside and outside the clinical setting, state-of-the-art technology offers treatment options, research insights, and opportu...
- Persuasion in Consumer Communication for SustainabilityThis course focuses on persuasive communication in the context of consumer communication by addressing how consumers are influenced by communication, in particular in the context o...
- Pharmacology and NutritionThe boundaries between pharmacology and nutrition are sometimes less clear than you might think. Traditionally, nutrition has primarily been focusing on health maintenance and the...
- Philosophy and ethics of AIThis course introduces philosophical and ethical issues in artificial intelligence, and provides basic training in philosophical analysis and ethical evaluation. Theoretical i...
- Philosophy of science and technologyScience and technology are amazing phenomena, which have (had) an enormous impact on our lives, but, what exactly is so special about them? In this course, we analyse the various a...
- Photosynthesis from Cell to CanopyThis course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the process of photosynthesis, emphasizing its intricate mechanisms from the individual cell level to the...
- Physiology and Development of Plants in HorticultureProtected horticulture depends on modifying the physical environment of an enclosed space so as to improve the growth and quality of plants. The course comprises plant physiology a...
- Plant BreedingNote: This course cannot be combined in an individual programme with PBR22803 Principles of Plant Breeding (online), since it largely covers the same topics. This course introduc...
- Plant BreedingNote: this course will start in 2025/26. This course will not be delivered in 2024/25. This course introduces students to key principles of plant breeding. Plant breeding is t...
- Plant Plasticity and AdaptationDue to their sessile nature, plants have developed a vast array of adaptation mechanisms to cope with seasonal or sudden changes in the growth environment. These adaptation mechani...
- Plant-Microbe InteractionsThis course provides up-to-date theoretical and practical training in physiological, biochemical and molecular aspects of interactions between plants and pathogenic fungi with diff...
- Political Ecologies of Natural Resource DistributionThis course problematizes the different ways that programs and policies of governance shape the livelihoods and socio-ecological environments of people - especially in the South. S...
- Political Ecology of WaterThis course explains and elaborates a political ecology approach to analyse water governance and intervention. Political ecology is a body of combined theoretical approaches that h...
- Politics, Policy Making and Accountability in International Arenas for DevelopmentThis course will deepen insights into the dynamics and complexity of the politics and policy making that takes place within and between diverse international arenas: multilateral o...
- Population and Quantitative GeneticsThis course explains genetic and molecular evolution and their relationship to phenotypic evolution, of natural, captive and domesticated populations of living organisms, ranging f...
- Population and Systems EcologyThe course Population and Systems Ecology teaches basic concepts in Population, Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. The course takes a quantitative approach, grounded in ba...
- Pre-breedingNote: This course can not be combined in an individual programme with PBR-33803 Germplasm and Seed Technology (online), because of overlap. In contrast to PBR-22303 Plant Breedin...
- Preventive Health Challenge: Redefining Real-Life Problems with Transdisciplinary SolutionsThis course is not offered in this academic year anymore. It is however possible to take resits for this course when you attended this course in a previous year.For the description...
- Principles of Biobased EconomyThis course is about exploring how to create a sustainable future by moving away from dependence on fossil resources to biomass resources for the production of food, chemicals, and...
- Principles of Earth and Ecosystem ScienceThis course is intended for students with a non-natural science background who want to understand the basics of the natural sciences related to global change issues. For example, t...
- Principles of Soil ProcessesThis course focuses on soil chemical, physical and biological processes. The soil is characterized as a buffering system with water and reactive soil particles affecting mobility a...
- Process AlgebraThe following topics will be addressed in every installment of the course: semantic models of behaviour; sequential composition, parallel composition, abstraction, recursion; s...
- Process- and Data-Driven Modelling in Crop ScienceThis course is a hands-on course for modelling in a wide agricultural context. Besides the basic data-handling skills, this course especially focuses on the creativity-based aspect...
- Product Quality Measurements & AnalysisAre you passionate about horticulture, and aspiring to increase your knowledge on quality assessment? Whether you are aiming for a career in horticulture, agriculture, or quality c...
- Production and inventory control (non IE)Functional classifications of inventories, forecasting methods, deterministic inventory models, stochastic inventory models, framework for production planning, aggregate production...
- Project and process managementThis is a highly quantitative course where students are expected to have a firm knowledge of linear programming and simulation. In this course, we deal with a variety of non-repeti...
- Project managementPlanning work activities, costs and budgets, activity scheduling (PERT/CPM), resource allocation, and project execution (information requirements and control).
- Proof techniques for IEProof techniques: - What is a theorem or lemma? - How to formulate a theorem or lemma? - What is a proof? - Why do we prove? - What do we prove? - How do we prove? - Direct proof -...
- Protein engineeringIn this course important methods and techniques (both molecular-biological and chemical) will be discussed that can be used to develop new proteins with new and biomedically attrac...
- Proving with Computer Assistance### Please note that the the lecture is not completely in slot A. The lectures are scheduled on Thursdays hours 3+4 and 5+6 - Type systems, especially simply typed, dependently typ...
- Psychology of light and timeLight, darkness and color have a profound impact on biological and psychological processes, far beyond ergonomics and performance on visual tasks. Whereas aspects of visual perform...
- Public Health PracticeThe course Public Health Practice is meant for future public health professionals aiming at a career in the public or private sector in western and non-western countries. In this c...
- Qualitative Data Analysis MethodsThis advanced course is for students in any program who must analyze qualitative data either to prepare more quantitative data collection methods (e.g. surveys) or to draw qualitat...
- Quality and reliability engineeringQuality and reliability engineering is becoming increasingly important because of the intense global competition and higher customer expectations. Manufacturers have to develop pro...
- Quantitative modeling and analysis of business processesIn this course students learn - How to construct a descriptive model (input variables, output variables) - How to create a prescriptive model (objective function, decision variable...
- Regulation of Plant DevelopmentA unique feature of plants is the fact that environmental factors play a crucial role in their development. In this course, molecular, cell biological, and physiological aspects of...
- Remote Sensing of Atmospheric CompositionMonitoring spatio-temporal trends in atmospheric composition, e.g., increases in greenhouse gas, aerosol and air pollutant concentrations due to anthropogenic emissions, is essenti...
- Reproduction of PlantsSexual reproduction is one of the major characteristics of eukaryotes and involves a regular alternation between meiosis and fertilization. This course focuses on the basic princip...
- Research methodsThe course is aimed at Master level students who want to conduct operations management research. Students will develop an understanding of the various methods that can be used in o...
- Resource Dynamics and Sustainable UtilizationThis course deals with the extraction of resources from natural ecosystems. Resource use includes the exploitation of timber, the collection of fruits and resin, the extraction of...
- Resource Quality in the Circular EconomyThis course examines the chemical and biological quality of resources in the circular economy. Recovering and reusing waste streams is required to realize a truly circular, bio-bas...
- Resource competition worldwide: Issues and perspectivesOne of the big questions of our time is how to deal with competing claims to scarce natural resources. Given the multiple competing pressures on resources, how can we organize reso...
- Responsible Learning Organization for SustainabilityThe world is changing quickly and so are the challenges tomorrow's entrepreneurs and business professionals face. One of these challenges is that a company's license to operate is...
- Retail operationsWe will mainly focus on food and general merchandise (e.g. fashion) retailers. The following topics will be covered: - Introduction to the world of retailing: the Dutch environment...
- Revenue Management and Pricing AnalyticsWe first provide a general overview of the field ofrevenue management and pricing (PRO Chapter 1 and 2, TVR Chapter 1). We then proceed with three parts: *Quantity-based revenue ma...
- Robust decision makingWe are living in a world with lots of uncertainties. Weather conditions, prices, and traffic jams are only a few uncertainties that we are encountering in our daily life. Societal...
- Role of Livestock in Future Food SystemsLivestock have been an integral part of our food systems for thousands of years, and contributed to the formation of societies and cultures. Livestock have contributed, and still d...
- Seaweed & Shellfish: Ecological SustainabilityWill the oceans feed the world? Optimistic views on a ‘Blue Revolution’ have recently been challenged, and in particular the future role of marine fish culture is questioned. It is...
- Sensor Data in Animal SciencesSensor data is increasingly used by commercial livestock farmers, feeding companies, breeding companies, and the scientific community. In this course, various sensors in animal pro...
- Servitization and Customer ExperienceServices dominate most developed economies, representing approximately 75% of the labor force and gross domestic product. Yet traditionally, many management, marketing, and enginee...
- Settings for Health PromotionMuch of what makes people healthy or sick - income, social position, where people live and work, their level of literacy, culture and political system - lies outside the direct sco...
- Signals and systemsThe course Signals and Systems covers the basics of signal and system analysis, adapted to the knowledge and demands of engineers, and includes the mathematical skills for handling...
- Smart healthy urban environmentsCities are booming and constitute the heart of economic and cultural developments. At the same time, cities face complex challenges, such as growing inequality, higher levels of ai...
- Social Determinants of Nutrition over the Life CourseUnderstanding and addressing the social determinants of nutrition are fundamental for improving population health and reducing health inequalities. This course deepens students' kn...
- Social Inequalities in HealthDespite all efforts to combat social inequalities in health, health inequalities worldwide are increasing. This urges for a better understanding of the underlying causes and potent...
- Social and environmental psychologySocial and environmental psychology study how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or the implied presence of others as well as t...
- Social innovation and sustainable employabilityThe Bachelor Course Social Innovation and Sustainable Employability, abbreviated SISE, provides an appealing study of contemporary debates on themes such as social innovation and s...
- Social media & life online. Citizens, consumers & the designed online worldHow is our “Life Online” influencing our ‘real-world’ behavior? To what extent are our well-being and our actions shaped by the apps and media that we use? And what does this imply...
- Social robotsThis course first describes the emergence of the vision that social robots will be broadly deployed in our society. Then we identify some key technical characteristics of social ro...
- Social-Scientific Analysis of Environmental IssuesThis course provides an introduction to some of the theoretical underpinnings of social-science research through which environmental issues can be studied. But what is the nature o...
- Sociology & social network analysisThis course extends insights of earlier courses, such as ‘Introduction Psychology & Technology’ in the sense that it takes in a broader societal perspective: we examine how the bro...
- Solar cellsProperties of light, properties of (inorganic and polymer) semiconductors , properties of a p-n junction. Principles of photovoltaic energy conversion discussed with the case stu...
- Statistics for Data ScientistsIn many areas of biological, environmental and social science new tools and strategies are developed to measure multiple features at subjects and objects of interest. Typical for t...
- Statistics for Sustainable InnovationThe first part of the course focuses on probability theory: - Sample space, events, probability, axioms. - Probability rules, conditional probability, independence, Bayes' theorem,...
- Stochastic modeling in inventory and production controlStudents from other TU/e bachelors than Industrial Engineering lack basic knowledge about topics such as production and inventory control and the theory of probability and stochast...
- Supercrunchers: the human in an era of data scienceMore and more data about people and organizations are being collected and present-day computing power also allows such data to be analyzed and used for analytic and predictive purp...
- Supply Chain Design and PlanningThe Netherlands has a great reputation in managing global supply chains, which is one of the reasons why many international organisations have located distribution facilities in th...
- Sustainability Assessment of Animal SystemsConsumers in wealthy countries demand high quality safe food that is produced with minimal environmental losses, and under optimal conditions for animal welfare. In less developed...
- Sustainability Transitions: Concepts, Issues and IndicatorsKnowledge of and capability to work with sustainability concepts and issues belong to the core competences to be obtained in the environmental sciences. Sustainability is a concept...
- Sustainability and Resilience in HistoryHow did the Maya civilization collapse? Why did the bubonic plague kill over one third of 14th century European population? How long can current rates of global population be conti...
- Sustainability assessment for decision making**Last year course is taught: 2023/2024 Last examination year: 2024/2025 The course was last taught last academic year 2023/2024 and this year (2024/2025) this course is being...
- Sustainability in Fish and Seafood ProductionThrough an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, students will be challenged to analyse the sustainability of fish and seafood production. We question ourselves: what do we...
- Sustainability in Food ChainsDuring this course you will analyse and develop agri-food production chains considering their economic, social and environmental impact. Focus will be on the application of quantit...
- Sustainability perspectives on product innovationThe course “Sustainability Perspectives on Product Innovation” will be taught via a blend of (theory and guest) lectures, assignments, tutorials and self-study. Topics that will be...
- Sustainability transitions and responsible innovationContemporary societies face persistent problems - such as climate change, plastic pollution and biodiversity loss - that require transformations in how human needs for mobility, en...
- Sustainable Energy SourcesThe course concentrates on the following common **sustainable energy sources** : - Solar energy - Energy from biomass - Geothermal energy - Wind energy Important for the exploi...
- Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing - Exergy analysisNote: This is a distance learning course. In this course we will study the influences of different choices in food production and processing methods. The evaluation of existing...
- Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing - Flow and pinch analysisNote: This is a distance learning course. In this course we will study the influences of different choices in food production and processing methods. The evaluation of existing...
- Sustainable Soil Management: Soil4LifeSoils represent one of our most important natural resources and is the foundation for our terrestrial based life on Earth. Yet ironically, it is one of the most neglected of our re...
- Sustainable Tourism: Rethinking the FutureAre you aware of the sheer size and rapid development of tourism? And do you like to engage in meaningful debates concerned with a creative rethinking of these developments? In...
- Sustainable Urban Development: Discover Advanced Metropolitan SolutionsDid you know that cities take up less than 3% of the earth'/'s land surface, but more than 50% of the world's population live in them? And, cities generate more than 70% of the glo...
- Sustainable buildings/physical aspects of building materialsThe sustainable building module addresses the integral sustainability of buildings, construction materials and products. This is done by considering the raw materials, way of produ...
- Sustainable development - introductionThis course introduces students to the concept of 'sustainable development' in a global context. Over the last four to five decades, this concept has become increasingly visible in...
- Sustainable development in a global contextThis course introduces students to the concept of 'sustainable development' in a global context. Over the last four to five decades, this concept has become increasingly visible in...
- Sustainable supply chainsWe cover topics such as energy and climate, life cycle assessment, scarcity of resources, business implications of sustainability, closed-loop supply chains, carbon allocation and...
- Sustainable technology in society: introductionWe live in a technological world. In our everyday life we use technologies all the time when we cook, communicate and travel. Businesses cannot operate without technologies. Govern...
- System dynamicsWhy is achieving innovation so difficult? Why do many efforts to produce impactful and lasting results fail? Why is building sustainable organizational capabilities for achieving i...
- Systems Analysis and ModellingNote that this course can not be combined in an individual programme with FEM-31806 ‘Models for Ecological Systems’. Systems approaches are widely used in studies of ecological s...
- Systems ThinkingWe deal with a plethora of complex problems, such as why inequality is increasing? Do racial teams have greater decision-making abilities?, How can we predict the outcomes of elect...
- Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationThis course serves various individual learning trajectories in the field of education and learning sciences i.e. (1) the development of tutoring/teaching skills to use when assisti...
- Teaching and Training Skills IThis course focuses on the development of both teaching and training skills. These skills are necessary for preparing, delivering and/or facilitating presentations, colloquia, work...
- Technology entrepreneurshipThroughout this course, you will learn to apply flexible and adaptive approaches towards decision making in new business development along with more familiar planning and predictio...
- Technology forecasting**(Warning: this is a challenge-based course. Students are expected to work independently, and proactively, on an open-ended problem.)** The development of a new technology i...
- The Politics of Healthy and Sustainable FoodFood is inherently political: what we eat, how our food has been produced and prepared, where we choose to buy and consume our food, and with whom, are all choices that are subject...
- The quantified self in healthHealth problems and the accompanying costs (healthcare, social, economic) are an ever increasing problem. The extremely high demands on the current care system ask for a new approa...
- Theories on Education and Learning in SocietyThis course offers students a theoretical background in the domain of education and learning at an introductory level. The course focuses on education and learning in formal educat...
- Thermal energy storage and demand**Part A Technology** - Energy storage in general: why and when needed; different types; general principles, analogies between thermal and electrical energy storage - Heat storage...
- Thinking and decidingBy means of the literature and lectures, students will be introduced into these two interdisciplinary fields: - Cognitive science: How do people perceive and understand the world,...
- Topological Data AnalysisTopological data analysis is an approach to the analysis of datasets using techniques from topology. One of the key messages around topological data analysis is that data has shape...
- Transformative Citizen Science for SustainabilityCitizen science has become an essential approach to address urgent sustainability challenges. It is critical that science and society work together. Science becomes more relevant a...
- Transport and distributionIn this course, we cover both the transportation business and the optimization of its operations. We study transport decision-making on all three levels of the decision hierarchy (...
- Transport in porous mediaAfter having first introduced the basic concepts, we will consider a number of themes based on articles: moisture and ion transport in porous media, water/oil transport, fire beh...
- Trends in Plant Reproduction Biology: from Flowers to SeedsThe evolutionary success and enormous diversity among flowering plants is mainly the result of the sexual reproduction process, which starts with flowering and results in the forma...
- Urban HydrometeorologyThis course is dedicated to the hydrometeorology of the urban environment, from the micro-scale at street level to the regional scale. These are approached both in a descriptive ma...
- Urban planetThis class provides a high-intensity introduction to the history and theory of global urbanisation. Drawing from an interdisciplinary literature ranging from planning and urban the...
- Urban trends and strategiesScience of cities - City fundamentals - Evolution of cities - Cities, states and global networks - Economic geography of cities - Regional housing and labor markets - Political sci...
- User experience design (design track A)The course aims to provide the theoretical background on human experiences mediated by interactive technologies as well as practical, hands-on experience with designing and assessi...
- Vertebrate Structure and FunctionIn the lectures, an overview will be given of the origin, evolution, diversity and adaptive radiation of the vertebrates. The course presents material on the macroscopical and micr...
- Vertical FarmingThis course explores the upcoming field of vertical farming viewed from multiple disciplines in a mixed classroom where students and professionals collaborate. Indoor growing of cr...
- Warehouse operations managementMany large and smaller firms see warehousing as a core business. Based on its location in Europe and expertise of its logistic service providers, the Netherlands is a major site fo...
- Water 1This course introduces the occurrence, movement and quality of water over the land surface of the earth, in particular as it affects and sustains life. The course takes a geographi...
- Wild perspectivesThis course is not offered in this academic year anymore. It is however possible to take resits for this course when you attended this course in a previous year.For the description...
- Wildlife Conservation GeneticsIn this course the basic concepts of conservation genetics will be explained. We will introduce measures of genetic variation and show its importance for the genetic health of popu...
- eXtended Realities and the Future of CommunicationThe course offers an introduction to and discussion of how immersive technologies transform environmental communication and understanding. This course will provide students with th...