
Production and inventory control (non IE)


About this course

Functional classifications of inventories, forecasting methods, deterministic inventory models, stochastic inventory models, framework for production planning, aggregate production planning, material requirements planning, production scheduling, project scheduling.

Learning outcomes

The objectives of the course are

  • To be able to understand the concepts and concerns in inventory management and production planning
  • To be able to comprehend and apply inventory management and production planning techniques, both quantitative and qualitative
  • To be able to use relevant digital tools, such as Python, to solve real world inventory management and production planning problems

Prior knowledge

You must meet the following requirements

  • Registered for a degree programme other than
  • HBO-TOP Applied Physics, Pre-Master
  • Industrial Engineering, Final examination Bsc program
  • In Block 2 you may not be part of one of the following target groups
  • IE students
  • Completed none of the course modules listed below
  • SMIP (1CM210)


  • Production and Operations analysis, S. Nahmias and T. Olsen, 7th ed. Waveland Press. Chapter 1-5, 8-10. (ISBN 978-1478623069)
  • Additional handouts

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of TU Eindhoven.


  • Start date

    11 November 2024

    • Ends
      19 January 2025
    • Term *
      Block 2
    • Location
    • Instruction language
    • Register between
      15 Jun, 00:00 - 13 Oct 2024
    Enrolment open
These offerings are valid for students of Utrecht University