The full range of minors offered by the LDE institutions for the academic year 2025-2026 will be published on eduXchange at the beginning of March.

Healthcare management and modeling


About this course

In controlling processes in healthcare we have to find a balance between patient demand en care supply. In this course we develop a framework for the planning of patient logistics, where we take decisions at various levels (strategic, tactical, operational). Afterwards, we consider the complex mathematical models that can be used to solve the planning problems. Uncertainty plays a large role in these models. We consider a realistic case from a hospital. Next to that we also consider health problems on an (inter-)national level. In the parallel part, we first consider the modelling of epidemiology and then the modelling of organ transplantation. The models show the development of infectious diseases and the effect of countermeasures, and how to achieve the optimal use of donor organs.

  • Health operations management: basic concepts
  • Analysis of hospital care processes
  • Basic models for infectious diseases
  • Basic models for organ transplantation
  • Numerical evaluation of models
  • Modeling and simulation

Learning outcomes

  • Students understand the logistic characterics of health care processes;
  • Students understand the concept of hierarchical planning levels;
  • Students get insight in complexity of decision making in healthcare;
  • Students understand the basic models and concepts of epidemiology;
  • Students understand the basic models and concepts of organ transplantation;
  • Students are able to calculate the logistic performance, in hospital situations, for infection diseases and for organ transplantations.

Prior knowledge

You must meet the following requirements

  • Registered for a degree programme other than
  • HBO-TOP Applied Physics, Pre-Master


  • Vissers and Beech, Handbook of Health Operations Management, Routledge , 2005
  • Reader with articles, lecture notes
  • Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology : Concepts, Methods, Mathematical Models, and Public Health / edited by Alexander Krämer, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Klaus Krickeberg. (Springer). (beschikbaar als E-text in TUE-bibliotheek)

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 5
  • Level
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