299 Results
- A broader perspective on psychosocial development**Content** In this course ‘A broader perspective on psychosocial development”/“Een bredere kijk op psychosociale ontwikkeling’ you will learn skills that can be used in clinica...
- ADS: Applied data analysis and visualizationWhat puts former criminals on the right track? How can we prevent heart disease? Can Twitter predict election outcomes? What does a violent brain look like? How many social classes...
- ADS: Fundamental techniques in data science with R**Content** Regression techniques are widely used to quantify the relationship between two or more variables. In data science, linear and logistic regression are common and powe...
- AI for Medical Imaging**Period (from – till** ): 11 November 2024 - 20 January 2025 (BMS_P2_A), Part-time. This course can be followed together with Diffusion MRI bmb4709022, the schedules do not overla...
- Access to Justice in a Changing SocietyDe kernvraag in deze cursus is: heeft iedereen in Nederland wel in gelijke mate toegang tot het recht? In formele zin is die gelijkheid in de wet wel gewaarborgd, maar de praktijk...
- Action, Learning and ImpactThis is a double language course NL/EN **Course Content:** In this course, you will learn how to generate impact in a complex societal context using the Action Research (AR...
- Administrative LawInhoud De overheid neemt een belangrijke plaats in de hedendaagse samenleving in. Zij bemoeit zich met allerlei aspecten van het maatschappelijk leven. Via belastingheffing wordt...
- Adolescent DevelopmentThe lectures in this course focus on the intra- and interpersonal changes that occur during the adolescent period, including changes related to biological, socio-emotional, cogniti...
- Advanced Behavioural Economics***Students who are not enrolled in the research master Multidisciplinary Economics should contact the course coordinator for enrollment in this course.*** The core theory us...
- Advanced Biomolecular NMR**Description of content** The nuclear spin is the ultimate spy. Nuclear magnetic resonance exploits the spin’s special properties to study molecular structure an...
- Advanced MR Physics 1**Period (from – till** ): 14 November 2024 - 30 January 2025 (BMS_P2_A) **Course coordinator:** Dr. ir. Wilbert Bartels. **Lecturers** Dr.ir. Wilbert Bartels, UMC Utrech...
- Advanced MR Physics 2**Period (from – till** ): 3 February 2025 - 11 April 2025 (BMS_P3_A) **Course coordinator:** Dr. J.J.M. Zwanenburg ([j.j.m.zwanenburg@umcutrecht.nl](mailto:j.j.m.zwanenburg@u...
- Advanced cognitionThe course consists of 10 lectures. The lectures cover core topics in cognition (representations, attention, memory, language, categorization, cognition and emotion, and reasoni...
- Advanced cognitive engineeringCognitive engineering is a multidisciplinary endeavour concerned with the analysis, design, and evaluation of complex systems of people and technology. It combines knowledge and ex...
- Advanced data analysisSolid execution of one's professional duties as an HTI engineer requires in-depth knowledge of and experience with the statistical processing of data. Besides assisting the student...
- Advanced functional programmingThis course builds upon knowledge gained in the introductory courses on functional programming and languages and compilers. Using Haskell as our language of choice, several advan...
- Advanced perceptionThis course covers advanced knowledge about perceptual processes in interaction with modern technologies. The course will discuss quantitative modeling and present basic human reco...
- Advanced planning and scheduling systemsImproving supply chain planning and scheduling often involves the use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems. The design and implementation of such systems requires an APS spe...
- Advanced research methods and research ethics**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot D (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q4, Timeslot A (Cohort 2023)** The course covers factor analysis, logistic regression ana...
- Advanced research methods and statistics for Interdisciplinary Social SciencesIn deze cursus maken de studenten kennis met onderzoeksmethoden en (statistische) technieken voor data-analyse in een sociaalwetenschappelijke context. Aan de orde komen correlatio...
- Advanced social psychology and consumer behaviorThis course aims at a better understanding of people's social nature based on the theories and explanations that represent the state-of-the-art social psychology knowledge. Student...
- Algorithmic programming for operations management- variables and types - operators and expressions - conditional statements, loops and functions - Object Oriented concepts - Data structures - Data preparation and reporting - Inte...
- AnalysisIn de cursus Inleiding Analyse worden enkele fundamentele onderwerpen uit de analyse op **R** n behandeld. Sommige van deze onderwerpen zijn reeds aangeroerd bij de colleges Infini...
- Analysis in several variablesDit vak is een keuzevak voor wiskundestudenten. Het vak behandelt diverse aspecten van de anlyse in meerdere reële variabelen. Het is voorkennis voor de richtingen differentiaalmee...
- Analysis on manifoldsManifolds are the main objects of differential geometry. They give a precise meaning to the more intuitive notion of “space”, when “smoothness” is important (in comparison, when in...
- Animals and people in the AnthropoceneOpkomende zoönosen, de klimaatcrisis, dalende biodiversiteit, het wereldwijde voedselvraagstuk en dierenrechten: de grote uitdagingen van dit moment hebben te maken met de relatie...
- Anthropology and Sustainability: Contemporary Fault LinesSustainability has become a vantage point for addressing, debating, and negotiating multiple challenges of the contemporary world, such as climate change, environmental pollution o...
- Antropologie of deathDe dood lijkt terug van weggeweest. Vooral in geïndustrialiseerde samenlevingen is de dood in de loop van de twintigste eeuw steeds meer verdwenen uit het dagelijks leven. Dankzij...
- Applied Cognitive PsychologyAan de orde komen de relevante theorieën over bijvoorbeeld aandacht en waarneming, steeds met de nadruk op hun relevantie voor praktische problemen zoals die zich overal voordoen i...
- Applied Data SkillsThis course provides an overview of applied data skills. Students will learn the basic skills required to import data into statistical software to create graphical representations...
- Applying research methods and statistics (ISS)Deze cursus biedt een verdieping van kennis van en begrip over de drie hoofdvormen van sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek (kwalitatief, correlationeel en experimenteel), zoals die...
- Applying research methods and statistics (SOC)**Inhoud** - Correlationeel onderzoek - Methodische aspecten van verschillende veel voorkomende onderzoeksontwerpen zoals survey - Validiteit en betrouwbaarheidsanalyse - Correlati...
- Architecture and philosophyDesign facilitates activity, modifies climate and thinks about the making. In all this it delights the user in whichever way he or she uses the building. The big challenge of desig...
- Artificial intelligence for logistics and its interfacesIn this challenge-based course, you will learn how and when to use machine-learning techniques to support operational decisions in application areas such as transportation, invento...
- Automated ReasoningMany problems, such as planning logistics, optimising production processes, verification of computer systems, and also all kinds of puzzles, can be expressed as proving that a form...
- Automotive societal factorsAutomotive Societal Factors addresses the relation between a car or other vehicle, its human driver, and its dynamic environment. We are especially concerned with technological, so...
- Behavioral operations managementThis course provides students with an in depth understanding of how human behavior impacts the performance of various operational processes. It is made up of a series of weekly lec...
- Behavioral research methods 1: designing researchThis course teaches how to design behavioral research. The course provides an introduction to the complete cycle of empirical psychological research. The cycle starts with a resear...
- Behavioral research methods 2: dealing with dataThe course covers the basics of dealing with quantitative research data, including the statistical knowledge that is necessary to be able to do this. Using a hands-on approach, stu...
- Better science with less animal experimentationThis course will consist of five modules, all of which focus on a different aspect of research and innovation in animal-free methods. The course will include regulatory and communi...
- Big data for urban & transportation analysis /projectTo find good solutions one needs to have a good understanding of the problem. This holds true also for the problems and challenges urban planners are facing in areas such as mobili...
- Bio Inspired Design ChallengeThis course will teach you to design using the biomimicry design method. The course is built up by individual and group work. The course will start with a series of workshops that...
- Bio-Tech-Med Interdisciplinary Team Training**Period (from – till):** 11 February - 27 March 2025 (BMS_P3_A)**Faculty** drs. R.R. de Jonge, course coordinator. S. ter Meulen-de Jong, UMCU and GSLS. B. Arets, SUMMA,...
- Bio-Tech-Med Interdisciplinary Team Training**Period (from – till):** 11 February - 01 August 2025 (BMS_P3_A)**Faculty** drs. R.R. de Jonge, course coordinator. S. ter Meulen-de Jong, UMCU and GSLS. B. Arets, SUMMA,...
- BiomaterialsInteractions between (synthetic) biomaterials and tissues play a key role when a part of the body is replaced by an implant. At the surface of these implants (e.g. stents, sutures,...
- Black holesIn this course, we learn some elementary facts about black holes, both from the theoretical side, as well as from the astrophysical side.On the theory side, we discuss aspects of t...
- Bone structure and functionBone has a load-carrying function in the body, and an associated (micro)structure, which makes it light, as well as stiff and strong. Owing to a stress-controlled biological regu...
- Brain and environment: optimize the first 1001 days of developmentDe eerste 1001 dagen in de ontwikkeling van een kind worden door veel wetenschappers gezien als een cruciale periode voor de verdere ontwikkeling. Dit is een periode van versnelde...
- Brain, body & behaviourThese are exciting times for studying the brain. Scientific understanding of the brain, and its relation to human behaviour, continues to grow at an exponential pace. In no small m...
- Built environment and smart mobilityWherever urban development takes place, people will want to come and go. And wherever people come, go, or pass through, opportunities for urban development arise. There is a contin...
- Business analysis for information technology systemsThe engineering history has taught us well that it is essential to have a clear understanding of the problem and the requirements of the solution system in order to successfully de...
- Business process managementBusiness Process Management (BPM) is a radical shift from traditional management thinking. Instead of taking an organization's functional decomposition as a starting point to manag...
- Calculus and Linear Algebra 1**Docent** Viktor Blåsjö (Infinitesimaalrekening) Barbara van den Berg (Lineaire algebra) **Vakinhoud** Dit vak bestaat uit de behandeling van twee verschillende basi...
- Calculus and Linear Algebra 2**Docent** Robbin Bastiaansen (Infinitesimaalrekening) Barbara van den Berg (Lineaire algebra) **Vakinhoud** Dit vak is een vervolg op het vak Infinitesimaalrekening...
- Cell mechanobiology and engineering- Introduction to mechanobiology - Mechanosensing and mechanotransduction - Cell and matrix mechanics - Cellular and mammalian gene engineering approaches - Biophysical manipulatio...
- Chemical BiologyThe field of chemical biology lies at the interface of chemistry and biology. It uses chemistry, chemical principles, and notably molecules to study and solve important issues in b...
- Circularity in the built environmentThis course introduces first of all circularity as the problem of planetary (resource) management, with a central role for rates and planetary boundaries. Energy, materials, waste...
- Claim Culture: Mass Litigation and Fault LiabilityThe course presents a selection of topics of non-contractual liability (tort law) in the Netherlands, the US and a few other national law systems. Statutory rules of tort law are t...
- Climate change in contextThis course focusses on the Earth’s climate system and the various (non-linear) feedbacks between its different components (atmosphere, ocean, land and ice). The global energy (im)...
- Climate change: understanding the causes and solutions**Part 1: The science base of climate change: facts and figures** In the first two weeks the course will focus on establishing a firm knowledge base on climate science, greenhou...
- Climate dynamicsHet klimaat op aarde verandert als gevolg van natuurlijke processen en door de invloed van de mens op de samenstelling van de atmosfeer. Dit college behandelt de vele facetten van...
- Clinical chemistryFirst the principles of medical decision making with concepts as test specificity and sensitivity and predictive value of laboratory data in relation to prevalence of the disease a...
- Coaching and training: theory and practiceCoaching and training is all about facilitating learning for individuals and groups/teams. The knowledge and skills that are necessary for coaching and training are important for a...
- Concepts of programming language designThere exists a multitude of programming languages, and the top ten list of most popular languages keeps changing continuously. However, the set of basic building blocks on which...
- Constitutional LawDe cursus constitutioneel recht borduurt voort op het staatsrechtelijke deel van de cursus Inleiding Staats- en bestuursrecht. Hiertoe wordt een aantal leerstukken voorzien van ver...
- Constitutional Law of the European UnionThis course addresses the constitutional foundations of the European Union with a special focus on the layered structure of European constitutional law. The relations between the d...
- Creative programming- Introduction to programming and software engineering. - Variables and control flows. - 2D graphics and animations. - Arrays and other data structures. - Functions. - Al...
- Creativity and aesthetics of data & AIThe course is structured along three lines. The first two lines can run in parallel, with the following activities: - lectures and individual readings on different learning m...
- Cultural Anthropology 4: globalization and sociocultural complexityAlthough transnational connections, the movement of people and the exchange of capital, goods and ideas, have long colored social life and cultural processes across the world, the...
- Cultural diversity: policy, care and education in multicultural societiesIn this course students learn to recognize, understand and analyze the cultural nature of settings of childrearing and education relevant to multicultural societies. They learn to...
- CybercrimeContent of the course: The digital revolution changed almost every aspect of modern life. It changed the way people work, communicate, acquire goods and services as well as s...
- Data Management for Data AnalyticsAfter this course, students will be able to - understand the basics of conceptual data modeling in the Entity Relationship model and UML, and translating a natural language specifi...
- Data-driven artificial intelligenceIn the modern business landscape, the ability to extract valuable insights from vast volumes of data, whether structured or unstructured, is crucial for informed decision-making an...
- Data-driven methods for managing manufacturing processesDuring the course, the students will analyze and redesign a manufacturing operation, based on data from practice. The students will learn about methods that are available to guide...
- Decision making with artificial intelligenceIn modern businesses, the extraction of information from the data in the information systems has become a competitive advantage. The availability of large amounts of data of differ...
- Design for behavioral changeThis course aims to equip Master students with the knowledge and skills that pertain to the design of technologies that can help people change behaviours without coercion, manipula...
- Design for social innovationWithin this elective, students will engage with and study different ways of addressing contemporary societal challenges, and investigate how design can play a role in this. This co...
- Design for transport and logistics**This course will only be scheduled in timeslot B2.** The case can be based on the following topics: - Design of freight-based Logistics Networks o Network Optimization mo...
- Design of AI-driven business operationDuring the course, the students will analyze and redesign a business operation, based on data from practice. The students will learn about methods that are available to guide the r...
- Design of Learning Situations - advanced: 4C/ID-modelDeze cursus ‘Ontwerpen van Leersituaties’ gaat over *Instructional Systems Design* (ISD). Binnen ISD kunnen vijf fasen onderscheiden worden, namelijk de analyse-, ontwerp-, ontwikk...
- Design of Learning Situations - introductoryTijdens deze cursus maak je kennis met onderwijswetenschappelijk ontwerp- en ontwikkelwerk. Het ontwerpen van leermateriaal op basis van grondige onderwijswetenschappelijke analyse...
- Design of operations planning and control systems- positioning of decoupling points in the process flow - the specification of production units, operational characteristics of production units that. - control of capacity (regular...
- Design of service operationsOrganizations can gain a competitive advantage by improving and innovating their processes through a holistic process-oriented view. Business Process Management (BPM) discipline pr...
- Designing business processesThis elective is about the design of business processes from an industrial-engineering point of view. This course focuses on business processes before the product launch (inno...
- Designing effective performance management systemsPerformance management is a comprehensive systematic approach aimed at aligning the performance of groups and individuals with organizational goals and strategy and at achieving co...
- Designing with advanced artificial intelligenceThe course DBM180 explores the cutting-edge capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence for designing innovative systems and experiences. Students will gain a deep...
- Development of assessment and evaluation instruments for educationIn de cursus Assessment en Evaluatie staat de vraag centraal hoe je geschikte indicatoren voor pedagogische en psychologische kenmerken kunt bepalen, die in het onderwijs een rol k...
- Development, learning and behaviorWhy do children do what they do? How do they think? And how did they acquire these skills? The course *Development, Learning & Behavior* will focus on: 1. Physical development, inc...
- Developmental PsychopathologyWhen is it normal that a child is just being shy and when does it become a problem? When does “a problem” go from being part of normative emotional and behavioral development to pa...
- Diffusion MRI**Period (from – till** ): 09 December 2024 - 27 January 2025 (BMS_P2_A). This course can be followed together with AI for Medical Imaging BMB4708022, the schedules do not overlap....
- Digitalization and enterprise systems- Strategic importance of enterprise systems (and IT) as a resource in the era of digitalization: The strategic importance of the effective use of enterprise systems for digital tr...
- Digitalization and the Rule of Law***Digitalisering en de rechtsstaat*** In de voorbije decennia zijn we in steeds sneller tempo geëvolueerd naar een digitale informatiesamenleving. In bijna alle domeinen van...
- Dispute Resolution in a Historical and Contemporary PerspectiveThe topic of the course is – in a nutshell – the history of dispute resolution from a comparative perspective and contemporary socio-legal reflections on dispute resolution against...
- Diversity in Mental Health CareIn hoeverre houden we rekening met de context van een patiënt in de GGz, en in het bijzonder met factoren als gender, leeftijd, cultuur, sociaal economische status, levensbeschouwi...
- E-businessThe E-Business course addresses the business structure for electrionic business, as well as the related technology support of e-business. The focus is on inter-organizational busin...
- Economic policyIn the introductory part of the course, students gain knowledge about the basics of the formal micro economic theory, with special emphasis on the rationale for policy intervention...
- Economic policy in practice: social cost benefit analysis**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot C (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q3, Timeslot C (Cohort 2023)** This course provides students with practical insights into...
- Economics of innovation: IPR and competition law institutions**From academic year 2025-2026 this course is scheduled in Quartile 1, Timeslot D** The introduction course in the Economics of Innovation (0SV30) introduced the Innovation S...
- Economics of innovation: introductionThis course is an introduction to the economic understanding of innovation. It takes the perspective of the firm and deals with the economic incentives and economic consequences of...
- Education and Information Communication TechnologyApplications of 'Information and Communication Technology' (ICT) are evolving rapidly, and are finding their way into various educational settings. There is cause for both optimism...
- Educational PsychologyIn this course we study almost everything that is related to education and learning. How do we learn and remember information? Why do students differ in their proficiency? We look...
- Eerstejaars onderzoeksproject**Taal van het vak:** Het vak wordt in het Nederlands gegeven.
- Energy, economy and societyA reliable, affordable and clean energy supply is of major importance for society, economy and the environment – and will prove to be crucial in the 21st century. You, as future en...
- Engineering knowledge-intensive business processesThe course introduces students to Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiPs), which are business processes performed by knowledge workers who need to perform interconnected decision-maki...
- Entrepreneurial marketingHow do you sell an innovative product to a market that does not yet exist? Entrepreneurial businesses often create products and services based on radically new technology that have...
- Entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibilityThe course is divided into two parts. In the first part we clarify the hazard to which business ethics is a response and to identify the idea of conscience in relation to corporate...
- Environmental Ethics and Sustainable DevelopmentThe present-day political and economic systems are not sustainable and we are heading for global environmental disasters (ecocide). The notions ‘sustainability’, ‘development’ and...
- Environmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a legal instrument used to measure and manage the impacts of a proposed development on the environment and society. EIA was first implement...
- Environmental psychologyEnvironmental psychologists study the role of the environment in explaining human behavior and experience, investigating, for example, the effects of environmental characteristics...
- Essentials of Neuroscience - Online**Period (from – till):** Essentials of Neuroscience **Online** course: 4 November 2024 - 24 January 2025 (**BMS_P1_A** ). **Faculty** Ramakers, Adan, Burbach, Pasterkamp,...
- Ethics and the risk societyWe live in a world where we increasingly control and know about the risks imposed on ourselves and others, in technological development, global health, the economy and the environm...
- Ethics of technologyThe goal of this course is to develop competence in analyzing ethical questions related to the design and use of technology. Students will learn some established Western frameworks...
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the societal challenges we face, you will co-create solutions towards a sustainable future. The Col...
- Evolutionary computingEvolutionary algorithms are population-based, stochastic search algorithms based on the mechanisms of natural evolution. This course covers how to design representations and vari...
- Fields and Galois theoryHet college Lichamen en Galoistheorie (WISB224) is het tweede "echte" algebravak. Na Lineaire Algebra komt eerst Inleiding Groepen en Ringen (WISB124) en het derde algebravak is Gr...
- Financial decision making in and around technology venturesNew technology ventures and early-stage tech investors are faced with financial decision-making processes that are fundamentally different from those of conventional, established f...
- Foundations of European Union LawThe departments of European Law (EL) and Public Economic Law (PEL) offer an introductory course on the Law of the European Union (EU) to all students without any foreknowledge of E...
- Foundations of mathematicsHet vak Grondslagen van de Wiskunde is een keuzevak voor wiskundestudenten. Het vak is voorkennis voor studenten die zich verder willen specialiseren in logica. Zie voor meer infor...
- From industrial ecology to a circular economy: mass flow based conceptsIn this course we will focus on mass flows: natural mass flows (nutrient cycles, including the carbon cycle); flows through the industrial system (materials, processes, products) a...
- Fundamental Rights in Europe**Background and objectives** Protecting fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression, privacy and non-discrimination, is essential in democratic states governed by the rul...
- Fundamentals of Product Innovation for Premasters**Please note that if you need to follow this course as a homologation course, you can also follow 1ZP50H in Q4.** The course ‘Fundamentals of Product Innovation for premaste...
- Fundamentals of algorithmic programming for Operations Management- variables and types - operators and expressions - conditional statements, loops and functions - Data preparation and reporting - Integration with tools and libraries - Basic algo...
- Fundamentals of business information systemsModern organisations need business information systems to support their internal operations and their interactions with external parties (suppliers, customers, competitors, governm...
- Fundamentals of financial and management accountingThe following topics will be covered in the course: - Financial Accounting topics:Double entry bookkeepingBalance sheet and Income statementAccounting conventions. - Management Acc...
- Fundamentals of product innovationThe course ‘Fundamentals of Product Innovation’ is built around lectures and assignments. The lectures start by explaining the overall purpose and objectives of product innovation...
- Game theory with applications to operations managementDecision making by various entities can result in conflict or cooperation between these entities. Game theory deals with the mathematical modelling of these situations of conflict...
- Gender and International LawThe image of blindfolded Lady Justice is well-known. The blindfold indicates the impartiality of the law. Justice must be done regardless of class, power or identity. However, in e...
- Genome Bioinformatics**Entry requirements** Successful completion of the level 1 course ‘Genomica’ (or former course ‘Systemsbiology’) and participation in the level 2 course ‘Data science and biolo...
- Global Environmental ChangeThe primary drivers of global environmental change are demographic and economic pressures related to human activity. Area distributions designated to urbanization, agriculture and...
- Global sustainability and InnovationThe course Global Sustainability and Innovation deepens critical debates on sustainable development introduced in 0SV00. The course takes a global perspective, invenstigating...
- Health information systems**As from 2023-2024 scheduled in Quartile 2 timeslot D** The course provides an introduction to major information technology and information management functions within ou...
- Healthcare management and modelingIn controlling processes in healthcare we have to find a balance between patient demand en care supply. In this course we develop a framework for the planning of patient logistics,...
- History of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences**Period (from – till):** 28 April2025– 30 June2025(BMS_P4_A). There will be one live session each week on Mondays from 14:00 till 17:00 for 10 weeks. Additional self-study is exp...
- History of housing and cities80% of our built environment consists of housing; its quality has a major influence on the quality of the city. Furthermore, housing is one of the important lenses at the disposal...
- Human factorsIn this course, we will study how to design technological artifacts, systems, and environments in such a way that they support and enable the human brain to do what it does best. S...
- Human-AI InteractionArtificial intelligence (AI) has been introduced to many realms of human activity. AI already profoundly impacts our society, and will only increase in importance in the future. On...
- Human-robot interactionRobots interact with people in ever more profound ways as they are being used in domestic and public environments. These environments are typically unknown, dynamically changing an...
- I am Utrecht: An interdisciplinary community projectDeze cursus vindt plaats in periode 3 en 4! In deze cursus werk je aan een zelfgekozen project in een interdisciplinair team. In co-creatie werk je samen met partners aan een...
- ID Green – design perspectives on sustainabilitySustainability is one of the major topics of our age and the landscape of sustainability is huge, divers and complex. So, what is sustainability in the context of Industrial Design...
- ITEC-Ethics of technology and engineering**For this course, you must select a challenge. The description of the challenges can be found here:** [ITEC Quarter 4 – Choose your innovation](https://www.tue.nl/en/research/res...
- Image Processing**Period (from – till** ): 12 September 2024 - 31 January 2025 (BMS_P1_A) **Course coordinator** : Dr. Kenneth Gilhuijs **Faculty** Dr. Alexander Leemans, UMC Utrecht/Imagin...
- Image-Guided Therapeutic Ultrasound**Period (from – till** ): 4 February - 8 April 2025 (BMS_P3_A) Image-guided therapeutic ultrasound is an early-stage, non-invasive therapeutic technology with the potential t...
- Innovation and entrepreneurship studyKey aspects during this course are: - Interaction with a company: your goal is to tackle a company business challenge, make recommendation, and do your best to have an impact! This...
- Innovation camp: bootcamp for transformative approaches to energy, mobility and smart citiesCities around the world face numerous challenges. In particular, urban energy and mobility systems are under pressure due to the increasing resource depletion and climate change. T...
- Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processesThis course aims develop competences of future engineers by identifying solutions thanks to challenge-based entrepreneurship applied in a set of interdisciplinary student teams, wo...
- Innovation space project: innovation through art & designThis course will focus on the intersection between art & technology, and enables Challenge-Based Learning. You can choose from a variety of challenges brought in by professional...
- Integrated financial and operations managementThis course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge needed for comprehension of management models that integrate financial and operational decisions. Students will unde...
- Intellectual property rights for new venturesThis course is an introduction to intellectual property rights, e.g. patent law and, to a lesser extent, to copyright law and design rights law as legal areas of prime importance t...
- Inter-University Sustainability ChallengeAll over the world, we face similar challenges in the places where we live. These challenges are major: How can we develop living environments that are affordable to all, while pro...
- International Perspectives on EducationThis course focuses on studying education from an international perspective. We examine how global or international developments affect teaching and learning across continents and...
- International and European Labour LawInternational and European Labour Law are gaining importance due to the process of globalisation of the economy and the ongoing integration of Europe. Moreover the recognition of t...
- International development and sustainability (Master level)*(Please note that this course exists as a master level and bachelor level course. This is the description of the master level course. For the bachelor level course, please go to c...
- Interpersonal ProcessesInhoud van de cursus Een groot deel van ons dagelijks leven besteden we aan het vinden van een weg in tal van interpersoonlijke interacties, zoals contact met geliefden, vrienden,...
- Introduction Law, Innovation and TechnologyHet vak Inleiding Recht, Innovatie en Technologie vormt het startpunt van de minor Recht, Innovatie en Technologie. In het vak ontwikkelt de student de academische vaardigheden en...
- Introduction geometryAan de ene kant is meetkunde een van de oudste takken van wetenschap, die reeds in de Griekse Oudheid werd beoefend. Dit leidde tot een van de hoogtepunten van de menselijke kennis...
- Introduction psychology and technologyThe focus in this course is on the potential relevance for applications in the field of human-technology interaction and the psychology of technical innovation. The lectures in the...
- Introduction psychosocial development in context**Inhoud** Van oudsher is pedagogiek of opvoedkunde de studie van de manier waarop volwassenen (ouders, verzorgers, onderwijzers) kinderen en jeugdigen grootbrengen. In deze c...
- Introduction to Algebraic Varieties**Course Content** Systems of polynomial equations in many variables define algebraic varieties, which are the basic objects of study in algebraic geometry. In this course we i...
- Introduction to Biological ModelingThe modeling of real biological systems can aid greatly in the understanding of the behavior of such systems, and in predicting how they will behave under all kinds of circumstance...
- Introduction to Educational SciencesEr wordt wel eens gezegd dat Nederland 17 miljoen bondcoaches heeft. Soms krijg je ook wel eens het idee dat Nederland ook 17 miljoen onderwijsexperts heeft. Iedereen heeft immers...
- Introduction to Groups and RingsEen "groep" is de wiskundige formalisatie van het begrip "symmetrie" en een “ring” is een formalisatie van een structuur met optelling en vermenigvuldiging. In dit vak krijgt de st...
- Introduction to Programming using Matlab**Period (from - till):** 25 November - 11 December 2024 (BMS_P2_A). **Faculty** Mariana P. Branco, UMCU Brain Center , Department Neurosurgery and Neurology **Course...
- Introduction to Public International LawIntroduction to Public International Law’ is a general survey course, which provides an introduction to the basic principles and areas of application of public international law. T...
- Introduction to research methods and statistics (ISS, CA & SOC)Deze cursus is een inleidende cursus sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor gebruikers van wetenschappelijke literatuur. In deze cursus worden de drie hoofdvormen van sociaal-wete...
- Introduction to topologyHet doel van het vak Inleiding Topologie is dat de student vertrouwd raakt met de fundamentele begrippen van de topologie, met name open en gesloten verzamelingen, compactheid, sam...
- Landau theory and the statics and dynamics of phase transitionsThis course is part of the elective programme of the Applied Physics Masters Programme in the Graduate School (and is provided by the department of Applied Physics). The Land...
- Large-scale optimization for transport & mobilityThe lectures cover an overview of (meta-)heuristic solution techniques for solving large-scale optimization problems arising in transport and mobility. The course discusses constru...
- Law and EthicsIf we assume that law seeks to do justice, solutions to moral dilemmas and problems are founded in *ethical* *theories* of justice (rather than jurisprudence). These theories serve...
- Law and Human BiotechnologyDe afgelopen jaren heeft de medische biotechnologie een enorme toevlucht genomen. Sinds de geboorte van de Louise Brown, de eerste IVF-baby, in 1978 is de wereld geconfronteerd met...
- Leadership development and self-management in organizationsMajor topics covered: - Historical perspectives on leadership - Contemporary leadership frameworks - Leadership development strategies - Developing personal development plans - Str...
- Leadership of innovation and changeIn this course, students will develop a thorough understanding of how leadership and management practices impact human functioning and change processes in complex, fast-paced, and...
- Learning in Organisations: Interventions for learning and changeMensen met veranderkundige kennis zijn waardevol voor organisaties, of zij nu als extern adviseur of als medewerker bij een verandertraject zijn betrokken. Organisaties zijn immers...
- Learning in Organizations: Organizational ManagementSchool organisation: theory & adviceWaarom bestaan er eigenlijk organisaties? Waar mensen werken, wordt het werken georganiseerd. In de huidige maatschappij kennen we veel topmanagers, midden managers, office manager...
- Legal Philosophy: Legality and Legitimacy of Human RightsDeze cursus biedt een inleiding in de rechtsfilosofie aan de hand van mensenrechten. Centraal staan vragen zoals: Waar komen mensenrechten vandaan? Komen mensenrechten enkel aan me...
- Let's make humans better: enhancement, technology & transhumanismDaedalus famously designed wings so his son Icarus could fly, but Icarus ignored his father's warnings, flew to close to the sun, and fell to his death. Humans have long desired...
- Life Cycle AssessmentIn this course students get acquainted with the methods used to assess the environmental impact of products from a life cycle perspective. The central topic is Life Cycle Assessmen...
- Logical Argumentation in Science: Publishing, Proposals and Pitching**Period (from-till):** 7 February 2025 - 18 April 2025 (BMS_P3_A). **THIS COURSE IS CANCELLED!** **Faculty** Eric Kalkhoven, UMCU, CMM (50%), course coordinator Christ...
- Maintenance and service logisticsWe start with a brief overview of what is needed for managing the availability of advanced technical systems, and we discuss the perspectives of manufacturers and users of such sys...
- Management of human behavior in organizations (Non IE)General: This course is about the human factor in all types of organizations. The focus is on phenomena which are the result of psychological processes in organizations. This is of...
- Managing & organizing open innovationThis course will introduce open innovation as a model of collaborative innovation that assumes that knowledge for innovation is distributed, and organizations need to rely on knowl...
- Managing innovation processes: Agile, SCRUM, and other innovation toolsThe course *Management of Product Development* focuses on the challenges faced and decisions to be made when managing new product development processes as a member of a product dev...
- Managing sustainable technologyDrawing on insights from the field of sustainability transitions, innovation sciences and STS (Science and Technology) studies, Managing Sustainable Technology course introduces st...
- Managing sustainable technology challenges in practiceDuring this course, groups of students learn to practically operationalize insights and tools from the fields of Science and Technology Studies and Sustainability Transitions and a...
- Managing team dynamics and team performanceIn this course students will obtain deeper understanding of the relationship between team processes and team performance and how management can contribute to the optimalization of...
- Manufacturing technologyThis course is designed to equip students with an overview of a wide variety of manufacturing processes and systems. The fundamental principles of manufacturing processes will be d...
- Marketing and innovationIn the course, an NPD framework is used, highlighting customers' roles at different stages of the process. A blended learning approach (video lectures, oral lectures, videos, and c...
- Mass Atrocities, Human Rights and LawHow should a society deal with a history of serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law? Should those believed to be responsible for violations face crimi...
- Massively Parallel AlgorithmsIn this course students will learn parallel (more specific, MapReduce) algorithms for analyzing massive networks. MapReduce algorithms distribute the node and connection data of the...
- Master Course Genes to OrganismsHow life functions at the level of tissues and whole organisms, and how organisms respond and adapt to environmental conditions is the main topic of the Genes to Organisms track th...
- Master Level Computational BiologyDuring the course, the emphasis will be on composing and analysing exact models based on specific hypotheses. The results of the analyses offer an understanding of the original bio...
- Matlab for Neuroscience**Period (from - till):** 7 January - 30 January 2025 (BMS_P2_A) **Faculty** Mariana P. Branco, UMCU Brain Center, Department Neurosurgery and Neurology **Course desc...
- Medical Image Formation**Period (from – till** ): 9 September 2024 - 5 November 2024 (BMS_P1_A) **Course coordinator:** Dr.ir. Wilbert Bartels **Lecturers** Dr.ir. Wilbert Bartels, UMC Utrecht/...
- Methods and Techniques in Social NeuroscienceThis course offers an overview and covers the basic concepts and principles of the methods and techniques used in social neuroscientific research, which include electroencephalogra...
- Methods in Educational ResearchIn de cursus maak je kennis met onderzoeksmethoden en statistische technieken die in onderwijswetenschappelijk onderzoek vaak worden gebruikt. Aan de hand van onderwijswetenschappe...
- Microbial Genomics**Course description** Microbes (bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes, including fungi) are key members of our biosphere and are highly relevant for human life as mutualis...
- MicroeconomicsTheory of Consumer Choice - budget constraint - preferences - utility - choice - demand - price and income changes Firm behaviour - cost of production - cost curves - firm supply...
- Microscale modeling of heat storage materialsFor designing heat storage materials and devices, a good physical understanding of the phenomena is needed and proper (numerical) models are required. On the nano- and microscales...
- Modeling and analysis of manufacturing systemsIn this course, we treat quantitative models to design, control and optimize discrete manufacturing systems. In particular, we focus on analytical models and approximations to eval...
- Modules and representations**Vakinhoud** Het vak Modulen en Voorstellingen behandelt deze twee onderwerpen in de abstracte algebra. We beginnen met het introduceren van modulen, moduulhomomorfismen, vrije...
- Multi-echelon inventory management1. Basics of inventory management: Quantitative analysis of single item, single echelon models 2. Basics of supply chain management 3. Analysis of serial supply chains 4. Analysis...
- Multivariate statisticsAn important characteristic of business processes (think: marketing, sales, service, human resources, new product development, procurement) is that a single outcome is usually infl...
- Narratives in Law*Cursusdoel* In deze cursus leren studenten verhalende elementen in juridische teksten te herkennen en gaan studenten vervolgens in schrijfoefeningen zelf aan de slag met verschi...
- Nationalism and racialisationSee Dutch
- Network societyThis is a MSc level course on social network theory and analysis. Network analysis focuses on relationships between or among social entities (which can be individuals and/or organi...
- Neuroscience of Social Behavior and Emotional DisordersIn social behavior there is a thin line between sanity and insanity. In order to function healthily within our complex society social behavior should be fluid, ever-changing and hi...
- New product marketingMarketing environment, consumer behavior, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, product, price, promotion, place.
- OGO qualitative methods for observation, analysis and reportingFocus is on qualitative data as can be obtained from observation of behaviour in naturalistic and laboratory settings. After some theory introduction, students in small groups will...
- Organisational behaviour for industrial engineering**In 2024-2025 this course is scheduled 2 times Q1 Timeslot B (Cohort ≤ 2022) and Q2, Timeslot E (Cohort 2023)** Major topics covered: - Top-down and bottom up job design - W...
- Pedagogical Development of Pediatric Practices, Research and PolicyIn het kader van pedagogische praktijkontwikkeling bestaat er expliciete aandacht voor kwaliteitszorg en de ontwikkeling en implementatie van interventieprogramma’s en method...
- Pedagogy and Society. A socio-historical and socio-cultural perspective on child development and child raising.In deze cursus plaats je opvoeding in een breder maatschappelijk kader door vanuit verschillende invalshoeken te leren begrijpen hoe opvoedingspraktijken zich door de tijd heen ont...
- Performance enhancementMore than ever, companies rely on excellent performance to survive and thrive in their industries. Hence, what do high performing individuals, teams, and organizations do different...
- Perspectives on Law*Inleiding* Het onderscheid tussen de verschillende rechtsgebieden – privaatrecht (verbintenissenrecht en goederenrecht) en publiekrecht (staats- en bestuursrecht, strafrecht en...
- Perspectives on medical technologyMedical technologies are pervasive in healthcare. Both inside and outside the clinical setting, state-of-the-art technology offers treatment options, research insights, and opportu...
- Philosophy & History of Educational SciencesIn het vak Wetenschapsfilosofie en Geschiedenis van het onderwijs en van de Onderwijswetenschappen leer je de wetenschappelijke, theoretische en historische achtergrond van de soci...
- Philosophy and ethics of AIThis course introduces philosophical and ethical issues in artificial intelligence, and provides basic training in philosophical analysis and ethical evaluation. Theoretical i...
- Philosophy of Science and EthicsWhen analyzing an elephant with only a microscope, you won’t easily grasp the big picture. That is the risk of scientific specialization. This course is about zooming out, lookin...
- Philosophy of science and technologyScience and technology are amazing phenomena, which have (had) an enormous impact on our lives, but, what exactly is so special about them? In this course, we analyse the various a...
- Planetary Health**Inhoud:** Our health is affected by the environment we live in. By our social and community networks, our living and working conditions, the society we are part of, the cou...
- Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans and Non-HumansThis course will examine the relation between human and non-human worlds as an enduring question in anthropology. We will explore diverse ideas relating to the themes of “nature”,...
- Political anthropology: power, politics and the stateSee Dutch
- Power and Leadership**Introductie Macht & Leiderschap** In elke organisatie, vereniging of club is leiderschap nodig om gezamenlijke doelen t...
- Practicum Experimental PsychologyIn deze cursus leert de student vaardigheden om zelfstandig experimenten te bouwen en onderzoeksdata te verwerken met behulp van een geavanceerde vector-programmeertaal (Python) en...
- Principles of Intellectual PropertyIn onze informatiesamenleving is het belang van intellectuele eigendomsrechten alleen maar toegenomen. De elkaar snel opvolgende technologische ontwikkelingen stellen het intellect...
- Privacy and Data ProtectionWe leven in een informatiemaatschappij. *Big tech* bedrijven, zoals Facebook en Google, draaien op *big data*, maar ook voor de overheid en andere organisaties is het verwerken van...
- Private Law in Perspective: Labour LawIn Nederland zijn de meeste werkzame personen van de beroepsbevolking werkzaam in privaatrechtelijke dienstbetrekking op basis van een arbeidsovereenkomst. Voor veel mensen is dit...
- Probability theoryHet vak is een eerste kennismaking met de kansrekening en statistiek. Het vak is verplicht voor alle wiskundestudenten en geeft essentiële voorkennis voor veel van de vakken in de...
- Process AlgebraThe following topics will be addressed in every installment of the course: semantic models of behaviour; sequential composition, parallel composition, abstraction, recursion; s...
- Production and inventory control (non IE)Functional classifications of inventories, forecasting methods, deterministic inventory models, stochastic inventory models, framework for production planning, aggregate production...
- Programming for Medical Imaging**Period (from – till** ): 13 September - 08 November 2024 (BMS_P1_A) **Course coordinator** : Dr. K.L. Vincken **Faculty** Dr. K.L. Vincken, UMC Utrecht/Imaging Division, l...
- Project and process managementThis is a highly quantitative course where students are expected to have a firm knowledge of linear programming and simulation. In this course, we deal with a variety of non-repeti...
- Project managementPlanning work activities, costs and budgets, activity scheduling (PERT/CPM), resource allocation, and project execution (information requirements and control).
- Proof techniques for IEProof techniques: - What is a theorem or lemma? - How to formulate a theorem or lemma? - What is a proof? - Why do we prove? - What do we prove? - How do we prove? - Direct proof -...
- Proofs in MathematicsIn het vak Bewijzen in de Wiskunde maakt de student kennis met de abstracte redeneerstijl in de wiskunde en oefent met verschillende bewijsmethoden. Dit vak is een verplicht vak vo...
- Protein engineeringIn this course important methods and techniques (both molecular-biological and chemical) will be discussed that can be used to develop new proteins with new and biomedically attrac...
- Proving with Computer Assistance### Please note that the the lecture is not completely in slot A. The lectures are scheduled on Thursdays hours 3+4 and 5+6 - Type systems, especially simply typed, dependently typ...
- Psychology and Economic BehaviourPeople buy and consume products, they gamble, they negotiate, and save money for their children. All these behaviours are examples of economic decisions that are governed by psycho...
- Psychology of light and timeLight, darkness and color have a profound impact on biological and psychological processes, far beyond ergonomics and performance on visual tasks. Whereas aspects of visual perform...
- Quality and reliability engineeringQuality and reliability engineering is becoming increasingly important because of the intense global competition and higher customer expectations. Manufacturers have to develop pro...
- Quantitative modeling and analysis of business processesIn this course students learn - How to construct a descriptive model (input variables, output variables) - How to create a prescriptive model (objective function, decision variable...
- Quantum nano wereldIn dit vak worden de basisprincipes van de kwantummechanica behandeld en hoe deze worden gebruikt in de nanotechnologie om de eigenschappen van materialen te sturen. Aan bod komen...
- Radiotherapy Physics**Period (from – till** ): 5 February - 9 April 2025 (BMS_P3_A) **Course coordinator** : Dr. B. van Asselen **Faculty** Dr C.P.J. Raaijmakers, UMC Utrecht/Imaging Division,...
- Regulating Big TechThe course Regulating Big Tech deals with the regulation of big technology corporations, such as the famous internet companies Google and Facebook. This course takes big tech compa...
- Regulating the European Union's Single MarketThe main objective of this course is to study the law of the EU Single Market within a changed Treaty context. This course enables the student to gain insight in the interaction be...
- Religion, media and popular cultureFor a long time, scholars understood religion as a phenomenon that was successfully relegated to the private spheres of life. Modern thinkers envisioned secularization as a gradual...
- Research Seminar in Social NeuroscienceThe course will basically focus on a number of key themes, which can change each year. Within each theme, the students will work on literature assignments and assignments preparing...
- Research methodsThe course is aimed at Master level students who want to conduct operations management research. Students will develop an understanding of the various methods that can be used in o...
- Retail operationsWe will mainly focus on food and general merchandise (e.g. fashion) retailers. The following topics will be covered: - Introduction to the world of retailing: the Dutch environment...
- Revenue Management and Pricing AnalyticsWe first provide a general overview of the field ofrevenue management and pricing (PRO Chapter 1 and 2, TVR Chapter 1). We then proceed with three parts: *Quantity-based revenue ma...
- Robust decision makingWe are living in a world with lots of uncertainties. Weather conditions, prices, and traffic jams are only a few uncertainties that we are encountering in our daily life. Societal...
- Self-regulationYou absolutely enjoy delicious food but you also absolutely want a slim figure? You want to quit smoking, you know all the disadvantages of this bad habit, and still, you cannot ge...
- Sensation and Perception**Summary** Perceptual psychology is the oldest and most highly developed field of psychological research. As people constantly interact with the outside world via their senses, ev...
- Servitization and Customer ExperienceServices dominate most developed economies, representing approximately 75% of the labor force and gross domestic product. Yet traditionally, many management, marketing, and enginee...
- Signals and systemsThe course Signals and Systems covers the basics of signal and system analysis, adapted to the knowledge and demands of engineers, and includes the mathematical skills for handling...
- Smart healthy urban environmentsCities are booming and constitute the heart of economic and cultural developments. At the same time, cities face complex challenges, such as growing inequality, higher levels of ai...
- Social and environmental psychologySocial and environmental psychology study how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or the implied presence of others as well as t...
- Social innovation and sustainable employabilityThe Bachelor Course Social Innovation and Sustainable Employability, abbreviated SISE, provides an appealing study of contemporary debates on themes such as social innovation and s...
- Social media & life online. Citizens, consumers & the designed online worldHow is our “Life Online” influencing our ‘real-world’ behavior? To what extent are our well-being and our actions shaped by the apps and media that we use? And what does this imply...
- Social robotsThis course first describes the emergence of the vision that social robots will be broadly deployed in our society. Then we identify some key technical characteristics of social ro...
- Socialization of children and adolescents*Pedagogische Systemen in de Kindertijd en Adolescentie* is een** theoretische cursus** die studenten een overzicht geeft van de huidige wetenschappelijke opvattingen over **socia...
- Sociology & social network analysisThis course extends insights of earlier courses, such as ‘Introduction Psychology & Technology’ in the sense that it takes in a broader societal perspective: we examine how the bro...
- Solar cellsProperties of light, properties of (inorganic and polymer) semiconductors , properties of a p-n junction. Principles of photovoltaic energy conversion discussed with the case stu...
- Statistics for Sustainable InnovationThe first part of the course focuses on probability theory: - Sample space, events, probability, axioms. - Probability rules, conditional probability, independence, Bayes' theorem,...
- Stochastic modeling in inventory and production controlStudents from other TU/e bachelors than Industrial Engineering lack basic knowledge about topics such as production and inventory control and the theory of probability and stochast...
- Structural Bioinformatics & Modelling**Description of content** Computational structural biology is a mature field of research whose contribution to life sciences is becoming increasingly more appreciated. The aim...
- Supercrunchers: the human in an era of data scienceMore and more data about people and organizations are being collected and present-day computing power also allows such data to be analyzed and used for analytic and predictive purp...
- Sustainabililty in Global perspective; about the role of science in social changeDe uitdagingen waar we wereldwijd mee geconfronteerd worden zijn gigantisch: klimaatverandering, biodiversiteitsverlies, en eindige hulpbronnen. Daarnaast bestaat er een grote onge...
- Sustainability assessment for decision making**Last year course is taught: 2023/2024 Last examination year: 2024/2025 The course was last taught last academic year 2023/2024 and this year (2024/2025) this course is being...
- Sustainability perspectives on product innovationThe course “Sustainability Perspectives on Product Innovation” will be taught via a blend of (theory and guest) lectures, assignments, tutorials and self-study. Topics that will be...
- Sustainability transitions and responsible innovationContemporary societies face persistent problems - such as climate change, plastic pollution and biodiversity loss - that require transformations in how human needs for mobility, en...
- Sustainable DevelopmentCentraal staat het begrip ‘duurzame ontwikkeling’ dat internationaal als leidraad voor toekomstig handelen is geaccepteerd. Dit begrip omvat zowel een analyse van, als een beleid v...
- Sustainable Energy SourcesThe course treats relevant aspects of sustainable energy systems and consists of 2 parts: **PART A** : General concepts, principles and methods: The course concentrates o...
- Sustainable buildings/physical aspects of building materialsThe sustainable building module addresses the integral sustainability of buildings, construction materials and products. This is done by considering the raw materials, way of produ...
- Sustainable development - introductionThis course introduces students to the concept of 'sustainable development' in a global context. Over the last four to five decades, this concept has become increasingly visible in...
- Sustainable development in a global contextThis course introduces students to the concept of 'sustainable development' in a global context. Over the last four to five decades, this concept has become increasingly visible in...
- Sustainable supply chainsWe cover topics such as energy and climate, life cycle assessment, scarcity of resources, business implications of sustainability, closed-loop supply chains, carbon allocation and...
- Sustainable technology in society: introductionWe live in a technological world. In our everyday life we use technologies all the time when we cook, communicate and travel. Businesses cannot operate without technologies. Govern...
- System dynamicsWhy is achieving innovation so difficult? Why do many efforts to produce impactful and lasting results fail? Why is building sustainable organizational capabilities for achieving i...
- Technology entrepreneurshipThroughout this course, you will learn to apply flexible and adaptive approaches towards decision making in new business development along with more familiar planning and predictio...
- Technology forecasting**(Warning: this is a challenge-based course. Students are expected to work independently, and proactively, on an open-ended problem.)** The development of a new technology i...
- The Da Vinci ProgrammeSustainable development and the strive to make our economies circular are grand challenges the world faces. These can only be solved via an interwoven collaboration of society, sci...
- The Da Vinci Programme Short TrackSustainable development and the strive to make our economies circular are grand challenges the world faces. These can only be solved via an interwoven collaboration of society, sci...
- The Law of International OrganizationsInternational organizations impact our lives in more significant ways than we often realize. But how do they work? How can member states control the decision-making of such interna...
- The Voice of YouthIn the course the Voice of Youth you learn about issues like the rights of young people, the social and political engagement of youth, and youth participation. Children grow up in...
- The quantified self in healthHealth problems and the accompanying costs (healthcare, social, economic) are an ever increasing problem. The extremely high demands on the current care system ask for a new approa...
- Thermal energy storage and demand**Part A Technology** - Energy storage in general: why and when needed; different types; general principles, analogies between thermal and electrical energy storage - Heat storage...
- Thinking and decidingBy means of the literature and lectures, students will be introduced into these two interdisciplinary fields: - Cognitive science: How do people perceive and understand the world,...
- Topological Data AnalysisTopological data analysis is an approach to the analysis of datasets using techniques from topology. One of the key messages around topological data analysis is that data has shape...
- Topology and geometryThis course is optional for mathematics students. The course is recommended to students interested in pure mathematics, particularly those interested in Algebraic Topology, Algebra...
- Toy Models in Science and Technology**NOTE: TU/e students can do a 5 ECTS version and WUR students a 6 ECTS version. The course will take place on location at Utrecht University and is scheduled for the Friday afte...
- Train the Trainer Coaching and TrainingGaining experience as a trainer is important when you want to develop yourself professionally in the training business. This train the trainer course offers the possibility to lear...
- Transport and distributionIn this course, we cover both the transportation business and the optimization of its operations. We study transport decision-making on all three levels of the decision hierarchy (...
- Transport in porous mediaAfter having first introduced the basic concepts, we will consider a number of themes based on articles: moisture and ion transport in porous media, water/oil transport, fire beh...
- Understanding Drugs**Description of content** During this course we will try to achieve the starting level for the Drug Innovation master’s programme with a focus on small molecule drugs. We will...
- Urban planetThis class provides a high-intensity introduction to the history and theory of global urbanisation. Drawing from an interdisciplinary literature ranging from planning and urban the...
- Urban trends and strategiesScience of cities - City fundamentals - Evolution of cities - Cities, states and global networks - Economic geography of cities - Regional housing and labor markets - Political sci...
- User experience design (design track A)The course aims to provide the theoretical background on human experiences mediated by interactive technologies as well as practical, hands-on experience with designing and assessi...
- Vascularized Tissue Engineering- **Period (from – till):** 3 February - 07 April 2025 - **Note: this is an online course stretching over 10 weeks with a study load of approximately 9-10 hours per week.** **Pleas...
- Warehouse operations managementMany large and smaller firms see warehousing as a core business. Based on its location in Europe and expertise of its logistic service providers, the Netherlands is a major site fo...
- Work PsychologyArbeidspsychologie is het onderdeel van de Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie dat zich richt op het ontwerpen van arbeidstaken en de omstandigheden waaronder deze taken worden uitg...